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City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

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Member since 5/05

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City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

what area is covered by NYC School Districts?

Meaning PS89 is in _______ part of Manhattan, etc?

I'm having difficulty Chat Icon

*******please see question 3 post down

Message edited 7/13/2006 10:47:08 PM.

Posted 7/13/06 10:22 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

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Re: Does anyone know how I can find out

district mapping

This doesn't really give the borders, but it shows it on a map & you can see the neighboring districts.

Message edited 7/13/2006 10:32:38 PM.

Posted 7/13/06 10:28 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Does anyone know how I can find out

love it Heather, THANK YOU!
I must be tired...I've been on that site for 20 minutes and didn't see the map.

Posted 7/13/06 10:29 PM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: Does anyone know how I can find out

You're welcome. I love finding random thing onthe internet! Chat Icon

If you look at view 3-Borough level, you cna see the district borders.

Posted 7/13/06 10:32 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Does anyone know how I can find out

ok, please forgive my naivite, i'm such a Suffolk district 25 or 26..are the elem schools PS 25, or 26? There has to be more than 1 elem school per district, right?

Posted 7/13/06 10:41 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

ooo i have such a headache

Posted 7/13/06 10:47 PM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

I think there can be mor ethan 1 per district. Click on elementary schools & zones on the left hand side to see the elementraries within a district.
If you just put the school # & borough in the search bar in the top you should find the school you are looking for.

What exactly are you looking for? 1 school in particular. I can see if I can find it.

Message edited 7/13/2006 10:56:17 PM.

Posted 7/13/06 10:50 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

Posted by tourist

I think there canbe mor ethan 1 per district. Click on elementary Scools & zones on the left hand side to see the elementraries within a district.
If you just put the school # & borough in the search bar in the top you should find the school you are looking for.

ok, in other words, I'm trying to find out what schools are in those districts.

If anyone knows Queens, please feel free to jump in here---- is there a section you would consider "easier to teach in"?

Posted 7/13/06 10:55 PM

Little drummer boy

Member since 5/05

2377 total posts


Re: City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

Posted by Shorty

Posted by tourist

I think there canbe mor ethan 1 per district. Click on elementary Scools & zones on the left hand side to see the elementraries within a district.
If you just put the school # & borough in the search bar in the top you should find the school you are looking for.

ok, in other words, I'm trying to find out what schools are in those districts.

If anyone knows Queens, please feel free to jump in here---- is there a section you would consider "easier to teach in"?

Not Region 5 (this is part Queens and part Brooklyn)

The number of the school seems to have no correlation to the number of the region/district if that is what you were asking before. So PS 25 isn't necessarilly in District 25. Each district will have several elementary schools (mine has 12 or so).

Posted 7/13/06 10:58 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

The city was restructured. They arent really districts anymore, but are now regions. Each region covers what used to be districts. It is a PITA. For example, my nephew goes to high school in region 3 which covers the areas of districts 25, 26, 28 and 29.

ETA it covers Bayside which is a pretty desirable area to live and teach. which also means it is hard to get a job there.

Message edited 7/13/2006 11:00:22 PM.

Posted 7/13/06 10:59 PM

Little drummer boy

Member since 5/05

2377 total posts


Re: City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

Our Schools Map
You can use this map to find a listing of the schools in each district - use the drop down menu to set it to elementary schools.

Posted 7/13/06 11:00 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

He's aiming for Region 3.

Thanks for all the help...I'm sorry, I don't understand this too well.

Posted 7/13/06 11:02 PM

Little drummer boy

Member since 5/05

2377 total posts


Re: City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

Region 3 Schools
Click on the individual schools for their specifics. Good luck to him. Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/06 11:03 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

ok, another Q.

how does he go about applying to these schools? To the schools themselves, or to the DOE?

Posted 7/13/06 11:04 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/06

81 total posts


Re: City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

You could do both when sending out resumes, send it to the DOE, and to specific schools--the thing with the DOE is that sometimes you dont get a phone call until august---just make sure he has all his paperwork and a file number...

Posted 7/13/06 11:18 PM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

Posted by roroshop

You could do both when sending out resumes, send it to the DOE, and to specific schools--the thing with the DOE is that sometimes you dont get a phone call until august---just make sure he has all his paperwork and a file number...

thanks so much - OK, "he" just applied to the DOE online. I'll send a resume out to the specific schools on Monday.

Thanks everyone Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/06 11:57 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22141 total posts


Re: City Peeps - Does anyone know how I can find out

Posted by Shorty

Posted by roroshop

You could do both when sending out resumes, send it to the DOE, and to specific schools--the thing with the DOE is that sometimes you dont get a phone call until august---just make sure he has all his paperwork and a file number...

thanks so much - OK, "he" just applied to the DOE online. I'll send a resume out to the specific schools on Monday.

Thanks everyone Chat Icon

I work in region 3, district 25 and I didn't get a file number until I had been working for 3 weeks. And for the record, district 25 and 26 are fairly safe bets!

Posted 7/14/06 1:50 PM

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