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Breast Augmentation

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Member since 5/05

2536 total posts


Breast Augmentation

Please share your recovery tips and stories or FM me. I'm getting it done in less then a week!!

Posted 3/8/08 9:23 AM


Member since 6/06

2987 total posts


Re: Breast Augmentation

I got my breast aug. July of 06'. I did 322cc silicone gel implants. My appointment was scheduled for 8am on a friday morning. I got there early as requested. They brought me into the surgery room on time. My mother took me. I was VERY VERY nervous. I remember being in the bathroom changing into a gown and my whole body was shaking. Layed me down on the table anesthiesologist came in and hooked me up to the meds, and tears were coming out of my eyes because I was so scared. The told me to start counting down from 10 I remember saying 8 and that's it. I think the surgery was only like an hour maybe don't remember have to ask my mom on that one. But I woke up maybe two hours after the surgery. Groggy as hell because they give you a crap load of happy meds. The nurse and my mom walked me to the car and I threw up just clear liquid from the anesthia.

Now the degree of soreness and pain depend on how much someone works out. I didn't believe this at first one of my gf's said to stop working out a month before so my muscsles wouldn't be so tight. I didn't I worked out everday as usual up until the day before, and I was in a good amount of pain, very sore limited arm movement, my stomoach muscles hurt as well. Now a couple of other gf's who have are tiny like me, who don't workout, and aren't toned and tight, got the surgery and they were in alot less pain had full arm movement and they had no pain in my stomach muscles.

I went back to the gym a month later, and I could just walk on the treadmill and that hurt. Two months I was back to my regular routine. I think at about 4 months I was able to sleep on my stomach again. Now my chest is so soft and natural feeling. Best thing I ever did for myself. I had posted before and after pictures awhile ago I will fm you some when I get an extra minute. Good Luck keep me posted!!!

Message edited 3/8/2008 10:25:36 AM.

Posted 3/8/08 10:25 AM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Re: Breast Augmentation

FM serrama (or SerraMaMa...something like that!)

Posted 3/8/08 10:53 AM

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