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Breastfeeding moms that have trouble losing weight or have lost weight...

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My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

5759 total posts


Breastfeeding moms that have trouble losing weight or have lost weight...

So apparently according to my dr.. my hormones are giving me problems with losing weight due to the bfing and he said once I stop, it will be easier... but I am not gonna give up! I joined the gym and have been doing about 30mins of cardio... I just went today for the 3rd time... as for food, I want to do WW but I'm not sure how to count the points because I don't bf exclusively... can anyone help? Is low-carb bad to do with bfing??

Posted 2/11/08 12:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Always in my heart.....

Member since 11/06

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Re: Breastfeeding moms that have trouble losing weight or have lost weight...

Are you having problems losing? I hit a plateau and dont understand. I am 5ft with huge boobies think Christina Aguelira and its not cute. I just look soft and mushy Chat Icon I thought BF helped lose the weight.

Posted 2/11/08 12:55 PM

Back to school

Member since 4/07

1385 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding moms that have trouble losing weight or have lost weight...

I didnt lose weight while I was BF. I got a taebo dvd and did it about 4-5 days a week for an hour long and its how I lost the baby weight. Good Luck

Posted 2/11/08 1:21 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding moms that have trouble losing weight or have lost weight...

i EBF my 13 month old. I know that BFing is stopping my weight loss.

I am now on WW and slowly more is coming off, I don't give myself nursing points though.

A biggie I have noticed is that if you are not drinking enough, you are going to mistake thirst for hunger.

I have started drinking hot chocolate at night, its a liquid, plus its something different from water. Sweet, so it helps that craving.

Posted 2/11/08 3:33 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

838 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding moms that have trouble losing weight or have lost weight...

I do WW and you get an additional 12 points for BF. IF you are not EBF then do 2 points for everytime you feed. Advise I got from a lactation consultant was you are supposed to have 500 extra calories a day while BF. She said drink those calories not eat those calories. This will keep your milk supply up and help lose weight. But drink 100% juice or skim milk. If the first 4 ingredients are sugar it is no good. Good luck.
I EBF and have lost my baby weight plus 7 lbs. total 37lbs and more to go.

Posted 2/24/08 11:24 AM

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