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Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06 7178 total posts
breast pump question
so my SIL gave me the medela advanced breast pump, she has 2 kids and with both her children she had a hard time breastfeeding and only pumped maybe 2-3 weeks the most with each. It was brand new and she barely used it, so she gave it to me and gave me new parts to use with it so it would be sterile. My concern is that i heard with these pumps their can still be bacteria in the internal systems of it and that its not recommended to use a used breast pump. I just cant see spending $300 for a new one when this is barely used. Did anyone use a family/freinds also? Should i not listen to what i am reading/hearing b/c maybe its just the companies wanting to make more $$ by having you buy the new ones.? any advice would be appreciated
Posted 5/27/07 11:06 AM |
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Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: breast pump question
As long as the tubes and flanges are new, it should be sterile. I think the breast milk only touches those parts and the bag inserts (which you'll use your own anyway).
Posted 5/27/07 11:19 AM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: breast pump question
When you think about it- hospitals rent out pumps all the time- my hospital actually provides one in the room!
Posted 5/27/07 11:20 AM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: breast pump question
Don't worry about it at all- I think they do that so you continue to buy them since so many people only use them a couple of times. Just get new tubes and breast shields and you are fine.
Posted 5/27/07 11:58 AM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: breast pump question
Sterilize any parts you can and enjoy it
Posted 5/27/07 12:17 PM |
I love the summer

Member since 1/06 2063 total posts
Name: Kara
Re: breast pump question
I would just sterilize all of the parts and use it.
Posted 5/27/07 12:30 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 1204 total posts
Re: breast pump question
I used my cousin's. I bought new parts that the milk touches. I think it is fine. Good luck!
Posted 5/27/07 3:18 PM |
She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Re: breast pump question
I borrowed my sister's. And she actually used it for the year. I pumped 3 times a day every day for 9 months. No problems.
I went to the Upper Breast Side and the woman went on a whole tirade about you shouldn't borrow someone else's pump- and then she heard it was my sister's- and said nevermind and encouraged me to use the pump.
I think if she only used it for 3 weeks, you'll be fine. Just replace the tubes and everything else.
Posted 5/27/07 8:17 PM |