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LIF Infant
Member since 3/06 234 total posts
Name: Karen
Christening requirements
Out of curiosity what are the typical requirements for a baby to be baptised in a Catholic Church? DH is Catholic and I am Presbyterian, but we were not married in a church. I wanted to have my sister as the godmother and she is not Catholic, she is Presbyterian. DH would like his brother who is Catholic to be the godfather, but he did not get married in a church either. I'm not sure if that matters or not.
Also does it cost $$ to join a church? Sorry I'm just clueless with this stuff. I know that you give a donation, not sure how much, when you have the christening.
Posted 2/21/07 9:11 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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just the girls

Member since 5/05 9461 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Christening requirements
these are good questions. Is DH still a parishioner at his church or did you guys move? He can always call the church and find out, they may have their own rules about stuff like that. Good luck!
Posted 2/21/07 9:16 AM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Christening requirements
Posted by karennew
Out of curiosity what are the typical requirements for a baby to be baptised in a Catholic Church? DH is Catholic and I am Presbyterian, but we were not married in a church. I wanted to have my sister as the godmother and she is not Catholic, she is Presbyterian. DH would like his brother who is Catholic to be the godfather, but he did not get married in a church either. I'm not sure if that matters or not.
Also does it cost $$ to join a church? Sorry I'm just clueless with this stuff. I know that you give a donation, not sure how much, when you have the christening.
There may not be one correct answer since churches seem to operate differently in some aspects. My church (Roman Catholic) could care less about DH and I. They don't even want to see our religious certificates. The priest said that all the care is the child will be baptised Catholic. We do have to take a 2 hour class though (not sure what it's for exactly). As far as godparents - our church doesn't have any requirements for them either - which is strange to me because for both of DH's godchildren he had to produce documents. At one time he was in college and had to get the on campus ministry to do something for him.
To join a church as a regular parishoner it does not cost an upfront fee or donation (but they get those weekly donation envelopes to you pretty quickly). For the baptism - I can't believe we didn't ask - but Iwould expect some type of donation should be made. They will tell you - if you ask.
Posted 2/21/07 9:17 AM |
My Boys!!!!
Member since 6/06 14437 total posts
Name: C
Re: Christening requirements
I believe every church may work a little differently, but you may have a problem b/c you weren't married in a catholic church. Our church also requires that one of the godparents be catholic and they want to see their baptismal certificates.
Message edited 2/21/2007 11:12:40 AM.
Posted 2/21/07 11:12 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Christening requirements
I would def call the church's rectory and ask them some questions.
Our marriage was recognized the by church, but DH is jewish, we had to get an exception.
Church's differ in requirements, usually they require 1 godparent to have taken all sacraments-baptism, communion, and confirmation and the other one might just be a min of baptism. I know ours requires the above.
A godparent in the catholic church is seen as a spiritual guide, someone who will guide your child through the catholic religion.
If you guys aren't catholic, they may want you guys to be baptized or at least one. I would def call and explain the situation.
It doesn't cost anything to join a church to my knowledge. But they may ask for a donation for the baptism.
I would def call the rectory.
good luck
ETA: We need sponsor certicates from both godparents and the church they belong to that they are practicing catholics.
Message edited 2/21/2007 11:21:10 AM.
Posted 2/21/07 11:18 AM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Christening requirements
ugh, I had such trouble with this....every church I called said that one godparent has to be a PRACTICING catholic with a letter from their parish. My sister is not a practicing catholic and I wanted her and my BIL to be the godparents. I found one church in my town that said no letter from their parish was needed. We are using that church
Posted 2/21/07 11:19 AM |