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Breastfeeding/Bottles Question

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Member since 12/06

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Breastfeeding/Bottles Question

I'm so clueless...Chat Icon

I hope to breastfeed our baby, at least until I go back to work, when I'll have to explore pumping options (at 12 weeks). *If* all goes according to plan with breastfeeding DD, what do I need in terms of supplies? Do I still need bottles, etc.? I'm so confused on this!

Posted 4/23/07 7:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Breastfeeding/Bottles Question

If you are going to pump you will need bottles. It's a preference - I liked Avent, but I hear that Dr Brown's is the best if you have a colicky or gassy baby.

Besides the pump (and parts - you may have to replace here and there, depending on your usage - but the pump will come with what you need), you will probably need BM freezing bags. Again - it's a preference - I used Medela ones, but I hear the Gerber ones are easier.

There is a hands free bra you may want to think about if you pump at work - so you can flip through magazines or do other things.

I also bought extra collection bottles as well, b/c I pumped a lot. But you don't need that right away - you can figure it out as you go.

breast pads too - you will be leaking for a long time - and depending how long you go btwn pumping, you can leak quite a bit - especially in the beginning months - before they start eating. I liked avent the best - but I'm sure it's a preference.

Posted 4/23/07 8:04 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding/Bottles Question

Posted by Eleanor

If you are going to pump you will need bottles. It's a preference - I liked Avent, but I hear that Dr Brown's is the best if you have a colicky or gassy baby.

Besides the pump (and parts - you may have to replace here and there, depending on your usage - but the pump will come with what you need), you will probably need BM freezing bags. Again - it's a preference - I used Medela ones, but I hear the Gerber ones are easier.

There is a hands free bra you may want to think about if you pump at work - so you can flip through magazines or do other things.

I also bought extra collection bottles as well, b/c I pumped a lot. But you don't need that right away - you can figure it out as you go.

breast pads too - you will be leaking for a long time - and depending how long you go btwn pumping, you can leak quite a bit - especially in the beginning months - before they start eating. I liked avent the best - but I'm sure it's a preference.

Thanks soooo much for the info. I definitely added this to my notebook, so informative!! This is one subject I just can't figure out!

Posted 4/24/07 6:28 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding/Bottles Question

Great info, thanks for the post!Chat Icon

I actually had this on my list of questions to bring to the BF seminar at Winthrop next month, but I def love the opinions of BTDTChat Icon

Posted 4/24/07 7:13 AM

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