Braxton Hicks & Labor Contractions
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05 692 total posts
Name: S
Braxton Hicks & Labor Contractions
ladies, i have done a bit of research and they don't explain how they feel and stuff on a personal level. if you could make me understand this -- you're a miracle worker! TIA!
1) Braxton Hix & Labor Contraction: How do you differentiate the pain between the two? what do they feel like? where do you feel them?
2) why does braxton hicks occur?
3) when did Braxton Hicks start for you? (which week)
Posted 1/31/07 11:39 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Braxton Hicks & Labor Contractions
1) Braxton Hix & Labor Contraction: How do you differentiate the pain between the two? what do they feel like? where do you feel them?
I knew it was labor when the pain started to radiate in my back and then across my belly. It almost took my breathe away for 30-60 sec. BH was really just tightness in my belly.
2) why does braxton hicks occur?
They say it's to prepare the uterus for labor.
3) when did Braxton Hicks start for you? (which week)
With DS around 27/28 weeks This time around 24 weeks
Message edited 1/31/2007 11:46:53 AM.
Posted 1/31/07 11:46 AM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Braxton Hicks & Labor Contractions
You will definitely know the difference. There is no mistaking labor for what it is. Braxton hicks tend to feel like period cramps. Real labor contractions will radiate through your entire midsection and sometimes into the back. They will be or become regular. Braxton hicks can start anytime during the 2nd or 3rd trimester.
Posted 1/31/07 11:47 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05 692 total posts
Name: S
Re: Braxton Hicks & Labor Contractions
thank you gals for your input! this will certainly help when the time comes!
Posted 1/31/07 11:57 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Braxton Hicks & Labor Contractions
I started with BH at 18 weeks with DD, it felt like a little tightening, that didn't hurt at all and were just in my tummy area.
I also had preterm contractions that started at 25-26 weeks, those were way more painful than BH, but no where near what labor contractions feel like.
Real labor felt like af cramps times 150, they really make you stop what you doing and go OUCH! They go from your back to front, top to bottom, bottom to top. They are painful and your belly feels rock hard.
I didn't believe it when people said it to me, but when you are having real contractions, you def know it!
Posted 1/31/07 12:12 PM |
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