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Can we discuss public places and smoking?

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Can we discuss public places and smoking?

If you are sitting somewhere with DC and someone comes next to you and lights up a cigarette, do you ask them to move?

I'm speaking of outdoor places.

Posted 10/3/07 9:49 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

Dh just quit smoking when I got my bfp but when he did smoke, and we saw a child, he would either put out his cigarette, or stay very far away...

I dont understand why people think its ok to smoke around people who arent smoking or near children...some people just have no manners

Posted 10/3/07 9:52 AM

Back in LI!

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I usually just move away from them..I can't stand that!

Posted 10/3/07 9:53 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I don't ask them to move but I will complain under my breath as I get all my stuff together and then as I walk away complain loudly about how inconsiderate people can be. I mean, I know people can smoke in public, but why do they have to come near kids on purpose?

DH gets annoyed with me when we are at the playground and I talk loudly to him about how inappropriate it is to smoke at a playground where there are lots of kids around. That drives me insane.

Posted 10/3/07 9:54 AM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

Posted by monters

I usually just move away from them..I can't stand that!

Same here. What gets me most is people who linger outside stores and smoke right by the entrances...there's no alternative but to hold your breath and walk through, but what am I supposed to do, plug DD's nose? The worst place for this is outside BRU too-- the employees are always outside smoking, it's horrible!

Posted 10/3/07 9:55 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I would not ask them to move, it is a public place. If I did not like it, I would move...

eta: I would HOPE that no one would sit next to a baby and light up but you have no control over other people

Posted 10/3/07 9:56 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

Posted by monters

I usually just move away from them..I can't stand that!

I do the same

Posted 10/3/07 9:56 AM

life moves fast

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I move away.... but I also make some sort of comment about it, loud enough for them to hear... my son recently told someone that they were killing his lungs when they lit up next to us Chat Icon Caught them off guard... I think it's INCREDIBLY RUDE of people that smoke to light up near other people.. it's disgustingChat Icon

Posted 10/3/07 9:57 AM


Member since 12/06

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I would move

However, it always amazed me that people would light up RIGHT next to me and blow the smoke my way when I was on line waiting for the bus while PG, when there was ALL this space. I would get p'd off!! So the same way they do that, I'm sure they'd have no problem lighting up next to a baby..and it SUCKS!

Posted 10/3/07 9:58 AM

Big Sister to Be!

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I move away from them. My DH still smokesChat Icon but he doesn't ever smoke in the house, car or anywhere near the baby. He would never smoke near a child-he always stays far away from people and has actually had people tell him he didn't need to stay so far awayChat Icon

Posted 10/3/07 10:00 AM

Love my Family!

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I would just tell them that I don't want smoke around my baby, would you mind standing some place else......

Posted 10/3/07 10:02 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I'd move...but I've also asked smokers to go somewhere else if they want to fill their lungs with toxins. I don't understand why people still smoke anyways when it's proven it a poison.

Posted 10/3/07 10:05 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I would move. But, I would make sure to tell them how inconsiderate they are. Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/07 10:15 AM

My Loves!

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I move away.

Posted 10/3/07 10:19 AM

Rest in Peace baby Rogan

Member since 6/07

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

i would move, but make it clear that it was due to their smoking. If I couldn't move (like if we're eating at a park bench and it would be too much to pack up, or if my DD was playing on a swing or something and they were lighting up there) I would have to ask them to move. I think it's inconsiderate to smoke around children.

Posted 10/3/07 10:24 AM

The Journey is the Destination

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

Posted by stephanief

I would not ask them to move, it is a public place. If I did not like it, I would move...

eta: I would HOPE that no one would sit next to a baby and light up but you have no control over other people

I would do the same thing. If it's a public place I can't control what others do.

Posted 10/3/07 10:28 AM


Member since 12/06

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I move away and make a snide remark. I can't stand people that smoke in front of children.

The BRU thing is the worst! I actually thought about emailing their corporate office because I think it's VERY trashy and disgusting to allow employees to smoke right outside a baby store Chat Icon

Posted 10/3/07 10:35 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I would move.....

I dont think too many people these days think about others first, so unless they have children, they probably dont even notice and well it is outside, so I would move.

Posted 10/3/07 10:37 AM


Member since 10/06

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I don't ask them to move b/c you never know how people will react these days....I wouldn't want to get in a fight in front of my kids. I usually just get up and move.

Posted 10/3/07 10:38 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I would move. I don't think you have the right to ask someone else to move. We were at a party in the summer and I had DS sleeping in his stroller off to the side. This lady walked right next to him and lit up. I went over and moved his stroller.

Posted 10/3/07 10:39 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

Posted by MelToddJulia

I would just tell them that I don't want smoke around my baby, would you mind standing some place else......

Absolutely. If I were somewhere first, and you came right up next to me & lit up, I'd say something.

Posted 10/3/07 11:27 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

Posted by Summerrluvv

I move away and make a snide remark. I can't stand people that smoke in front of children.

The BRU thing is the worst! I actually thought about emailing their corporate office because I think it's VERY trashy and disgusting to allow employees to smoke right outside a baby store Chat Icon

I would write to them, the law is that they should be 25 feet from any entrance. I am pretty positive that they are supposed to go out the back entrance to smoke too......

Posted 10/3/07 11:28 AM


Member since 3/07

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

If someones comes next to you and lights a cigarette (knowing there is a child) they are just rude and will probably Chat Icon. I would just get up and move.

Might be harder to do this in a large crown.

Message edited 10/3/2007 11:32:24 AM.

Posted 10/3/07 11:31 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/06

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I move and usually shoot them a dirty look or make a comment under my breath.

Posted 10/3/07 11:33 AM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

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Re: Can we discuss public places and smoking?

I just move away - but I was with my mother and DD the other day and some guy sits down at the next table over and lights up a pipe then gave us the strange look when we moved.

Posted 10/3/07 12:22 PM
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