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Bleeding question (TMI, sorry)..update

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Can't believe I'm 2

Member since 12/07

1260 total posts


Bleeding question (TMI, sorry)..update

I had my son 7 weeks ago, the bleeding from after the birth stopped on monday. On Wednesday, it started again only REALLY heavy and bright red. I was thinking maybe its AF, however I'm EFB, so it would be "strange" to get it so soon. However, I'm forced to change pads every 3-4 hours because they are saturated. The bleeding is not like my normal periods. Since this is my first child I don't know if this is somethng I should be concerned about, or could it just be my period and its different because of the birth.
I don't know if this matters but I had a c-section. If anyone has any advice I'd greatly appreciate it.

ETA: I went to the doctor and they have me going for bloodwork and have to monitor me. They may have to give me a hormone to the stop the bleeding.

Message edited 1/24/2008 8:16:41 PM.

Posted 1/24/08 4:45 AM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: Bleeding question (TMI, sorry)

My doc said I could bleed on and off for 8 weeks after having my son. I bled for five and then had a week off and AF came. However I never bled as much as your describing. I would call your doc. Chat Icon

Posted 1/24/08 8:40 AM

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