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Convertible Car Seats?? How many?

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Convertible Car Seats?? How many?

I was stupidly under the impression that Britax seats had a base that stayed in the car and the seats could be moved like the infant seats. I disovered I was very wrong the other day in BBB.

We registered for 2 seats. Should we get 2 more for the other car??

If you are having twins or have twins do you have 4 convertible seats???

Message edited 7/27/2009 8:55:44 PM.

Posted 7/27/09 8:55 PM
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Re: Convertible Car Seats?? How many?

Everyone I know with twins only has one set. If you have 4 convertible seats that is taking up A LOT of room in your cars should you need to go out without the babies or whatnot. Plus it is expesnive!!!! I would just get two and use one car to drive them around in.

Even only having on, DH has an infant base in his car but we only use mine when we go out together.

Posted 7/27/09 9:43 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Convertible Car Seats?? How many?

We have one britax now for my Son, it is fairly easy to remove and reinstall in another car, and we do it often between my car, my moms and DH's....So we will only be getting two convertible car seats for the twins.

Posted 7/27/09 10:43 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Convertible Car Seats?? How many?

We had two for a year while I was on maternity leave.
If your are planning on being a SAHM. I'd say, yes, two is fine. If you are returning to work you may need four.

When I returned to work we bought two more as DH does drop off and I do pickup from daycare.

Look for on-line sales in January of each year on Britax when they discontinue the previous years line. If you are not picky on seat cover patterns, we just got grey to match the car's interior, you can get $80-100 off each seat.

Posted 7/28/09 9:55 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Convertible Car Seats?? How many?

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

We had two for a year while I was on maternity leave.
If your are planning on being a SAHM. I'd say, yes, two is fine. If you are returning to work you may need four.

When I returned to work we bought two more as DH does drop off and I do pickup from daycare.

I don't have twins - but I have 2 kids...and we have 4 carseats. It's a must if you are working IMO.

We do the same as Theresa - DH drops off and I pick up - if we had to switch carseats it would be too much.

do you know anyone who has a DC who is outgrowing their seat? I'm giving my sister 2 of my seats as my oldest goes to a booster

Posted 7/29/09 7:20 AM

New Year!

Member since 5/05

13729 total posts


Re: Convertible Car Seats?? How many?

Posted by Erica

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

We had two for a year while I was on maternity leave.
If your are planning on being a SAHM. I'd say, yes, two is fine. If you are returning to work you may need four.

When I returned to work we bought two more as DH does drop off and I do pickup from daycare.

I don't have twins - but I have 2 kids...and we have 4 carseats. It's a must if you are working IMO.

We do the same as Theresa - DH drops off and I pick up - if we had to switch carseats it would be too much.

do you know anyone who has a DC who is outgrowing their seat? I'm giving my sister 2 of my seats as my oldest goes to a booster

I will be working but DH will be dropping them off and picking them up because he leaves later and works closer than I do.

Thanks ladies for your imput..we have some things to think about

Posted 7/30/09 7:02 AM

My golden boys!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Convertible Car Seats?? How many?

We have 4 car seats for our twins.....

For now, we use infant seats and have bases both in my car and DH's car....the seats come right off and snap into our snap-n-go stroller, which we use to bring them into daycare, go shopping, etc.

Once they reach 1 year, we will switch to the convertible seats which do not come out of the car.

Posted 7/31/09 8:13 AM

I love the summer

Member since 1/06

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Re: Convertible Car Seats?? How many?

We're still using the infant seats with 4 bases. But I plan to get 4 convertible seats, I dont want to remove and install car seats all the time.

Posted 7/31/09 9:10 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Convertible Car Seats?? How many?

We have two car seats. I drive them around during the week, and we take that car on the weekends.

I don't think I would register for 4 britax seats, maybe two and then two less expensive ones for the car that will be used less often.

Posted 7/31/09 3:05 PM

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