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CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

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LIF Adult

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CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

Ok so 30 minutes is much better than the 2 hours last night but this fullblown screaming is aweful. Plus she got stuck standing 2x and couldn't get down. I rescued her once but the other time she fell Chat Icon .

But I feel sooooo guilty. I am always so insecure about whether or not she ate enough. I BF and tonight I fed her with a light on then read her a book and then put her in the crib. She is such a nosey baby that feeding her with the light on was a big distraction so she kept pulling off and looking around. After 5 failed attempts to get her to latch back on I quit. But she really didn't eat much. So.........

What do I do if/When she wakes up next??????

Posted 3/1/06 8:12 PM
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Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

If you think she's going to wake up again, feed her in her sleep.

Posted 3/1/06 8:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

I never thought to do that....I'm nervous. That won't negate what I just did you don't think???? And then if I do feed her while she's asleep what do I do when she actually wakes up later??? CIO again?

Posted 3/1/06 8:31 PM

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Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

Message edited 12/21/2011 11:52:16 AM.

Posted 3/1/06 9:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

We started CIO gradually. We used it first to put her down because it used to take upwards of 2-3 hours to get her to sleep. So at first we only used CIO to put her down. The first night it took about 30 minutes, next night maybe 10 minutes and ever since then it takes at most 5 minutes of fussing and she's out. Most nights I can just put her in the crib awake and she'll put herself to sleep. At first, though, whenever she waked up in the night after that, I would go in and feed her because I just didn't have the heart to do everything cold turkey all at once. Gradually we used CIO to eliminate a few of the night feedings. So, for example, she goes to bed usually at 7pm. Before CIO she would wake again at 10pm, 12am, 3am, 5am and 7am. The first week we let her cry through the 10pm feeding. The second week we let her cry through the 3am feeding. Now, we're at the stage where we put her down at 7pm no problem, she sleeps until 12am, we feed her, she sleeps again until 5am, I feed her, and then she wakes for the day at 7am. I think next week I'm going to start to let her cry through the 12am...

I don't know if it will work for you, but this is how we did it!

Posted 3/2/06 9:18 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

Posted by mommy2bellabean

you can try graduated CIO if the 30 minutes of consistent crying is too hard...

put her down and go in after say 7 minutes, rub her belly, lay her down, kiss her goodnight, give her the binky (if she uses one) and walk out of the room...

Then wait say 12 minutes before going in and repeating...and then add more time as you see fit...

Bella never lasted past 25 minutes when we did this, and it was much easier than letting her go for 30 minutes straight...

GOOD LUCK whatever you do...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Yah...I actually went in to her after 5 mins to help her down from standing and the I picked her up and held her for a few minutes (couldn't help it). She calmed down but the 2nd I put her back n the crib it started again. Then I went in after 10 minutes and did same thing. Not sure if this helps her at all or just me Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 9:25 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

Posted by Bxgell2

We started CIO gradually. Before CIO she would wake again at 10pm, 12am, 3am, 5am and 7am. The first week we let her cry through the 10pm feeding. The second week we let her cry through the 3am feeding. Now, we're at the stage where we put her down at 7pm no problem, she sleeps until 12am, we feed her, she sleeps again until 5am, I feed her, and then she wakes for the day at 7am. I think next week I'm going to start to let her cry through the 12am...

I don't know if it will work for you, but this is how we did it!

Yikes!!! I guess I am being really mean. When she woke up at midnight (which meant she slept for 4 hrs which was really good for her) I let her CIO again! I went in to her 2-3 times (can't even remember). But she fell asleep after 45 minutes Chat Icon

BUT....when she woke again at 3:30 she fussed for 5 minutes and went back to sleep. Then she did this again at 5am, 5:30, and 5:45. At 5:45 I thought maybe she's hungry and that is why she keeps waking so often so I fed her.

I'm such an extremist! For 8 months I would RUN when she cried. Now I am just letting her CIO for everything. I even just did it now for her nap. She only cried for 20 mins but still....I'm sick about it. I don't know - I feel like I am doing this for everyone's sake. My marriage had been really turned upside down because Sidney rules the house. I am too tired for anything else. DH sleeps on the couch (and I wasn't even cosleeping). Sidney rubs her eyes all day and is cranky and very demanding. I am very cranky and I take it out on DH. The place is a huge mess always. SO.....this is what I keep reminding myself of to help me get thru this CIO and get her on a schedule. I hope I'm not doing too much damage to this poor child.

