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Girls just want to have fun..
Member since 5/12 7482 total posts
Name: Mama
boy mamas, come in...
did you have morning sickness when you were pregnant with your boy?
I was talking to someone and they said that only with their daughters did they have ms, not with their son. Just curious. I have 2 girls and I had with both.
Posted 2/24/15 7:55 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Lil Prince is here
Member since 8/11 6338 total posts
Name: Theresa
boy mamas, come in...
I actually didn't have MS really until this pregnancy. I never had it with my oldest(DD), or my DS, or with my 17month old DD. I had a week I was sick with some type of stomach bug around 17 weeks but that was it(youngest DD). This pregnancy has been bad and I don't know the sex. It's also has been different from my others and I'm carrying different so we shall see.
Posted 2/24/15 8:17 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 6/11 847 total posts
Re: boy mamas, come in...
I have a girl and a boy and didn't have ms with either
Posted 2/24/15 8:19 AM |
For mom i miss u ETC ILOVEU
Member since 3/07 13921 total posts
boy mamas, come in...
Had ms with my boy and girl. In fact the ms with my boy was worse. I lost about 10 lbs my first trimester due to lack of appetite and awful nausea.
Message edited 2/24/2015 8:29:52 AM.
Posted 2/24/15 8:29 AM |
Girls just want to have fun..
Member since 5/12 7482 total posts
Name: Mama
boy mamas, come in...
ah ok, interesting. Thanks!
Posted 2/24/15 8:32 AM |
Love to Bake!
Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: boy mamas, come in...
I didn't have ANY morning sickness both times I was pregnant, I have a DS and a DD.
As an aside, my pregnancies were IDENTICAL to one another. I swore I was having another girl because EVERYTHING, even down to their HB's, was the exact same. I was SHOCKED to hear we were having a .
Posted 2/24/15 8:44 AM |
boy mamas, come in...
No morning sickness with my ds
Posted 2/24/15 8:45 AM |
Mommy of 2!!!
Member since 5/08 2083 total posts
Name: Stephanie
boy mamas, come in...
I have one of each and didn't get ms with either of them.
Posted 2/24/15 8:46 AM |
life is good
Member since 5/05 2013 total posts
Name: L
Re: boy mamas, come in...
I have one son and and pregnant with another. Never had MS.
Posted 2/24/15 8:56 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/11 4798 total posts
Name: Pomegranate5
Re: boy mamas, come in...
My pregnancies were exactly the same regardless of gender.
Posted 2/24/15 9:02 AM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!
Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
boy mamas, come in...
Yes I was very sick!!!!!
Posted 2/24/15 9:07 AM |
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: boy mamas, come in...
Except for slight queasiness in the very beginning but nothing too horrible, I didn't have MS with DS and same with this pregnancy but I am having a girl this time
Posted 2/24/15 9:19 AM |
Member since 2/08 8081 total posts
Re: boy mamas, come in...
I had morning, noon, and night sickness with my son
Posted 2/24/15 9:23 AM |
Brotherly love
Member since 12/07 1816 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: boy mamas, come in...
I had morning sickness with both of my sons. It was worse with my second pregnancy.
Luckily, it went away around 11 weeks both times.
Posted 2/24/15 9:26 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/09 915 total posts
Name: Erica
boy mamas, come in...
yes for 8 months... horrible... truly horrible
Posted 2/24/15 9:28 AM |
My loves
Member since 2/11 2131 total posts
Name: A
boy mamas, come in...
I had 2 opposite pregnancies- ms for #1 until 10weeks or so. Nothing after. Ms throughout with #2. I don't think a day went by where I didn't say, "I feel so sick." Didn't throw up with either. Both boys!
Posted 2/24/15 9:32 AM |
Member since 3/09 7721 total posts
Re: boy mamas, come in...
Yes. More than with my girl.
Posted 2/24/15 9:32 AM |
He is my world!
Member since 6/12 3009 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: boy mamas, come in...
No morning sickness.
Posted 2/24/15 9:33 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
boy mamas, come in...
I'm 36 weeks now with a boy and no MS at all. I don't really believe any of these old wives tales. I think everyone and every pregnancy is just different.
Posted 2/24/15 9:36 AM |
Only God knows His plan for us
Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
boy mamas, come in...
Yup! Threw up probably once a morning until about 14/15 weeks, then a few more times after big meals....
Posted 2/24/15 9:37 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/12 2637 total posts
Re: boy mamas, come in...
I threw up maybe 3 times, was nauseous a few days but thats about it.
Posted 2/24/15 9:40 AM |
Member since 11/13 2868 total posts
boy mamas, come in...
Nope, not at all.
Posted 2/24/15 9:52 AM |
You're My Home <3
Member since 11/06 14815 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: boy mamas, come in...
I had MS with my son -- I never actually threw up, just felt like I was going to on/off throughout my first trimester. Then it went away.
Posted 2/24/15 10:06 AM |
My Loves :)
Member since 1/09 4980 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: boy mamas, come in...
I have 2 girls and had terrible morning sickness with them both. I'm 32wk PG now with a boy and unfortunately I had the same terrible MS with him too
Posted 2/24/15 10:32 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/13 1280 total posts
Re: boy mamas, come in...
Yes. So very sick with both, I gained 15 lbs total each pregnancy.
Posted 2/24/15 10:55 AM |
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