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Clomid or more than that .....

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/12

71 total posts


Clomid or more than that .....

Hi guys I am new to this site. Just curious, I really would like my first pregnancy to be twins. Do I need to do IUI with clomid??? Does it increase the chances?? Or could I take clomid by it's self??Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/15/12 4:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 12/09

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

well clomid does increase ur chance of multiples..with or without a iui

u could take it all by urself but i am sure the doc would ask why u r prescribing it and if u just saw i want twins i do not know if he or she would give it

Posted 8/15/12 10:52 PM

So in love with my little guys

Member since 1/07

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....


I mean ... I love my boys but ... seriously???????

Posted 8/16/12 2:32 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/10

342 total posts


Re: Clomid or more than that .....

I have to agree with Smurf....Multiples are a TON of work...
I have triplets...and LOVE THEM TO DEATH, but you shouldn't take medication to just get pregnant with multiples.
Multiples carry a lot of risks with them. Preterm labor, tons of medical issues for both mom and babies, endless days and nights spent in the NICU.

That being said, I had triplet with a medicated IUI cycle. I was originally pregnant with quads. Medication gives you a higher percentage of having twins...but you could also get pregnant with higher order multiples

Posted 8/16/12 2:55 PM

2 little ladies

Member since 1/11

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

Posted by Pleaseletthisbeit

I have to agree with Smurf....Multiples are a TON of work...
I have triplets...and LOVE THEM TO DEATH, but you shouldn't take medication to just get pregnant with multiples.
Multiples carry a lot of risks with them. Preterm labor, tons of medical issues for both mom and babies, endless days and nights spent in the NICU.
That being said, I had triplet with a medicated IUI cycle. I was originally pregnant with quads. Medication gives you a higher percentage of having twins...but you could also get pregnant with higher order multiples

I agree 100% with everyone else. I love my girls more then life itself, however having more then 1 baby is INSANE. There are soooooo many risks and did I say it is insane??

I'm jealous of my friends who had one baby at a time. I feel that my babies and my partner and I were blessed and gipped in a lot of ways. You just dont get to spend the time you want to with each baby. I wouldn't wish multiples on any first time parent.

That being said, my twins were conceived with IVF.

Message edited 8/16/2012 3:21:16 PM.

Posted 8/16/12 3:19 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/12

71 total posts


Clomid or more than that .....

Thanks guys you were so intresting to read, lol I understand the risks of having multiples. It's just with my health condition I'm not sure if having several pregnancies will be good for me. I do want a big family but I'm not sure I can be pregnant 3-4 times. lol I have to speak with my cardiologist... Thanks again!

Posted 8/16/12 3:26 PM


Member since 12/06

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

What kind of health condition?
I definitely wouldn't recommend a multiples pregnancy if you have heart problems.

My heart and lungs are *straining* at 30 wks and I was in perfect health / great condition cardiovascularly prior to becoming pregnant.

There's extreme circulatory stress associated w/a multiples pregnancy.

Do you have infertility problems?

Posted 8/16/12 4:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/11

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

dont mess with it unless you see a Dr. That's my advice. It's not somthing to take lightly.. there are serious risks to you and your unborn children when carrying multiples.

Posted 8/16/12 9:42 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/12

71 total posts


Clomid or more than that .....

Oh I wont! I'm very careful when it comes to my body. I'm just doing my research first.

Posted 8/16/12 9:55 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

Posted by PreshusSmurf


I mean ... I love my boys but ... seriously???????

Chat Icon Chat Icon

I always thought it would be great to have twins, have always been surrounded by twin moms somehow, dh said he wanted to try for twins when we began ttc (not sure how lol), and it's great to have just one pregnancy since we just want 2, BUT as soon as the reality set in that yay we are having twins the realization of the possible complications also set in. The reality of those possible complications became very real this week. Although everything is fine for now, I'm now even more terrified of preterm labor, low birth weight, lung development, etc. Not to mention being scared of the extra costs and feeling like I won't be able to give them both enough attn and having 2 babies to care for. I'm still happy to be pregnant with twins and wouldnt change anything but just think of the big picture before you purposely get pregnant with multiples. And there is a higher risk of Pre-eclampsia which im sure isn't so great with a heart condition.
I'm not even sure a doctor will just give you drugs because you want multiples. Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/12 10:48 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/07

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

Posted by PreshusSmurf


I mean ... I love my boys but ... seriously???????

Agreed. I love my boys as well but two babies is so much work. Its a very difficult pregnancy.

Posted 8/16/12 10:52 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/12

71 total posts


Clomid or more than that .....

I am aware of the complication, I have several experience In L&D so i am well aware of that...... I was interested in the conception part of family planning ... I just wanted to know the percentage of people who were able to just use clomid vs other interventions.... yes I am nuts.... i'm thinking about adopting if have singleton pregnancies.

Message edited 8/16/2012 11:13:08 PM.

Posted 8/16/12 11:05 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

I'm only chiming in here to say that any doctor who would prescribe fertility drugs to someone who just wants the drugs to have twins, should probably lose his license. Chat Icon

Ok.. Carry on ..

Posted 8/16/12 11:44 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/10

342 total posts


Re: Clomid or more than that .....

