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breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

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breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

As some background, I should say that I have always been on the fence about whether to breastfeed (many reasons).

During my pregnancy, I developed an irregular/rapid heartbeat and I had to be placed on medication to keep it under control. The medication has some risks for the baby and now, in my final weeks of pregnancy, I need some extra monitoring. It is not known whether I will have this condition after the delivery, but I will have to stay on the medication for at least 2 months after the baby is born and then I can only hope to taper off.

The medication I am taking is listed in most places online as being generally safe for breastfeeding but there is some conflict in the literature. My OB and my cardiologist are both of the opinion that the baby is getting a lot more of this medication now than he will from breastmilk and that if I took the medication in pregnancy, I can safely take it and breastfeed. But there was risk in taking it in pregnancy and that may mean that I do not want to expose the baby to any more of the same thing that I had to take a chance on in pregnancy.

I asked a pediatrician about this. The pediatrician looked up some information about the drug and said that the drug is listed as safe, but her medical books say that the baby will need extra monitoring for his own heart rate and to rule out negative effects. She was not adament but she advised not to BF, not to take a chance and not to have to endure the extra monitoring for the baby. She did mention that most lactation specialists, even the one that she likes to work with, would tell me to go ahead and breastfeed because the drug is on a "safe list." She still felt that she would advise not to.

I hope to be able to get an opinion from another pediatrician. I just cannot make up my mind. Honestly, I might be happy if I just gave the baby a few days of breastmilk/ the colostrum then went to formula. But that idea sounds crazy in some ways plus I read that my medication may have a heavier concentration in the colostrum than in the later breastmilk.

Any advice? Anyone in a similar situation with medication? Feel free to FM if you do not want to answer here.

Posted 9/12/07 12:50 AM
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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

If its on the safe list then I would go for it.

If you feel uncomfortable breastfeeding while taking the medication then don't. Would you definitely want to breastfeed if the medication weren't an issue?

I've been taking Zofran this pregnancy and antibiotics for recurring UTIs/kidney infections. I nurse my son and have no problmes with it. IMO as long as its on the safe list I'll still nurse while taking it.

Posted 9/12/07 1:06 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

I also had a conflict with a medication I needed to take while BF'ing. I did my research, asked my OB, pediatrician, pharmacist, and lactation consultant. Also a couple of family friends that are medical professionals.

While some info was contradictory we decided that the benefits of BF'ing far outweighed the risks of the medication I needed. We had to weigh all of the info and make our decision.

Another option you could consider - although it will not be easy, it could work...pump and dump until you are off the medicine so you still have a supply when you are ready to breastfeed.

I know that this is not an easy decision, feel free to FM me with any questions. I hope it all works out for you.

Posted 9/12/07 5:35 AM

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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

I'm not sure about the medication conflicting with the breastfeeding but I just wanted to give you a lot of credit for even considering bf due to your conditionChat Icon

Posted 9/12/07 9:59 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

Posted by patti08

Another option you could consider - although it will not be easy, it could work...pump and dump until you are off the medicine so you still have a supply when you are ready to breastfeed.

That is an interesting idea, thanks. I don't think I'd do it, only because I would not know whether I can go off the medication until after I've pumped and dumped for a while. If it was a sure thing that I was going to stop the medication, I'd give a lot of thought to an option like this one.

Posted 9/12/07 12:01 PM

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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

Kerie I'm not going through this, but I know how careful you are and how informed you like to be.

From what you wrote I think it comes down to whether or not your own medical condition is going to preclude you & DH from being able to drive baby back and forth for his constant monitoring as per the pediatrician's recommendation.

The thing that leads me to a "no" on the should you or shouldn't you b/f is the pediatrician saying that despite what she is reading and what she knows her lactation consultant would say she is still advising against it. There must be some reason for her to say this in the face of everything else. Maybe it's just caution, but then again, maybe not. You have to evaluate where she was coming from based on your personal interaction.

Good luck with whatever you decide!! Chat Icon

Posted 9/12/07 12:14 PM

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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

I am not going through this and don't take medication, but I think I would go with the opinions that the pediatrician is giving you. I think BFing is great, but I would trust the opinion of a medical doctor who cares for babies over a lactation specialist. I would get a second opinion on it, though.

I also see a difference in taking a medication during pregnancy that you need and BFing while taking it. I think I would just choose to formula feed and lessen the exposure to the baby.

Good luck - I know this must be a very tough decision. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/12/07 12:51 PM

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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

You have FM--I am trying to make a similar decision.

Posted 9/12/07 4:57 PM

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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

I agree that if it is on the safe list and you really WANT to breastfeed, you should go for are going to get a million different opinions, you need to do what works for you and your family

Best of luck Chat Icon

Posted 9/12/07 5:20 PM

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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

I can see the conflict and would feel the same.

Since you asked for an opinion... I would take care of my health. While BF is best, formula is great too. Also while there is an option between BF or formula, there is really not an option for you. So if you are not sure whether it is safe or not for the baby, and you are open to formula, then that's what I would do. You can't take care of a baby if you are not taking care of you first.

Posted 9/12/07 6:02 PM

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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

Posted by smdl

I can see the conflict and would feel the same.

Since you asked for an opinion... I would take care of my health. While BF is best, formula is great too. Also while there is an option between BF or formula, there is really not an option for you. So if you are not sure whether it is safe or not for the baby, and you are open to formula, then that's what I would do. You can't take care of a baby if you are not taking care of you first.

I'm a BFing mother- and I love it more than anything. That said, I have to totally agree with Sophie- your health first. If I had to make this decision, I would likely take the advice of the pediatrician.

Good luck in your decision Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/12/07 10:13 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

Thanks everyone!!!

I am torn. I guess it is because I really wish that there was an option that had nothing negative about it. I guess I will always be wishing for that kind of option when it comes to my child.

Posted 9/12/07 11:02 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

I wish I had some insight on this but I am not in this situation. I definitely think you are on the right track with speaking to another pediatrician. Good luck with your decision Chat Icon

Posted 9/13/07 5:04 AM

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Member since 10/06

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Re: breastfeeding and medication--opinions wanted (just no drama!)

i don't have any insight into this, but i already had to go off of one medication since getting pregnant, and it was a tough decision. so cheers to you for being a conscientious, questioning mother, no matter what you choose.

Posted 9/13/07 8:52 AM

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