so after noticing that my cat had been peeing more often than normal we brought her to the vet .... everyone said "dont worry it'll be a UTI or something" but I kinda knew it wouldnt be. basically the dr. said it was pre-diabetes and that he would give her a week on some special food to see if that could correct it. If she wasnt doing better in a week she would have to be put on insulin shots once or twice daily.

Has anyone had a diabetic cat before? DH says he will give her the shots if she needs to go on insulin (i can handle this stuff on people but animals it just seems harder) but I wanted to know if anyone had any advice/suggestions/tips/homeopathic treatments that I could try.

Thankfully we caught it super early, but I'm still trying to figure stuff out and feeling super sappy/wimpy for getting all upset but any advice or suggestions would be really appreciated.

Thank you!