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Whatcha gonna do?

Forum Opinion Poll
Shortly after birth... 96 87.27%
Early Childhood.. 2 1.82%
Teenager.. 1 0.91%
Let them choose when... 5 4.55%
Dedicate them but not baptism them.. 4 3.64%
Other (please explain) 2 1.82%

Bored.. Poll.. Baptism

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Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: Bored.. Poll.. Baptism

DD was baptised at 7.5 mths old.

Posted 3/12/08 1:33 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/08

381 total posts


Re: Bored.. Poll.. Baptism

this has been a very interesting thread.. i enjoy reading about other people's beliefs..

we'll be having our baby dedicated at 3 months. so november.. it's not a baptism, that is something that they will decide to do when they get older and have attended church with us and make the decision to accept our Saviour as theirs.

Posted 3/12/08 1:41 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: Bored.. Poll.. Baptism

As a Catholic, I am raising my son Catholic. As someone mentioned, the purpose of baptism is to cleanse original sin. If I am raising him as a Catholic, he would receive 2 other sacraments before Confirmation, which he wouldn't be able to receive if he isn't baptized.

I agree with Preguntas that if he decides as a young adult that he doesn't want to be confirmed, I am OK with that and it will be his decision. For now, I am following the traditions of my faith and he can make his own choices when he is old enough.

Posted 3/12/08 1:51 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Bored.. Poll.. Baptism

DH and I are both 'Catholic on paper'. we don't agree with a good portion of the political stances the church has made... However, we do view Catholicism as a major part of our culture/background. We got married in the church, and intend to raise our kids Catholic. If they decide to dissociate themselves from the belief system when they are teens/adults, we wouldn't hold them back.... but we likely WOULD be a bit disappointed if they decided to adopt a different religion, since that would change the holidays/traditions our families have followed for hundreds of years.

Crumb will be baptized on time (as a baby, probably under 4 months old).

Posted 3/12/08 2:05 PM

Momma's Boy & Lovin' it!!

Member since 5/06

2579 total posts


Re: Bored.. Poll.. Baptism

Posted by SIBride06

I as well as DH was born & raised Catholic. We plan on baptising our baby shortly after birth, and will strive to raise him the way we were raised.

Same here!
I just went yesterday and met with the priest, it is the church I made my confirmation, communion, and was married in so it is very special to me...I am setting it up early, she will be 2 months old but my brother is the Godfather and can only come in in August so I am starting the Christening process early

Posted 3/12/08 5:37 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05

16555 total posts

I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Bored.. Poll.. Baptism

We are baptising DD in April, she will be 7 months old. Yes, that is late and I know that we should have done it sooner. Honeslty, things just don't always work out the way you plan them, I think most preggos here know that.

But, imo, she will still be baptisied. The timing of it is just out of my hands.

Posted 3/12/08 6:09 PM

So very blessed!! Thank u !!

Member since 8/06

6524 total posts


Re: Bored.. Poll.. Baptism

DH and I are both he will be baptized as soon as we get our act together....after Chat Icon gets here! According to my mom ...I'm not allowed to take him out of the house until he is baptized....Hello you old school Italian lady!!Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/08 6:19 PM

family is all that matters

Member since 6/06

6513 total posts


Re: Bored.. Poll.. Baptism

we are catholic. if it were solely up to me, DS would not be baptised. i do not believe that babies are born with any sin, let alone original sin, to be cleansed of. i also don't believe that an innocent baby wouldn't go to heaven if they aren't baptised. so to me, i would let my child decide his own religion when he's a young adult/grown adult.

with that being said, the catholic religion is very important to DH so i'm totally letting him raise DS catholic. he will be baptised around 4 months, make his communion and confirmation in the catholic church. and if one day he decides to convert, so be it.

Posted 3/12/08 7:48 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Bored.. Poll.. Baptism

Posted by Preguntas

I will have him baptised, and make his communion, and go to religion class. I think that exposing him to the one religion I know anything about is how he will make his educated decision on whether or not to be confirmed.

eta- I would totally support his curiosity on other religions, as well- no matter what his age is.

I agree with you 100%. Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/08 10:17 PM


Member since 7/06

2969 total posts


Re: Bored.. Poll.. Baptism

Yes, we will baptize ourChat Icon a couple months after birth.

Posted 3/13/08 12:42 AM
Pages: 1 [2]

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