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City Mini Double Stroller Moms?

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Member since 2/06

1827 total posts


City Mini Double Stroller Moms?

I did a search and didn't see these specific questions answered. If there is a post on this can someone please bump it.

How compact does it fold? If you don't mind, what kind of car do you have?

Does your oldest DC have any problems fitting since I read that taller children have to crouch to sit comfortably?

One more question, what color(s) did you get?

I want a side by side for vacation and can't decide between this stroller and Maclaren Twin Techno. I know two totally different stroller. I want this to be the last double stroller I buyChat Icon. And so does my DH.

Posted 3/3/09 8:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

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Re: City Mini Double Stroller Moms?

haven't taken it out of the box yet but...

it folds awesome, very flat. i have a honda civic and it'll fit in my trunk.
i got the orange and grey for my 2 boys.
if you check out there website it hasa video of it folding.

Posted 3/3/09 8:35 PM


Member since 2/06

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Re: City Mini Double Stroller Moms?

BUMPChat Icon

Posted 3/5/09 9:40 AM

Sooo Sleep Deprived....

Member since 7/06

2742 total posts


Re: City Mini Double Stroller Moms?

Try typing in the stroller name in youtube.

Posted 3/5/09 9:41 AM


Member since 2/06

1827 total posts


Re: City Mini Double Stroller Moms?

Posted by XcalystaX

Try typing in the stroller name in youtube.

Thanks. I have. Just looking for some more feedback from people that already have it.

Posted 3/5/09 9:46 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

628 total posts


Re: City Mini Double Stroller Moms?

I have the blue one. I have a 1 year old son and my other son is almost 3. He fits fine in it.

I have a honda accord and it fits in my trunk fine with room to fit another single stroller if I want. It folds so easily. I also have a maclaren double. It was a hand me down from a friend. ANyway, i ended up buying the city mini after alot of investigation. IT just does alot better over bumps/ sidwalks to go walking. The maclarens wheels are too small so they are fine for shopping or the mall. But for walks/runs/jogs or bumpy streets-it did not.

if u have any other questions, please feel free to fm me.

Posted 3/5/09 10:04 AM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: City Mini Double Stroller Moms?

is it hard to get in and out of stores?

Posted 3/5/09 10:06 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

628 total posts


Re: City Mini Double Stroller Moms?

Posted by JenBenMen

is it hard to get in and out of stores?

No-it fits through every doorway. But like any double side by side, sometimes it is hard to fit if the clothes racks are too close togtehr like in childrens place for example. But thta any side by side stroller.

Posted 3/5/09 10:07 AM

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