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BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

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LIF Adult

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BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

I really want to register only for things that I need and don't want to end up with a lot of unnecessary stuff but, at the same time - I don't want the baby to miss out on things that will be helpful for its development etc. So anyway, after talking to the salespeople at Buy Buy Baby and reading these boards and online I have registered for the following - are these things that a baby typically uses in the first year or am I overdoing it? Thanks so much
Chat Icon I am a first time mom to be trying to make sense of everything!

Bumbo baby sitter seat
Papasan Cradle Swing
FP Rainforest Bouncer
Graco Pack in Play
Exercauser -triple fun pond by evenflo
Playmat - gymni


Posted 5/14/07 2:39 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

Posted by itsbabytime

Bumbo baby sitter seat
Papasan Cradle Swing
FP Rainforest Bouncer
Graco Pack in Play
Exercauser -triple fun pond by evenflo
Playmat - gymni


You will use all of that the first yr def.

Message edited 5/14/2007 2:42:23 PM.

Posted 5/14/07 2:41 PM

Growing up fast!

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

You have a good list there. You'll find all of those things useful in the first year.

Posted 5/14/07 2:44 PM

Mommy of 2

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

I agree. You will need all of those things at some point in the first year. ou won't need them all right away. Just mak sure you have a swing, bouncy and a playmat right away. Those are the ones I used first.

Posted 5/14/07 2:48 PM

I'm two!

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

All good things for the first year! If I could make a suggestion, I would add a travel swing to your registry. I almost didn't bother, but I'm so glad I added it. We used that thing a TON. You can carry it all over the house, and put the baby in it while you eat dinner.
We have the Fisher Price aquarium take-along swing:

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Posted 5/14/07 3:00 PM

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

I would suggest to get the travel swing instead of the papasan swing, if you want to get limited things. The pap swing can only be used for such a small amount of time.

Also, the bumbo is good to have, but not a must. If I could add something on to there, it would be a jumper and I would take off the bouncy and add on the Fisher Price Infant Toddler rocker. This way it will grow with baby. My son only used the bouncer for not even 3 months and he really didn't care for it all that much to begin with.

Of course, these are just suggestions and you can't go wrong with the things that you registered for.

Posted 5/14/07 3:21 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

we use all those things.....Chat Icon

Posted 5/14/07 3:34 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

I would get a different swing. We got the FP Aquarium Cradle Swing and we used it fro ever. The papasan swing my nephew grew out of very quickly. I think they have a Rainforest swing now instead of the aquarium one.

Posted 5/14/07 3:58 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

Posted by Michelle

I would get a different swing. We got the FP Aquarium Cradle Swing and we used it fro ever. The papasan swing my nephew grew out of very quickly. I think they have a Rainforest swing now instead of the aquarium one.

I agree. I would get a swing that can last longer.

Posted 5/14/07 3:59 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

we used everything on that list, except we had the big swing, NOT the papsan

Posted 5/14/07 4:09 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

I own versions of everything on your list and use them all. The only one she isn't crazy about is the swing but I am hoping my next child will love it.

The one thing I would add is the fisher price infant/toddler rocker- we use that every day and I couldn't take a shower without it.

Message edited 5/14/2007 4:28:07 PM.

Posted 5/14/07 4:25 PM

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

just save your receipts, my son hated the Bumbo and the swing so we returned them

Posted 5/14/07 4:26 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

I used all of those things on your list with the exception of the bouncy seat. I agree about the Papasan swing. Get the Fisher Price one instead. It will last you longer. The difference between the travel one and the regular one is that the regular will swing side to side which the travel one does not. My DD did not like the front to back motion of the travel swing.

The Rainforest bouncer that you have listed -- is that a bouncy seat, or one of those things that they jump in? If it is the jumper, I LOVE that. My friend had one, and DD loved it when we went there. I never had one. By the time I saw it, it was almost time for her to be outgrowing it, so I didn't bother getting it. But I will be getting it for the next one.

p/s - I put DD in the swing from about day 3, and it was a lifesaver. As was the Bumbo -- we would sit her in that on the kitchen table with us while we ate dinner. It was an amazing invention!

Message edited 5/14/2007 5:38:39 PM.

Posted 5/14/07 5:36 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

Oh, and I recommend getting one of the Tiny Love mobiles. I have this Symphony Lights 'n Motion one. It really helped Marron learn to put herself to sleep. I would put her in the crib and put it on and she would just watch it until she drifted off to sleep. Now that the mobile is out of the crib, the music box is still there and now she knows when the music goes on it is sleepy time. I love it.

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Posted 5/14/07 9:00 PM

My Everything!

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

Yes to everything! Chat Icon

Posted 5/14/07 10:07 PM

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

Bumbo baby sitter seat - I used a bunch and is especially handy/portable to bring when I feed her outside the house

Papasan Cradle Swing - LOVE IT! She is 6 months and I still have her in it all the time. She sleeps in it & plays in it - I couldn't do without it

FP Rainforest Bouncer - don't have one

Graco Pack in Play - useful at ALL times! I have one at my house and one at my IL's house too

Exersaucer - GREAT! Started really using it about a month ago, and she loves it!

Playmat - great for tummy time which is VERY important

Posted 5/14/07 10:11 PM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

Bumbo baby sitter seat - don't have one

Papasan Cradle Swing - would register for a swing DC can use longer. We have the FP Rainforest Swing and we love it.

FP Rainforest Bouncer - We have this bouncer. It's nice to put DC somewhere when they can't sit up yet. We use it mostly as a seat and not with the toy bar attached. She got bored with the bar quickly.

Graco Pack in Play - never used one but would be handy for traveling, staying at grandparents, etc.

Exercauser - We don't have one but we might get one soon.

Playmat - A good buy. We use ours all the time still.

I would recommend saving your receipts for everything too. In case DC doesn't like it or it's defective. Our playmat has a electronic musical star and it went whacko one month later. We returned the defective one for a new one. For what they charge for these products, you'd think they'd work longer than a month!

Posted 5/14/07 10:29 PM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

u need all of that I think...I seem to need all of mine.

Posted 5/15/07 5:41 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

THANKS SO MUCH LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so so helpful Chat Icon

Posted 5/15/07 11:18 AM


Member since 10/06

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Re: BTDT Moms - Need Registry Help - Will I need all these things in the first year or are they duplicative or unnecessary?

In my opinion, everything is necessary except the baby sitter.

Posted 5/15/07 11:29 AM

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