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Blood results back... progesterone levels ?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/08

574 total posts


Blood results back... progesterone levels ?

So my doc ordered me to get a progesterone level on CD 22 or 23 - i went Tuesday - which was 6 dpo... I went tonight for my annual pap (fun) and we talked about the results - they came back 12.4. The doct said its borderline - 15 is the low normal and he said the infertility docs see patients who are lower than 20.

He was also saying that the levels mean the uterine lining is not as thick as it could be and that means that implantation may not occur and if it does occur it may not stick.. but he was just telling me EVERYTHING I guess.

He said things could still be fine and that it doesn't mean that I won't get pregnant this cycle.. but still...I'm worried

He said that if I dont get pregnant this month that he would send me to a specialist - I am assuming that would be an RE right?

Any thoughts? Anyone have a similar situation?


Message edited 10/15/2009 7:41:17 PM.

Posted 10/15/09 7:40 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/09

828 total posts


Re: Blood results back... progesterone levels ?

I heard progesterone in a non-pregnant patient is 8 to 10, but can be as high as 20. In a pregnancy, it should be greater than 10 to 12 to have a better chance of a good pregnancy outcome, but in general, they like to see 16 or over.

I had very VERY low progesterone levels when I MC. My question is: was the level low b/c of the MC or did the low level cause the MC? I am going to ask my doctor at the followup.

The more I read about the progesterone levels, the more confused I am. Everyone has different numbers they consider normal. I'm also wondering if it varies by lab.

Posted 10/15/09 8:49 PM

Sweet cheeks

Member since 4/09

1696 total posts


Re: Blood results back... progesterone levels ?

I had a prog of 12 in my very early pregnancy (got pregnant on my own). I took suppositories from 5 weeks until about 11 weeks and now I'm at 16 weeks with everything going well (knock on wood).

Posted 10/15/09 10:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

3923 total posts


Re: Blood results back... progesterone levels ?

In July I went for progesterone testing because I was having a short LP. At 6 dpo my progesterone was 7. I had seen the nurse practitioner in my practice, and she was ready to send me to an RE. It turned out I was pregnant that cycle, and my doctor prescribed progesterone.

I ended up miscarrying. When I talked to the doctor afterwards, I mentioned what the NP had said about seeing an RE. He told me it wasn't necessary to see an RE yet, and he prescribed progesterone suppositories which I am starting this cycle. I wonder if your doc would prescribe the progesterone himself?

Posted 10/15/09 10:17 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/08

574 total posts


Re: Blood results back... progesterone levels ?

The doc was talking Clomid and stuff.. but he said he wouldn't want to prescribe anything like that until I go see the specialist to get counts (I am assuming that means more levels lol)

I appreciate the responses. They really do help.

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Posted 10/16/09 1:31 PM

2 Girls and 1 Boy!

Member since 7/07

3504 total posts


Re: Blood results back... progesterone levels ?

The month before I fot my BFP I went for CD 21 bloodwork to make sure I have O'd and my progesterone was 6. The doctor told me that as long as it was over 4 or 5 it was an indication of ovulation. I thought it was low and she told me not to worry because I wasn't pregnant at the time. On to the next cycle and I conceived. Had no bloodwork done until my 7 week appointment. A week and a half later I got a call from the Dr's office and was told my progesterone was 8. It is suppossed to be over 15 when pregnant. I was immediately put on progesterone suppositories until 12 weeks. I am now 19 weeks pregnant with a very healthy baby boy growing inside me.

Posted 10/16/09 6:06 PM

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