Posted 3/2/06 9:38 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

Posted by dree

Posted by Bxgell2

We started CIO gradually. Before CIO she would wake again at 10pm, 12am, 3am, 5am and 7am. The first week we let her cry through the 10pm feeding. The second week we let her cry through the 3am feeding. Now, we're at the stage where we put her down at 7pm no problem, she sleeps until 12am, we feed her, she sleeps again until 5am, I feed her, and then she wakes for the day at 7am. I think next week I'm going to start to let her cry through the 12am...

I don't know if it will work for you, but this is how we did it!

Yikes!!! I guess I am being really mean. When she woke up at midnight (which meant she slept for 4 hrs which was really good for her) I let her CIO again! I went in to her 2-3 times (can't even remember). But she fell asleep after 45 minutes Chat Icon

BUT....when she woke again at 3:30 she fussed for 5 minutes and went back to sleep. Then she did this again at 5am, 5:30, and 5:45. At 5:45 I thought maybe she's hungry and that is why she keeps waking so often so I fed her.

I'm such an extremist! For 8 months I would RUN when she cried. Now I am just letting her CIO for everything. I even just did it now for her nap. She only cried for 20 mins but still....I'm sick about it. I don't know - I feel like I am doing this for everyone's sake. My marriage had been really turned upside down because Sidney rules the house. I am too tired for anything else. DH sleeps on the couch (and I wasn't even cosleeping). Sidney rubs her eyes all day and is cranky and very demanding. I am very cranky and I take it out on DH. The place is a huge mess always. SO.....this is what I keep reminding myself of to help me get thru this CIO and get her on a schedule. I hope I'm not doing too much damage to this poor child.

Try not to beat yourself up about this... the only reason why I didn't do the full blown CIO at once was because Alex was just coming out of having RSV so I felt bad, but in all honesty, from everything that I've read, it works better if you use CIO consistently everytime and you'll see results much quicker. It all really depends on your baby and how they adapt. And, seriously, I completely agree with your decision to CIO. Having a sleepy, cranky and miserable mommy doesn't do your daughter any good and it's virtually impossible to give her or your husband any quality time when you're a zombie for 8 months! Not only that, it doesn't do her any good either because she's probably cranky from lack of sleep! I'll tell you, I felt so guilty for doing CIO but within a few days, it felt like the clouds and tears all cleared and now I have such a different focus. I'm much happier, Alex is SOOOO much happier and everything is running so much smoother now. You're not a bad mommy at all for doing this...

Posted 3/2/06 11:06 AM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

Message edited 12/21/2011 11:52:43 AM.

Posted 3/2/06 12:16 PM

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Member since 7/05

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Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

Honestly I think doing CIO early on is the way to go. When they start to talk it gets much worse. Joseph used to cry "Mommy, I crying. Can you hear me Mommy? I crying..." Broke my heart every time - which is why he was in our bed for a very long time...

Posted 3/2/06 12:41 PM

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Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

I actually take inspiration from what you're trying to do as well as with the other CIO mothers.

I so far haven't been able to bring myself to let Andrew cry for more than, oh, maybe 2 minutes! But lately after reading some of these posts, I have been trying to incorporate some of the techniques for myself.

The one thing that seems to be consistent is that with each night you do it it should get better and better.

Good luck and Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 1:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

That's the thing though, you should not pick her just lay her back down, give her a kiss and/or binkie, tell her you love her and leave...

picking her up is the kiss of death...

Ugh..........I think DH will have to take over then. No wait - he's worse than me. He would bring her out of the room and put her in front of the TV. OK - tonight I will NOT pick her up. Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/06 4:30 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

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Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

Message edited 12/21/2011 11:58:04 AM.

Posted 3/2/06 4:43 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

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Re: CIO...30 minutes of Screaming! But Now What do i do????

How did it go last night??

Posted 3/3/06 8:59 AM

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