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Co-lab class vs regular gen Ed class help

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Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

Member since 3/09

8585 total posts


Co-lab class vs regular gen Ed class help

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My daughter is 6. She is diagnosed with coordination development disorder. She is in a co-lab 1st grade class. There are 28 students a general Ed teacher and a special Ed teacher. She recieves ot 2x a week in a group setting. Academically she does pretty well although I feel so has weakness in her reading skills but does not qualify for any extra Reading help. Teachers tell me she needs to be reminded to keep on task. Now they want her evaluated for ADHD. I sort of think she may have ADHD but if so it's mild. She has 0 behavior issues. She does not have a hard time holding attention while doing preferred activities. I see her lose focus when it comes to her hw but I feel like most kids probably do that. School is a looong day and these kids get 20 mins of recess and it's been mostly indoors. I'm taking her back to developmental Ped but I sort of feel like teachers are pushing for a diagnosis. They mentioned medication to me and while I won't say never I do say not at 6 and probably unlikely. I wanted to take her out of the co lab setting and let her try gen Ed next year and they feel that would not work well for her. One of my main issues with co-lab is that she is not in her home school and the school she is in and the kids she has developed friendships with will not attend the same middle school as her. I'm very concerned when I have an 11 year old going to middle school and she knows no one. Teachers don't think that will be an issue. They are not her mother and I know that will be tough. My daughter is shy and middle school is hard for most kids, not knowing anyone just breaks my heart for her. I feel like because she is in co-lab they want her to stay in that forever. In a classroom of 28 10 students with IEPs I feel she does well and I think she would do similar in a gen Ed setting. Another mom with an older kid in co-lab told me once they get in this program they never get out. I am frustrated. Even if she has ADHD and CDC she can still receive her ot and be in a gen Ed setting. I was pushing for resource room, ot and a gen Ed setting but they don't think it's a good fit. Do you go with your mommy instinct and let her try a regular class or will I be kicking myself that I should have listened. Any advice??

Posted 3/5/17 3:35 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/11

991 total posts


Re: Co-lab class vs regular gen Ed class help

This makes me so angry for you.
Why are they pushing for a diagnosis if she's already been diagnosed with DCD?? And to suggest medication with NO behavioral problems?? I would be livid.
The weak exec functionioning is linked to the DCD. They need to recognize this and support her accordingly.
I don't know your DD, but I would be inclined to agree with you about middle school.
I feel you should def go with your gut and it sounds like they are pushing for what will work/be easiest for them.
My DS has DCD. Feel free to FM me if you need more support!

Posted 3/5/17 9:54 AM

My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Re: Co-lab class vs regular gen Ed class help

Go with mommy instinct!!!! Let her try gen ed class. That should always be the goal-least restrictive environment!

FWIW, I agree with you about middle school. I think it will be better if she can have some friends prior to going especially if she is shy.

Posted 3/5/17 7:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15660 total posts


Co-lab class vs regular gen Ed class help

I agree, try the gen ed with resource room, and if it doesn't work out, well then you know you can go back to the other class! It bugs me to no end when our kids get sent to schools other than their home school. Definitely makes the social aspect of their lives difficult.

Posted 3/5/17 10:01 PM

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