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Changes in my dept -

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/10

978 total posts


Changes in my dept -

I want to get an outside opinion about this - some background, I am in the arts. I have a Masters degree and have held my current position in this company for 3.5 years. Interesting note - previously, at an area institution, I held the same position, title, and possibly more responsibility for 2 years. In between, I changed departments and titles (within my current institution). I have always made career changes for increased salary / benefits. So, here's my question:

Between the two major institutions where I've worked, I have had my current title for 5.5 years. After two years in my current title/job, I expressed to my managers my interest to grow and desire for a promotion. (It is not unusual for people to be promoted after 5-7 years in title, which is insane to me). I stressed that I have prior experience in this field/title, and that I have an advanced degree, excellent relationships with my colleagues, I have no disciplinary action, I'm kind of a go-to person for reliability. I was told that my work is great and that they see a future for me and to "just keep doing what you're doing". This to me sounds like it is a matter of time served more than merit. They could not tell me one thing that needed improvement, or anything I should be doing that will qualify me for a promotion faster.

Now, it just so happens that two people in my department at the next title higher than mine are leaving (top title before management). Do I re-state my desire for promotion? When people depart, which doesn't happen often, it often takes a while for jobs to be posted, the interview process, etc. Part of me wonders if I have any leverage here, with this in mind. Any advice or suggestions on how I should handle? I feel like I need to strike while the irons hot, but without being insensitive to the scramble to fill responsibilities and hire. Thoughts?

Posted 1/15/14 10:05 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Changes in my dept -

I think you should definitely approach them again.

I would type up a proposal and duties you are willing to take on, how you'd like to see your position go, KWIM?

With that said, my only concern if I were in your shoes is to make sure you have something firm from them.

I know of too many stories where people left and they were promised future promotions, yet just transferred the duties of the former employees around making everyone crazy, or gave a "promotion" to someone to take on two jobs for something insulting like $2K more a year.

Good luck!

Posted 1/15/14 6:02 PM

Hudson's Momma

Member since 10/10

2853 total posts


Re: Changes in my dept -

This is similar to what I'm currently going through, but I've been told that I'm great at my current level (director, middle management) but they don't see me in a senior management position because of certain reasons. Due to this, I've been told by my mentor that I can leave and she'd give me a rave review or I can continue to work at the firm but never get promoted.

Its tough but I think in your situation, it will not hurt to bring this up again to your supervisor. Plenty of people are happy to do just enough in their current roles to stay at their current level with moderate raises each year.

I would suggest speaking to your supervisor and requesting specific feedback on what you need to do to get promoted. I would then document all the situations/events/times over the course of a year or a few months (whatever is the appropriate period of time) that support that you succeeded in completing all the tasks that were necessary for your promotion.

ETA: I reread and saw that they said there wasn't anything you can do to get promoted faster. I think at this point, you can be blunt and ask, what would be a typical promotion schedule for me and is there anything you can do to support a promotion now.

Message edited 1/16/2014 10:49:48 AM.

Posted 1/16/14 10:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/10

978 total posts


Re: Changes in my dept -

Thank you both for your replies. Some things have transpired since I wrote my original post. Two of my managers pulled me into their offices, separately, and asked if I am ok and that they've noticed I've seemed unhappy. Both were concerned that "I'm at the end of my rope" and they don't want me to come to them in a year and say that I'm leaving. They see a future for me here, etc etc etc.

I replied to both that I am perfectly happy (Chat Icon ) because I was caught off guard. I explained that the workload has been off the rails lately and for a few years now. I should have used the opportunity to mention my interest in a promotion, but I didn't. I know promotions are only given out in the spring at the end of the fiscal year. So, should I send a follow up email? My industry and company are private non-profit and everyone in my dept does the same work, essentially, we are all just at different titles due to experience level. The thing is that I believe I have the experience to be promoted and it really irks me to be making less money than my colleagues while doing the same work!! I think I'm too frustrated to put a cohesive email together even. Feeling frustrated.

Posted 1/24/14 10:16 AM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Changes in my dept -

Honestly, from your update, it doesn't sound like you need a promotion, but instead, to begin your job search elsewhere.

It doesn't mean you need to leave, but if people are noticing that you are not happy, is being promoted going to actually change anything?

I also know that non-profits tend to be good working environments and have wonderful benefits but raises are not necessarily something they are really known least anything beyond COL or moving to a different dept and getting a raise that way.

Posted 1/25/14 8:03 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/10

978 total posts


Re: Changes in my dept -

Well, I'm really not that unhappy at all. I like my job and my field and where I work. For what I do, this is the best place to work in NY - hands down. A promotion would validate my hard work and would mean a substantial raise. All things that would boost my own morale and feed the drive I have to be an excellent employee. It's hard to be in a position for a long time with no recognition. And as I said before, being paid less for the same work as my colleagues is deflating. A promotion would really make all the difference.

ETA: Yes, you are correct. We have excellent benefits, time off, etc, which is easy to forget sometimes. That is one of the major reasons I stay. Thank you for reminding me!! Sometimes you need an outside perspective to remind you that the grass is not always greener.

Message edited 1/30/2014 11:31:59 AM.

Posted 1/30/14 11:27 AM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Changes in my dept -

I guess you need to figure out if you can ultimately be happy if this raise/promotion does not go through.

Posted 2/1/14 10:28 AM

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