I was completely 100% healthy before I carried my triplets. No underlying health issues at all. Once I got pregnant with the definitely hit my body hard (and I only made it to 30 who knows what would have happened after that point). I developed hypertension (high blood pressure) almost immediately where I had to go on medication for it. I started developing hard problems around 20 weeks. i was followed by a cardiologist and actually had to wear a heart monitor for 2 weeks.
I see where you are coming from that you have health issues so you would only want to be pregnant once so that way its not a strain on your body multiple times...but a multiple pregnancy is a magnified strain on your body...and everyone reacts different, and you honestly do not know how good or bad it could react with your preexisting conditions.
I hope everything works out for your and your family

Posted 8/17/12 9:19 AM

Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

Posted by PennyCat

I'm only chiming in here to say that any doctor who would prescribe fertility drugs to someone who just wants the drugs to have twins, should probably lose his license. Chat Icon

Ok.. Carry on ..

seriously i couldn't agree more.

i am sorry, but you are absolutely out of your mind if you think a doctor will just give you meds so that you can have multiples (unless you happen to see Octomom's gyno - although i believe he lost his license for doing specifically what you are asking about).

there is literally ZERO guarantee of multiples. theres no guarantee you will even get pregnant, let alone with 2 babies. the chances of IUI working even when healthy is only around 30%, so maybe 5-10% more than the old fashioned way. there is also no guarantee that clomid will give you multiple eggs. fertility meds have varied results with each person and each cycle.

Message edited 8/17/2012 9:48:31 AM.

Posted 8/17/12 9:47 AM

Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

Posted by PennyCat

I'm only chiming in here to say that any doctor who would prescribe fertility drugs to someone who just wants the drugs to have twins, should probably lose his license. Chat Icon

Ok.. Carry on ..

Well said!

Posted 8/17/12 1:24 PM

3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

Twin pregnancies are no joke with the potential for lots of complications.

Message edited 8/17/2012 7:55:16 PM.

Posted 8/17/12 7:32 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

not to jump on the bandwagon but although you say you understand this, I don't think you do , or you would not have asked the question.

The stress a twin pregnancy puts on your body is tremendous. I developed a minor heart issue from carrying the twins...which went away after birth.

There's not a medical Dr. out there that would tell you or allow you to knowingly try to get twins ...EVER.

Even without a heart condition, the complications of twins, to the mother AND to the babies are so high.

I am being judgemental here, I know it, but please think of the health of a potential child. And of YOU.

Good luck getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy but put the thoughts of a twin one on the shelf and leave them there.

Posted 8/17/12 8:18 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

I can't really add anything that hasn't already been said, except ... "um... what??"

Posted 8/17/12 8:29 PM

Twins times TWO!

Member since 1/11

1197 total posts


Re: Clomid or more than that .....

Posted by SweetTooth

I can't really add anything that hasn't already been said, except ... "um... what??"

Yes, I second that....

Posted 8/17/12 9:13 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: Clomid or more than that .....

Posted by PennyCat

I'm only chiming in here to say that any doctor who would prescribe fertility drugs to someone who just wants the drugs to have twins, should probably lose his license. Chat Icon

Ok.. Carry on ..

Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/12 9:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

1592 total posts


Clomid or more than that .....

I got married and knew I wanted three kids. I really hate being pregnant so after having my DD I was so happy when I conceived twins (naturally, runs in my family). So for me it was great because I didn't have to go through another pregnancy. But I'm not gonna lie it was hard being pregnant and I was miserable most of the time. Multiples really take a HUGE toll on your body.

It's really hard having newborn twins and a two year old but I am fortunate to be a SAHM mom plus I hired help.

I would obviously think hard about it, but it's your choice. If you have existing health issues I think it wouldnt be a good choice. Having multiples is much harder than a singleton pregnancy as the other posters pointed out.

Posted 8/17/12 10:38 PM

My crazy Trio

Member since 3/09

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Re: Clomid or more than that .....

OK so I really dont post on here much any more but I just have to say................
Seriously are ya freaking kidding me here with this post???? YES I know thats harsh but.....IF you have health issues you need to see a DR before you get pregnant let alone try get a DR to give you drugs so you can have twins bc you think it will be easier on you and your condition whatever it may be.....Just having ONE kid can seriously put your health at risk but you just want to jump and have twins which I find to be ridiculous........Yes sure you can have the perfect pregnancy but why would you want to chance all the other posters mention a multiple pregnancy puts so much stress on your body and it never fully recovers......I had a total problem-free pregnancy and my kids are all heathly but I would never recommend to anyone to run out and get pregnant with multiples.... I have so much damage done and need surgery to corrects the hernias and torn muscles....I do wish you luck and hope that everything works out for you........

Posted 8/17/12 10:46 PM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Clomid or more than that .....

pregnant with twins i cannot lie,this thread scares me a bitChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/12 10:55 PM

Twins times TWO!

Member since 1/11

1197 total posts


Re: Clomid or more than that .....

Posted by TripletMom

OK so I really dont post on here much any more but I just have to say................
Seriously are ya freaking kidding me here with this post???? YES I know thats harsh but.....IF you have health issues you need to see a DR before you get pregnant let alone try get a DR to give you drugs so you can have twins bc you think it will be easier on you and your condition whatever it may be.....Just having ONE kid can seriously put your health at risk but you just want to jump and have twins which I find to be ridiculous........Yes sure you can have the perfect pregnancy but why would you want to chance all the other posters mention a multiple pregnancy puts so much stress on your body and it never fully recovers......I had a total problem-free pregnancy and my kids are all heathly but I would never recommend to anyone to run out and get pregnant with multiples.... I have so much damage done and need surgery to corrects the hernias and torn muscles....I do wish you luck and hope that everything works out for you........

Seriously no one talks about this part! I am only 28 yrs old but my body will never be the same Chat Icon thyroid issues, muscle issues, etc, etc, etc....

ETA: I forgot to add that I also believe the twins sucked the life out of my teeth... Chat Icon make sure you floss while pregnant!!

Message edited 8/17/2012 10:59:36 PM.

Posted 8/17/12 10:56 PM
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