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can two pregnancies really be so different?

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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


can two pregnancies really be so different?

with #1 I was already throwing up in week 5.

before af was ever late, I had flu symptoms, aches and pains.

this time is nothing. if my period wasn't late and I did not get a bfp, I would have no idea I was pregnant.

I am very tired, I always stayed up past midnight, now I am in bed by 10:30. But still walking 3 miles a day in this heat pushing stroller feeling fine.

I soooooooooo don't want to jinx anything, but I have a hard time believing this is happening.Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/09 10:25 AM
Long Island Weddings
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too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

That's what they say. To be honest, this pregnancy seems pretty similar to last for me, but I feel the way you described. I'm fine during the day, try to go walking 2-3 miles, no nauseau or aches and pains. I'm even less fatigued then I was with DS. So I am living proof that you can feel good and be pregnant! Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/09 10:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

1347 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

I am the same wayyyy. I got my + early b/c we did fertility treatments to conceive #2. I have been extra tired but other than that I feel NOTHING like I did when preg with DS (food aversions, crazy heartburn, cravings up the wazoo, back pain, etc).

I had a rough rough preg with him (part of the reason we waited so long to go for #2) and this is like a different world!

Posted 7/2/09 10:47 AM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

Yes, I had totally different pregnancies with by boys/girls.

When I'm pregnant with a girl, I don't even feel pregnant. No nausea, NOTHING.

With my boys, I was sick all the time.

Maybe you're having a girl this time Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/09 10:53 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/09

215 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

Posted by Janice

with #1 I was already throwing up in week 5.

before af was ever late, I had flu symptoms, aches and pains.

this time is nothing. if my period wasn't late and I did not get a bfp, I would have no idea I was pregnant.

I am very tired, I always stayed up past midnight, now I am in bed by 10:30. But still walking 3 miles a day in this heat pushing stroller feeling fine.

I soooooooooo don't want to jinx anything, but I have a hard time believing this is happening.Chat Icon

i have no symptoms now except for tiredness. i sometimes think i am nauseous but then i think i am just hungry.

last time i was the same but i had a lot of cramping so i knew i was pregnant. with this one, nada.

so don't worry about not having symptoms Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/09 10:54 AM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

19197 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

I don't know if this counts since my first pregnancy ended in a miscarraige. BUT...

The first time, I had every symptom under the sun - naseau, sore boobs, insomnia, etc....

The second one - not one pregnancy symptom until I was 9 weeks along - and then it was just really bad nasuea 24/7, but still never had the sore boobs, insomnia, etc...

Posted 7/2/09 10:57 AM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

For me they are like night and day. With DS I threw up at least 5 times a day for 7 months. He was breech and positioned himself so far back that he caused increased pressure on my spinal column that in turn made my optic nerves swell. I lost peripheral vision. I had pre-eclampsia with a headache from week 25 on that included spots, halos, floaters, double vision, etc. I was put on strict left side only bed rest. With DS pg I felt like I was hit by a mac truck repeatedly.

For this pg, I had less than 2 weeks of morning sickness and if I threw up maybe ten times total that was it. I am tired, but in no way like it was for DS. I am having a girl this time. I am now 26 weeks and getting a little more tired but I think it is more a function of the heat and where I am in the pg.

Posted 7/2/09 11:07 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

thanks!! guess I will go on enjoying my day.

I have to say though, if this continues #2 already has a strong running for fave child!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/09 11:07 AM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?


This current pregnancy is totally different then my 1st pregnancy with DD.

I swear from the day I got my BFP (this pregnancy) I have been SICK and miserable. My last pregnancy was a dream.

Posted 7/2/09 11:10 AM

Where Does The Time Go?

Member since 11/07

4619 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

Absolutely! With DS, I had a lot of nausea and puked maybe a handful of times throughout the whole pregnancy. With this pregnancy, I was puking at least 3-4 times a week and sometimes multiple times a day all throughout my first trimester. DS also kicked me like crazy and while this baby moves a lot, the movement is much more subtle.

Posted 7/2/09 11:20 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

Another difference I've noticed is weight gain. I thikn I gained 3lbs my entire first trimester with DS. I'm barely over 6 weeks and already up almost 5lbs. I know that part of it is because we've been away a lot and just eating more junk then I would at home, but still, 5lbs is a lot to gain so quickly. Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/09 11:35 AM


Member since 1/08

12702 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

I was pregnant once before. It ended in a miscarriage, but I was completely exhausted and had majorly sore boobs. This time around I had alot of energy until about 16 weeks, not even a speck or soreness in my boobs, no nausea...

I didn't mind!Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/09 11:37 AM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

7178 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

I am a little over 6 weeks and def feel this pregnancy is different from my last one. Since it's better I am Chat Icon Chat Icon it stays this way. I have some nausea but I can function for the most part and once I eat it gets better almost instantly, with DS i was sick 24/7 starting at around 5 weeks until I gave birth at 41 weeks, it was horrible

Posted 7/2/09 11:47 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

yep....With Noah I was deathly sick, throwing up 6 times-10 times a day, unable to eat, etc etc.....and nothing like that this time around, with twice the hormones even.

Posted 7/2/09 11:58 AM

2 under 2...whew!!

Member since 2/07

9876 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

Posted by Janice

with #1 I was already throwing up in week 5.

before af was ever late, I had flu symptoms, aches and pains.

this time is nothing. if my period wasn't late and I did not get a bfp, I would have no idea I was pregnant.

I am very tired, I always stayed up past midnight, now I am in bed by 10:30. But still walking 3 miles a day in this heat pushing stroller feeling fine.

I soooooooooo don't want to jinx anything, but I have a hard time believing this is happening.Chat Icon

Janice, I missed your announcement! Congrats!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/09 12:57 PM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?


with DD I felt GREAT.. high energy, not sick, etc.

this pregnancy I still have pretty good energy but pretty bad morning sickness for like the first 13 weeks!

Posted 7/2/09 1:24 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

46292 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

Yes! They can be different! With DS I rarely had MS, had a ton of energy by the 2nd Tri and worked 2 jobs (FT and P/T)

With DD, the MS kicked in quick, heartburn and soooooooo tired!
No energy! Totally different.

Posted 7/2/09 1:38 PM

Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05

6787 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

Just enjoy it! LOL

I feel worse this time around. My first pregnancy was awesome, now I am tired and nauseaus all the time. Well, actually that is starting to pass now, but it was rough at first.

Feel well! oh and CONGRATS!

Posted 7/2/09 1:52 PM

Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09

3771 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

from what i've been told - yes! a friend of mine has 3 sons. the first 2 pregnancies were ideal. no m/s. no symptoms. nothing!

her 3rd pregnancy was pure hell on earth. M/S for almost 6 months. bedrest. complication after complication.

Posted 7/2/09 2:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: can two pregnancies really be so different?

YES! For me it was the exact opposite. With my first pregnancy I felt NOTHING until about 6.5 wks when the morning sickness hit. This time around I started feeling nausea b/f I even got a BFP! With my DS I felt GREAT until 6.5 wks and then sick as a dog until about 9.5 wks and then great again. With this pregnancy I've felt a little sick since day one. Morning sickness off and on started at 5.5 wks and now at just about 12 wks I am still feeling sick off and on and exhausted all the time!

Posted 7/2/09 4:22 PM

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