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can the people who voted for trump, please come in.

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Member since 8/05

25463 total posts


can the people who voted for trump, please come in.

I would like to ask you this.

Are you happy thus far?

Do you believe in your heart of hearts he is doing what is best for ALL of us?

Is there anything he is currently doing that has you questioning your vote?

Do you firmly believe in all/most of his cabinet choices?

I'm honestly NOT being snarky. I've been asking a few folks i know voted for him and comparing what they say.

please keep this civil.

Posted 2/2/17 12:53 PM

And then there were 4

Member since 1/10

5224 total posts


can the people who voted for trump, please come in.

I know a few people close to me who voted for him, and yes they are all very happy with everything you listed. Although, what's best for "all" of us is not something they necessarily care about-they care more about what's good for them and their immediate families.

Posted 2/2/17 1:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/10

2418 total posts


Re: can the people who voted for trump, please come in.

Didn't vote for Trump, but I have thoughts on this. And I don't think many people who voted for Trump are going to respond because this is not truly a politics board, and the main posters on here are clearly not open to seeing things from any other angle but their own...which is interesting in itself...but I digress.

I know many people who voted for Trump because they were being crushed financially under the Obama administration. I get it. When your family and kids are suffering and your hands are tied, you do whatever it takes - right? And nothing is going to be good for ALL of us. The Blue States thought Obama was good for ALL of us, this crazy election CLEARLY showed us that there was a majority of this country that was not happy. And we are the United STATES of America, not the United PEOPLE, it's not about the popular vote, it's about the country as a whole, and clearly a lot of the country was unhappy.

This same people are open that they don't like all his cabinet choices, that they don't necessarily like his decisions or personality even, but they have hope that they can get their family back on track financially, maybe, where they were certain another democrat would be no help to them.

I couldn't vote that way, but I 100% understand why they did, and I do not fault them. There's a reason you put your oxygen mask on first...

Posted 2/2/17 2:30 PM

The loves of my life :)

Member since 6/08

4276 total posts


can the people who voted for trump, please come in.

I voted for him. I was honestly going to be voting 3rd party up until the very last moment. Hillary was never even a thought for me. The only reason I voted for Trump and not 3rd party was because I felt he was going to back our law enforcement officers and have more respect for our soldiers in the military. I was time after time disgusted with Obamas lack of acknowledment for them especially after the attacks on PO began. Having police in my family and close friends it was important to me. There were a few other policies that I agreed with too. I'm not very happy with everything that is going on right now but I really didn't expect to be. With this election I knew no matter who won I wasn't going to be thrilled with.

Posted 2/2/17 2:35 PM


Member since 2/06

5581 total posts

Suzanne / SuzBride

Re: can the people who voted for trump, please come in.

You might want to make this into some sort of poll. I can imagine most right wingers don't feel like getting into it on a politics board that is currently very liberal and anti trump.

Posted 2/2/17 2:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/10

5092 total posts


Re: can the people who voted for trump, please come in.

Posted by LiveForMoments

Didn't vote for Trump, but I have thoughts on this. And I don't think many people who voted for Trump are going to respond because this is not truly a politics board, and the main posters on here are clearly not open to seeing things from any other angle but their own...which is interesting in itself...but I digress.

This will probably be my only post on this board ever, and I don't know you, but I love this statement. ESPECIALLY the last sentence. You just won this board. Carry on all, won't butt in again.

Edited to say, sorry this didn't quote correctly!

Message edited 2/2/2017 4:09:39 PM.

Posted 2/2/17 4:08 PM

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