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Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

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LIF Toddler

Member since 8/07

410 total posts


Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

Hi Ladies!
This is my first post on LIF ever. I've been on the LIW boards forever.

Long story short. My gyno (Dr. Braverman) retired from practicing obgyn to focus on the fertility side of his biz. Ugh, I loved him but decided I would find a new Dr. bc I wasn't crazy about the new doctors that bought his practice or the office staff.

I found a new Obgyn recommended to me by a pregnant friend. She seemed ok but when we went into her office to talk she said she noticed that I was recently married and asked when I planned to TTC. I said about a year from now.

She seriously looked at me like I asked her for a prescription for crack, methadone and vicodin and then said well you know every year after 30 it becomes more and more difficult to conceive. I would hate for you to "miss your opportunity" and possibly deal with the "trauma" of fertility treaments. Chat Icon W T F!Chat Icon

Are my eggs seriously going to dry up and fall out???

Fine I'm 33 not 53. I know I'm not a "spring chicken." She just made me feel awful and I have been upset since the appointment. It freaked me out so much that I decided to stop taking the pill (but will use another form of BC until we do decide what we want to do). DH would be tickled if we got pregnant now. I just want to buy a home and have our first year alone without being pregnant.

Any thoughts ladies??? Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/07 3:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

I would find a new doctor. I had a dr like that (and my husband and I are dealing with infertility issues) and I found a new one asap.

And BTW... I'm 36 and my current doctor keeps reiterating the fact that I'm still young!

Posted 8/9/07 3:30 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

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Re: Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

Wow that was rude. I too am dealing with a RUDE OB office and personally will never go back there again. I plan to call someone new when I get my BFP.

While it may be more difficult after 30 there are PLEEENTYY of people who do. Don't worry and find a new dr. OB is someone you want to get along with, trust and feel comfortable with. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/07 3:30 PM


Member since 10/06

2938 total posts


Re: Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

Find a new doctor. When you are ready to ttc you will need a doctor that you trust and feel comfortable with. This new one is obviousle not the one.

Posted 8/9/07 3:30 PM


Member since 8/06

2818 total posts


Re: Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

I agree with all the ladies above..find a new doctor....whether you are going to have problems or not you won't know until you go through the process....but regardless you have to be mentally ready to TTC.

I am 29 years old and it took me 14 months to get pregnant. But on the other hand I have a friend who is 36 and got pregnant with her DH pulling out.

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Message edited 8/9/2007 3:44:32 PM.

Posted 8/9/07 3:43 PM


Member since 8/06

2818 total posts


Re: Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

Message edited 8/9/2007 3:44:18 PM.

Posted 8/9/07 3:44 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/07

410 total posts


Re: Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

Thanks girls Chat Icon

You're right, I won't know if we will have issues until we try and more importantly I need to find a doctor I am comfortable with.

Posted 8/9/07 3:45 PM


Member since 5/06

4794 total posts


Message edited 7/13/2009 3:27:19 PM.

Posted 8/9/07 3:47 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07

527 total posts


Re: Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

that is really horrible. i love my ob and am crushed that i have to go to another dr to have an IUI (but at least i only see the RE to get pg then its back to my OB). i had a bad experience with the first RE i met with, so i said to myself why put yourself through this find someone you like. and i did! good luck!

Posted 8/9/07 4:05 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/07

806 total posts


Re: Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

I hate to say this but your gyno is right. Fertility declines after 30. I will be 33 next month and also recently married. I am in my fourth month TTC and unfortunately it's not happening as quickly as I would have liked. All that I have read and researched throughout the past 4 months tells me that waiting is not a good idea after 30. I know this is hard to hear and it hurts me as well but better to accept it and get going on TTC than ignore it. Good luck!

Message edited 8/9/2007 11:01:24 PM.

Posted 8/9/07 10:56 PM

Loving life

Member since 7/06

4088 total posts


Re: Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

I think you need to enjoy that first year of marriage before all the pressure of TTC and motherhood. You are right, you are not that old. My friend had her first baby at 38 with no fertility issues. I had my first baby at 32 and am on my second at 35. I did deal with progressive fertility issues.

Posted 8/11/07 8:28 PM

Three Under Four!!! :-)

Member since 8/06

6405 total posts


Re: Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

Change docs. You need to be comfortable, and it sounds like this doc is a beotch. You ARE still young, and you have a bunch of childbearing years left ahead of you. Let YOU and DH decide when you will get pg. Don't listen to anyone else!

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Posted 8/12/07 12:23 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Confused-Bad Experience w/New Gyno

I think she probably sees a lot of patients struggling to have babies and wants to make sure that you are informed of the reality. Not that "YOU" will have a problem, but that problems do become more likely based on age alone. Thats no reason to rush, but it is information that you should have as you weigh your decisions. If everything else went well at the appointment, I'd ignore the unwelcome advice and just think she was doing her job... (Kind of like my dental hygenist who gives me a hard time for not flossing enough)

Posted 8/12/07 8:02 AM

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