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LIF Adolescent
Member since 12/08 669 total posts
Name: Unlisted
Cerclage cross posted
I am 17.5 weeks and my cervix has been shortening a lot each week. I'm down to 2.5. (History: @ 28 weeks with my last pregnancy I was put on bed rest bc of pre term labor, shortened cervix and low fluid).
Anyone have the cerclage and everything was ok? I'm so scared I don't get it soon enough and go into labor. I know this pregnancy isn't viable yet so it's all freaking me out. On top of this I was supposed to start a new job and the dr suggested not to. Right now I'm a sahm and my husband doesn't have a job. He was going to stay with our lo and me work.
My head is spinning. I'm so scared. Any words of encouragement or wisdom!?
Posted 8/17/15 4:46 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 1/12 2338 total posts
Cerclage cross posted
No personal experience but I know of at least 4 women who had them and were fine and carried to term
Posted 8/17/15 8:02 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/14 1014 total posts
Re: Cerclage cross posted
I had one when I was 13 weeks pregnant with triplets. My doc had performed hundreds of them and said he never saw a complication. It was NBD and the piece of mind was priceless. Good luck!
Posted 8/17/15 8:11 PM |
Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10 9170 total posts
Re: Cerclage cross posted
I had one around 14 weeks with my twins. I had no issues
Posted 8/17/15 8:15 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 12/08 669 total posts
Name: Unlisted
Cerclage cross posted
Wow this is so nice to hear. Thanks so much.
Posted 8/17/15 9:13 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/13 184 total posts
Re: Cerclage cross posted
I had one placed at 14 weeks and was on modified bed rest (ie limited walking, no heavy lifting) and progesterone but carried to 39 weeks. No issues from the cerclage and I managed to work(desk job) until 36 weeks.
I would do it for the peace of mind.
Posted 8/17/15 9:38 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 12/08 669 total posts
Name: Unlisted
Re: Cerclage cross posted
Posted by dexterluvr
I had one placed at 14 weeks and was on modified bed rest (ie limited walking, no heavy lifting) and progesterone but carried to 39 weeks. No issues from the cerclage and I managed to work(desk job) until 36 weeks.
I would do it for the peace of mind.
I hope they offer it to me. Thanks and congrats!
Posted 8/18/15 1:59 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/09 1193 total posts
Re: Cerclage cross posted
Posted by YOLO13
I hope they offer it to me. Thanks and congrats!
I would bring it up to your doctor. Don't wait for them to offer it. Sometimes you have to be your own advocate when it comes to doctors and medical procedures.
Posted 8/18/15 4:48 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 12/08 669 total posts
Name: Unlisted
Re: Cerclage cross posted
Posted by w8andsee
Posted by YOLO13
I hope they offer it to me. Thanks and congrats!
I would bring it up to your doctor. Don't wait for them to offer it. Sometimes you have to be your own advocate when it comes to doctors and medical procedures.
I go twice a week to a high risk dr to check my cervix. We talk about it every time. It's not to the point from medical standards to put one in yet based on my last pregnancy and history. I will know more at my appt. tomorrow. Thx
Posted 8/19/15 9:59 AM |
Stop, Think & Breathe...

Member since 8/11 3550 total posts
Name: Cindy
Cerclage cross posted
I have an transabdominal cerclage due to my incompetent cervix. I lost my daughter to IC at almost 24w. If you can I highly recommend a TAC because it will get you to term.
Posted 8/19/15 11:21 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 12/08 669 total posts
Name: Unlisted
Re: Cerclage cross posted
Posted by CindySN23
I have an transabdominal cerclage due to my incompetent cervix. I lost my daughter to IC at almost 24w. If you can I highly recommend a TAC because it will get you to term.
Thanks. I am going to bring this up tomorrow. I'm sorry about your loss. I'm terrified of loosing this baby bc of this!
Posted 8/19/15 8:50 PM |
Stop, Think & Breathe...

Member since 8/11 3550 total posts
Name: Cindy
Re: Cerclage cross posted
Posted by YOLO13
Posted by CindySN23
I have an transabdominal cerclage due to my incompetent cervix. I lost my daughter to IC at almost 24w. If you can I highly recommend a TAC because it will get you to term.
Thanks. I am going to bring this up tomorrow. I'm sorry about your loss. I'm terrified of loosing this baby bc of this!
Most dr's will not recommend it because they think its "drastic" but to me losing a baby is drastic. They wont tell you that they deem success with a vaginal cerclage is getting you to viability and anything beyond that is a bonus. I dont think thats success in my book.
You can check out this fb page for more info:
Also my blog on the different types of cerclages:
With a TAC you need to deliver via a c-section but for me it was worth it so that I could carry a baby to full term and still be able to lead a normal pregnancy.
Just advocate for yourself and know that there are options out there for IC.
Also, Dr. Haney in Chicago is a leading expert in the treatment of IC and he does free phone consults.
Posted 8/20/15 6:45 AM |