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Clothing Sizes after birth...

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Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Clothing Sizes after birth...

My DS was born 9lbs 3oz so when he came home from the hospital he never wore newborn, only 0-3 and size 1 diapers lol. I am trying to gauge what I should get the twins. Obviously I don't know when they will be born (full term I'm hoping) but I highly doubt they will be 9lbs each! I have some newborn and a lot of 0-3 at home from my DS and from friends. Just curious as to what most twin + mommies experiences have been.....

Diapers too I guess? Do I get newborn...I guess my DH can get those when they are born.

Posted 2/14/13 4:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My boys turned 8

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Clothing Sizes after birth...

My twins were born full term At 38 weeks & each weighed alittle over 7lbs. We were only in newborn for about 2-3 weeks & then right to 3-6. For what I have heard most of my friends babies were around 5 or 6 lbs.
Good Luck!!

Posted 2/18/13 10:37 PM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Clothing Sizes after birth...

my twins were full term(38 weeks)...she was a peanut still and he was bigger but still small

he was in nb diapers for a month and she was in for a while longer

same with clothes...she really needed preemie but the nb we just used

i would def have some nb clothes and diapers on hand even for the first few weeks

Posted 2/19/13 1:29 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/12

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Re: Clothing Sizes after birth...

I'm trying to figure this out now too. DS was just about 7 1/2 lbs and needed newborn clothes for a few weeks. We didn't have many b/c everyone kept saying they barely stay in them. I had to go out and buy a few things b/c 0-3 months was just huge on him.

Now with twins coming I'm just trying to figure out how much stuff I need and the type of things I should buy. It will be summer but we keep the house cool. I'm also trying to figure out what type of 0-3 stuff I should buy. I have stuff from DS but not nearly enough for twins. We took DS out right away so we had shorts and onesies but I'm not sure how much we'll be getting out with 3. This twin thing is so hard! I wish I knew when they were coming and how much they would weigh
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Posted 2/19/13 5:29 PM

Twins times TWO!

Member since 1/11

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Re: Clothing Sizes after birth...

My girls were born 35w4d and were 5lb 13 and 5lb9oz.

In the hospital (Stony Brook) they only had preemie diapers or 1's. So my girls wore 1's. THey worked fine, just had to roll down the front a bit. When we got home we had some newborns that we used for quite a while but then switched to 1's when we ran out.

As for clothing, they were SWIMMING in newborn. They probably could have used some preemie clothes but the newborn worked fine. They wore newborn size for over a month.

Posted 2/19/13 7:42 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Re: Clothing Sizes after birth...

My girls were 5-8.5 and 5-13 and were in nb til about 8 weeks/2 mo. NB started getting short. They are 4 mo now and still in 0-3.

They could have worn premie when they were first born but probably only for a few weeks. Nb was big on them for awhile.

They also wore nb diapers for at least 6 weeks. Twin 1 would leak out because she had skinny legs and the size 1 were way too big in the legs for her. I think I used a pack of premie diapers I had at first but then the nb were fine.

Message edited 2/21/2013 8:53:14 AM.

Posted 2/21/13 8:52 AM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

4739 total posts


Re: Clothing Sizes after birth...

Posted by cowgirlkate

My girls were born 35w4d and were 5lb 13 and 5lb9oz.

Wow our girls were very similar! Mine were 5-8.5 and 5-13 and I was just 36 weeks.

Posted 2/21/13 8:54 AM

2 little ladies

Member since 1/11

2918 total posts


Re: Clothing Sizes after birth...

When my girls cam home from the nicu at 1 month old, they were still in preemie clothes. We were in NB for months after that!!!! born at 30w, came home at 4lb 9 oz and 3lb 14oz.

Posted 2/21/13 9:20 AM

3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08

8178 total posts


Re: Clothing Sizes after birth...

All 3 of my kids (twins and a singleton) were born at 36 weeks exactly.

Twin A: 4.7
Twin B: 6.3
Single Baby: 6.3

They were all in newborn for the first few months. I put the twins in preemie for a few outfits, but they we mostly in newborn. Most brands of 0-3mo stuff was HUGE one them.

I'd say, get a lot of newborn and just don't take the tags off.

Posted 2/21/13 9:33 AM


Member since 7/10

8027 total posts


Re: Clothing Sizes after birth...

Mine were in preemie till about 3 weeks (7lbs), newborn till about 8weeks (9ish lbs) and they're on their way out of 0-3 now at about 12 lbs, 11weeks. They were born at 37w3d, 5.2 & 5.10.

Message edited 2/21/2013 11:26:32 PM.

Posted 2/21/13 11:25 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05

19978 total posts

Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Clothing Sizes after birth...

Wow thank you! Looks like I should really get newborn based on your responses. They look so small though compared to when my DS first came home! I haven't gotten any preemie. Hopefully they won't be preemie, but if they are...I will send my mom to get some stuff.

Posted 2/22/13 3:53 PM


Member since 5/05

9941 total posts


Clothing Sizes after birth...

mine were in NB for about 6-8 weeks.

Posted 3/1/13 3:52 PM

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