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BTDT Moms....Induction

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LIF Infant

Member since 9/09

156 total posts


BTDT Moms....Induction

So I am now scheduled for an induction for next week and Im getting kinda nervous Chat Icon
I guess just like regular labor people start sharing their "war stories" on induction being the worse and the contractions are 10 x more severe...blah blah blah Chat Icon
Is it really that bad? Any advice?
I havent really made any progress on my own so real contractions and I am not dilated or effaced yet Chat Icon
Chat Icon is engaged and in postion...Im just worrying now..what if I dont dilate or make progress once I get induced Chat Icon
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon and advice welcome...

Thanks Ladies Chat Icon

Posted 2/16/10 12:55 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: BTDT Moms....Induction

I had a very easy induction. I also was not dialated nor effaced when I went in.

Here's my Birth Story

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 2/16/2010 12:57:31 PM.

Posted 2/16/10 12:57 PM


Member since 4/07

22952 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms....Induction

I had no problem with my induction. You won't know the difference between induction contractions and regular contractions because you won't have anything to compare to.

I was induced in the morning, dilated pretty well throughout the day. When the pain got too much I got the epi. After that, the labor part was a breeze!

I had DS at 11:44 at night, vaginally. I only pushed for about 1-2 hours.

You are probably setting yourself up for more worry than you will have to (just like I did).

I would have no problem being induced again.

Message edited 2/16/2010 12:59:12 PM.

Posted 2/16/10 12:58 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/09

156 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms....Induction

OMG Mrs RBK... first of name is Samantha also Chat Icon
Second of all your daughter is adorable and your birth story just helped calm me down a littleChat Icon
Thank you so much for sharing amidst all these horror stories I've been hearing it is so nice hear something nice Chat Icon
Thank you & Congrats!

Posted 2/16/10 1:04 PM

BAM 2009
I am who I am!!!

Member since 5/09

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Re: BTDT Moms....Induction

I had a great induction too. I was 1cm when I went into the hospital. I had the cervadil put in and I barely felt my contractions start. The Dr kept coming in and asking how I was feeling with some strong contractions, I was like fine, didn't really feel them. When they took the cervadil out 11 hours later I was 3-4cm. Still felt good. They broke my water and I went to 5cm. Got my epidural. Feeling even better. I got a pitocin drip and things were still going good. The only time I had a really big problem was when they let the epidural wear off while I was pushing. Make sure you keep on top of that.....I will remember that the for the next time...

Posted 2/16/10 1:05 PM

You give the best smiles!

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Re: BTDT Moms....Induction

My induction was totally fine too - the hard part had nothing to do with being induced. I was induced in the morning since I was already 2 cm and 50% effaced. They broke my water and got me started on a pitocin drip, which actually was not bad, but DD was sunny side up so when the back labor started, I was in pain and needed the epi much earlier than I otherwise would've needed. The pitocin-induced contractions were manageable; not so much for the back labor, but that would've happened regardless. After the epi, I progressed fine during the day and actually slept most of the day. Started pushing about 6:30 pm, had to take a small break for DD - her heartrate was doing funny things when I pushed - then got started up again and she was born vaginally at 8:34 pm. I tore badly (she was a big baby and not in the best position), but didn't feel a thing. Since I was able to feel pressure and could therefore tell when to push, I was able to keep my epi going the whole time I was pushing. It really wasn't bad at all in the end - the only really rough spot for me was the back labor. I had feared far worse!

Posted 2/16/10 2:13 PM

More a stranger than a friend

Member since 5/06

9730 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms....Induction

I had an easy induction. I was dialated 1/2 CM I think. Chat Icon My water broke on it's own less than 12 hours after the induction started. I would do it again!

Posted 2/16/10 3:11 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/09

156 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms....Induction

Thanks for the reassurance ladiesChat Icon You guys are the best! Chat Icon

Posted 2/16/10 7:24 PM

2 boys 2 girls!!!!

Member since 7/08

3324 total posts


Re: BTDT Moms....Induction

I had such a great induction. At about noon they told me that I was having my baby boy that day! They broke my water and started pitocin. I walked around the maternity wing like 1000 times, always peaking in at the little babies in the nursery! Around 8:00 pm they told me I was fully dialated and was going to need to push. 8:12 pm my baby boy was born. I apparently teared, but didn't feel it so no worries.

I was exhausted, but honestly I'm doing it again 18 months later so it can't be that bad Chat Icon

Posted 2/16/10 8:24 PM

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