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Can teething and trying new baby foods make a baby congested?

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I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

8044 total posts


Can teething and trying new baby foods make a baby congested?

Ry has a temp of 99.6(normal), but he is congested. He has been teething a trying new foods. Just wondering if it can be related.

Message edited 9/16/2008 1:47:53 PM.

Posted 9/16/08 1:46 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Can teething and trying new baby foods make a baby congested?

Teething always makes G congested. Especially the top teeth.

The only time a new food made him like that was milk...Chat Icon

Posted 9/16/08 1:52 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

8257 total posts

Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: Can teething and trying new baby foods make a baby congested?

Kristina ALWAYS gets congested when her teeth are coming down and out. It's horrible.... sometimes I wish she would just be a cranky baby when she teethed b/c that I could prob deal with a little better.... Her being congested stinks!

Posted 9/16/08 2:14 PM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

8044 total posts


Re: Can teething and trying new baby foods make a baby congested?

I feel so bad for him. I think just to be on the safe sound we will go to the dr tomorrow(only if still congested). The three of us have an overnite this w/e and I want him to be okay for it.

Posted 9/16/08 2:22 PM

Party of 5

Member since 4/08

6489 total posts


Re: Can teething and trying new baby foods make a baby congested?

My DS was ALWAYS congested when getting new teeth.

Posted 9/16/08 2:39 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

8257 total posts

Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: Can teething and trying new baby foods make a baby congested?

Posted by reggie

I feel so bad for him. I think just to be on the safe sound we will go to the dr tomorrow(only if still congested). The three of us have an overnite this w/e and I want him to be okay for it.

Keep on him with saline spray and an aspirator.... that's what i do w/K everytime!

It seems redundant to use the saline mist.... but it works! In an odd way for Kristina tho - it makes her sneeze, and she sneezes everything out! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Makes my life EZZZ

Posted 9/16/08 2:41 PM

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