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My loves

Member since 5/06 19150 total posts
Name: Kelly
Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
Just wondering your opinion. I wasn't too crazy about a coming home outfit for DS and I'm glad I wasn't because he was bigger than we really thought. But I am not big on shopping anyway. I just wanted to make sure he had something Mets on.
After having your first DC, did you change your mind about planning for a coming home outfit?
Message edited 11/8/2008 3:45:59 AM.
Posted 11/8/08 3:45 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
Nope. I didn't change my mind. It's still important to me and I will again shop for the perfect coming home outfit for any new babies I have.
Message edited 11/8/2008 4:21:57 AM.
Posted 11/8/08 4:21 AM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
Nope, I was so desperate to get out of the hospital and home again that I completely forgot about the outfit, I couldn't really be bothered!
I won't bother for the next one.
Posted 11/8/08 4:29 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/07 3915 total posts
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
now that I had DS it's not important. I went shopping and found the perfect outfit. He was supposed to be (according to sono) an 8 pound baby. well, he was born less than 6 pounds and the outfit looked ridiculous I didn't spend a lot bc it was on sale at disney, but I wish I didn't put so much thought into it. next kid is coming home in feetie PJ's!
Posted 11/8/08 4:51 AM |
Little Brother

Member since 5/05 3540 total posts
Name: C
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
I put DD in the same dress that I was brought home in... it looked ridiculous since it was so big, and the second we got home I took her out of it, because i dont think it was too comfortable... i guess it was cute for a few pictures...
Posted 11/8/08 5:47 AM |
My loves

Member since 5/06 19150 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
Posted by cjb88
I put DD in the same dress that I was brought home in... it looked ridiculous since it was so big, and the second we got home I took her out of it, because i dont think it was too comfortable... i guess it was cute for a few pictures...
That is a really nice to thing to have from your childhood!!!
Posted 11/8/08 5:57 AM |
Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
I shopped around for an outfit and wound up settling. So that wasn't so important.
But Ryan's GiGi (great grandmother, my grandma) made him a cardigan, bonnet, blanket set. It was very important to me he wear it at some point on his coming home day.
Posted 11/8/08 7:12 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
Didn't work out for us - Alex was born a peanut at 6lbs so nothing I had bought fit her and she looked absolutely ridiculous. I had to leave the hospital and go straight to BRU to pick up some preemie outfits!
Posted 11/8/08 7:14 AM |
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
It was, until before we put him in his seat he puked all over it and had to come home in a less snazzy onesie!
Posted 11/8/08 7:23 AM |
Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
Yeah, in the hospital the outfit i had for DS was huge so I ended up putting him in a preemie outfit that someone brought to the wasn't that cute but it fit and that was actually more important to me! THis time around I hope to be prepared, I at least want the outfit to be one that I picked out.
Posted 11/8/08 7:24 AM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
Posted by pharmcat2000
Nope. I didn't change my mind. It's still important to me and I will again shop for the perfect coming home outfit for any new babies I have.
same here. And Andrew's was big on him but he wore it anyway. My sister bought him from Paris and it meant a lot to me. It is now in his keepsake box
Posted 11/8/08 7:50 AM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
Not so much the outfit, that I didn't really care about, but I did care that he wore home the same sweater, bonnet and blanket that I had. My grandmother made it for me, and my mom added blue ribbon to make it special.
I am saving it for my sister if she has any kids
Posted 11/8/08 7:52 AM |

Member since 8/07 5974 total posts
Name: MB
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
Ya, I thought it was important. I found a really cute outfit and knew it was "the one" . I liked it also because it was comfy and had layers. She looked adorable in it :) Although she would have looked adorable in anything!!
Posted 11/8/08 7:52 AM |
life is good =)
Member since 5/07 4216 total posts
Name: We're so blessed!
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
nope brought an newborn, and 3mos outfit just incase thank goodness bc dd didnt fit in the newborn size but i forgot mittens so i put socks on her hands lolololol now that just goes to show u i didnt give a crap and just wanted to go home
Posted 11/8/08 8:27 AM |
family is all that matters

Member since 6/06 6513 total posts
Name: browneyes
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
yes it's still important, but not THAT important if that makes sense. i loved DS's coming home outfit even though the newborn size was big on him. i will be saving it for him since my mom didn't save mine. i love the pictures that i have of him in it, even though he changed into a onesie after he was home.
Posted 11/8/08 8:31 AM |
When you wish upon a star

Member since 5/05 11997 total posts
Name: Because 2 people fell in love
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
I just wanted something cute for DD to wear so I wasn't too gung ho about the coming home outift. We knew she would be on the smaller size so I was more concerned about fit and weather. I love that she wore a cap that she also used the day of her christening and will be turned into a hankerchief that she can use at her wedding. That was the important item for me.
Posted 11/8/08 8:31 AM |
My loves!!
Member since 1/06 9203 total posts
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
The coming home outfit was somewhat important to me. I really did search until I found something I absolutely loved. I did change him as soon as we got home
I will do the same if I have another
Posted 11/8/08 8:39 AM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
My feelings on the coming home outfit had changed with the birth of all of my kids....
Ariel came home in one of my newborn outfits that someone had made...
The twins outfits were tremendously important to me. I think it was b/c I had always wanted twins and after losing one set and having another....the road it took to get there....yada yada yada. I even had to make sure they had the perfect beanie babies b/c at the time they were snuggling preemies with beanie babies. (not that they wound up being that preemie)
For Caden I just chose from one of the few newborn outfits that I had. Didnt matter to me in the least...Funny thing is..that it was more important to me for him to have this hat for while he was in the hospital than anything else.(If you know me and my DH it'll make total sense)
Sadly it got lost shortly after our arrival home...
Posted 11/8/08 8:40 AM |
Love him!
Member since 10/07 3189 total posts
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
Well DH picked it out!! Turned out to be huge on him!! Important? I guess in a way it was.....DH picke dit on his own when we found out at the 20 week sono it was a boy
And now since it was SO HUGE I have taken his monthly picture in it every month so far! I am going to see how far we get with it!
Posted 11/8/08 8:42 AM |
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
I had a hard time choosing one that I liked. It was big on her but I am glad we did it. I would definitely shop for one again.
Posted 11/8/08 9:01 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
I picked a cute coming home outfit but it was one of the first ones I saw - so I def. didn't go crazy looking.
I already have seen a couple of cute coming home outfits for #2.
Posted 11/8/08 9:16 AM |
Our family is complete

Member since 6/06 16494 total posts
Name: K
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
For DD she had a cute little dress For DS he came home in a white onesie
Posted 11/8/08 9:18 AM |
My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07 9151 total posts
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
Nope. Didn't care at all. Just picked out a cute one piece sleeper with jacket and matching hat and mittens in a neutral color since we didn't know what we were having. Just wanted to get home!
Posted 11/8/08 9:34 AM |
Member since 5/05 3415 total posts
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
I had a coming home outfit all picked out, but the day we brought DD home from the hospital it was much warmer than we thought, so she didn't need the heavy sweater and booties that it came with. We actually just used the pants onesie, plain socks and the blanket. No one saw her but me and DH (well except for pictures). Next one, I am definitely not going all out for a coming home outfit.
Posted 11/8/08 9:40 AM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: Coming home outfits- as important as you thought?
It was a gift so we used it but it was gigantic on him (0-3 months ) so he literally wore it for the ride home and then we changed him. It's a nice idea - it's such a special day. I remember we had our wedding CD playing in the card and our wedding song came on as we were driving through the neighborhood - it definitely hit me then we were bringing home our son.
Posted 11/8/08 9:45 AM |
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