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Member since 7/06 7376 total posts
Bundle Me Question
My SIL and brother registered for a Bundle Me and I bought it for them as part of their shower present. They raved so much about it that I got one for a friend who was due in January. That friend called me up after her shower and told me they needed to return it because the hospital doesn't recommend putting anything between the baby and the car seat. Has anyone heard such a thing? Will the hospital not let us take our baby home if we use one?
(I was reading the post about what to bring baby home..that made me think of this Bundle Me issue.)
Posted 9/11/06 4:59 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06 6689 total posts
Name: D
Re: Bundle Me Question
i never heard of that....everyone i know loves it....its so useful during the cold weather...even in fall....we have a bundle me light and a regular bundle me...
Posted 9/11/06 5:12 PM |
I'm getting old

Member since 5/05 8688 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Bundle Me Question
Yes, the car seat companies say that you shouldnt have anything between baby and the seat. But its the same idea if you have a jacket on them. THey make another thing like the Bundle Me that fits over the seat but IMO the Bundle Me is perfect. For me it is like having a coat or heavy sweater on the baby.
My hospital let me take Jeremy home with it.
Posted 9/11/06 5:29 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: Bundle Me Question
I almost registered for it, but my friends said they never used it, they just put a blanket over that is what I will do
Posted 9/11/06 5:31 PM |
Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05 5857 total posts
Name: Lois
Re: Bundle Me Question
I had the bundle me light and loved it!! I plan on getting the regular bundle me for the winter!
Posted 9/11/06 6:06 PM |
My guys

Member since 5/06 2173 total posts
Name: Alli
Re: Bundle Me Question
I've never heard that. But my BF and DS loved them for their girls so I'll definitely be picking one up for my .
Posted 9/11/06 8:23 PM |
My girls

Member since 7/05 4303 total posts
Re: Bundle Me Question
I used the bundle me only in the stroller for that reason. I put blankets on top of baby in the car seat so it wouldn't interfere with safety. (Its because the bundle me is puffy, so the belt is looser than it should be as the bundle me would compress more than you would tighten the belts in the event of an accident)
Posted 9/11/06 8:28 PM |
Re: Bundle Me Question
I loved the Bundle Me!!!!!! It was like having a jacket on the baby. I tightened the straps and were not loose on her at all.
Posted 9/11/06 8:46 PM |