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Nike. Just do it.
Member since 5/05 3303 total posts
Name: Brianna
Cell Phone Ticket-Question...
FH got one when we were by the Commons on Sat
Totally MY fault tho-we were trying to get to my friends house and I gave him the phone...
Question is...thers no amount on it-just a court date and to plead guilty/not guilty on back...but no address to send it to?
How do I go about resolving this???
Posted 7/13/06 10:43 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/06 8703 total posts
Re: Cell Phone Ticket-Question...
My hubby got one on the viaduct in Roslyn, the best way to resolve is to plead guilty on the back and be done with it. The lawyer told him he was going to lose either way and the cheapest way was to mail a check. Call the department that he got it from, ask them about the fine and the address to mail it too...then be done with it.
Posted 7/13/06 10:46 AM |

Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Cell Phone Ticket-Question...
Depends on where the ticket was given J. I could help you out on that one...I think.
The state wants money so they want you to plea guilty and then eventually give you a court date that if you dont make, the fines go up. A great way to make more $$$$$!
Its ok, cause its not a moving violation and ins companies dont care about them.
Posted 7/13/06 10:48 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/06 927 total posts
Name: Rosalia
Re: Cell Phone Ticket-Question...
I got one on the Northen State Parkway I plead Guilty and then like 7 months later they told me i had to play 120.00
Posted 7/13/06 10:57 AM |
hello baby Albert
Member since 9/05 7750 total posts
Name: Aga
Re: Cell Phone Ticket-Question...
on the back of the ticket there should be a list of other offenses and fees... we got a ticket for tints on our windows (too dark, there werent when we installed them)... anyways it didnt specify the amount but we paid $60.00 which was under other fees or something like that cant remember...
Posted 7/13/06 11:01 AM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Cell Phone Ticket-Question...
I had to pay $150. You can't get out of it.
Posted 7/13/06 2:56 PM |
Re: Cell Phone Ticket-Question...
The Commons as in Woodbury Commons?
Was it issued by a trooper or The Town of Woodbury Police?
FM me if you want - I am a local yokel....
Posted 7/13/06 2:59 PM |
Re: Cell Phone Ticket-Question...
you have FM
Posted 7/13/06 3:31 PM |