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Breastfeeding baby who fidgets, sleeps etc!!!

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LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


Breastfeeding baby who fidgets, sleeps etc!!!

anyone have advice - my daughter will fidget, get sleepy, whine, etc. when feeding her sometimes - it drives me BONKERS!!!!!!!!Chat Icon She will be hungry but then when she latches she'll eat a bit then do all of her antics - latch back on and repeat 100 times - so basically the feeding can last forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

maybe she's not as hungry as I think when I start feeding her - should I put her down and let her be until she starts wailing - then I know she's hungry?!?! Chat Icon


Message edited 6/12/2006 10:50:20 AM.

Posted 6/12/06 10:45 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding baby who fidgets, sleeps etc!!!

Gianna will be 6 weeks old tomorrow and does the SAME THING!! It drives me crazy!! On then off, looks around, goes back on, eats for a minute, arches her back then goes off, goes back on then looks around. This goes on for 30 minutes sometimes. She used to be an efficient eater, on, then off 6-8 minutes later satisfied, and sleeping!!

She has just been diagnosed with acid reflux, so I don't know if that had to do with it.

I feel your pain thoughChat Icon Chat Icon especially at 5am!

Posted 6/12/06 10:49 AM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding baby who fidgets, sleeps etc!!!

yup. Both my kids did that. I just stopped the feeding until he and she would stop squirming. Eventually they picked up on it.

Posted 6/12/06 10:49 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding baby who fidgets, sleeps etc!!!

Sweetness - sounds like we have twins! My daughter is 6 weeks going on 7 weeks - exactly the same thing - looks around, arches back, pulls on and off, etc. I just was feeding her and she was doing this so I put her down - now she's staring at my ceiling fan so I guess she's not as hungry as I thought! I will try to put her down from now on if she starts this stuff again and see if it helps!

Good luck! I'm right there with you!

Posted 6/12/06 10:57 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding baby who fidgets, sleeps etc!!!

Posted by KAS

Sweetness - sounds like we have twins! My daughter is 6 weeks going on 7 weeks - exactly the same thing - looks around, arches back, pulls on and off, etc. I just was feeding her and she was doing this so I put her down - now she's staring at my ceiling fan so I guess she's not as hungry as I thought! I will try to put her down from now on if she starts this stuff again and see if it helps!

Good luck! I'm right there with you!

OMG! She stares at my ceiling fan all the time, and for some reason the ceiling and my wedding pic above my bed are very interesting too!

I am going to try and put her down too, hopefully she will get the point that feeding time is feeding time, not playing time.Chat Icon

Posted 6/12/06 11:09 AM

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