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Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

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My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

Well I was up all nite tossing and turning b/c I have so much on my mind and I was hoping I could come on here, maybe vent it out and get some advice.

As some of you know I have been very unhappy at my job. I have been here for over a year and worked my a$$ off doing every little task above and beyond my job description. During this time I was told by numerous bossess what a great job I am doing and there will sure to be promotion/advancement in my future. A job came up in my office that is one step up above me now b/c a woman went on maternity leave and then resigned... It is a position I would be good at and would love to do. I figured since I have been working so hard I would be a shoe in- My boss said oh yes we will be doing whatever we can to get u in this spot, promises..promises...yet giving me all the xtra work to long story short i have recently been told there is a new Vice President and b/c he may "restructure the department" in the future they have decided to "get rid" of the spot they were considering me for and not put anyone there. I am so MAD, and BITTER and FED UP with this place, and honestly hurt by it too. Not to mention my boss is just so nasty sometimes now I really just cant even deal..

but the thing is, I need money and this promotion would have really helped me out, so now I had to get a 2nd job. I have been working nites from like 5-1030 about 3-4 times a week, and honestly I just want to cry...I dont want to work a 2nd job, I have my degree, I am 26 yrs old, I should/desereve more respect and more money..

I want to quit my second job and I know i really need to find a new full time job..this situation is keeping me up all nite and I have even considered claiming bankruptcy just so I can get rid of my credit card debt (about 12,000) because i am sinking in worry and debt and cant pull myself out of it. I know 12K may not even qualify for sucha drastic measure but I dont own a home or a car, just rent an apartment so I dont know if this should be an option. I dont want to be 30 with 45K in debt. It is a long story how my debt became 12K and Id rather not go into why but it has not been on frivelous things..

any hugs, advice, insight would be appreciated.


Message edited 11/28/2007 9:13:21 AM.

Posted 11/28/07 9:11 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

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Does your boss know that you've taken on a second job? When given extra work to do, you might decline and say I'm sorry, I don't have time as I have to get to my second job. Drop a few hints.

Otherwise, tell your boss straight out that you feel that you're job isn't going anywhere and ask him/her to tell you if there will be any opportunity for advancement in the near future and discuss the possiblity of a raise. If I were you I'd start looking for a new job immediately, so if it comes down to it, you have something else to fall back on. They may say there isn't, and then you need to be prepared to make a move.

Good luck!

Posted 11/28/07 9:16 AM


Member since 2/06

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Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

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going to FM you in a few

Posted 11/28/07 9:30 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

I agree that you need to start looking for a new job ASAP! Chat Icon

Posted 11/28/07 9:33 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/06

486 total posts


Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

I think the greatest stress factor for you right now is the second job.

My advice would be as follows:

1) Increase Income - I would suggest that you look for another primary full-time job that has increased pay. Post your resume on Monster/Careerbuilder and just mass apply for some jobs.

2) Prepare a budget - Create a budget including expenses and income. See what unnecessary expenses you have. For a month, I wrote down every penny I spent into a notebook to see where my money was going. Take out unnecessary expenses.

3) Get lower interest on your existing credit cards- Call each credit card company and ask them very nicely if they can lower the interest rate. (Goal is to have credit cards with less than 10% interest.) If you missed a payment, apologize and say it was an oversight. Say that you got an offer for lower interest rate and would consider balance transferring otherwise. If this does not work, call the company back, this time press the options to cancel the card, and again tell them you are going to cancel if they don't lower the interest rate. If they refuse, say that you will call back after doing the transfer with the other bank. But don't really cancel the card. You are just bluffing.

4) Balance Transfer to 0% credit cards- Check out this
Consider applying for 0% or low interest credit card to shift some of the monies around? Ideally you want to reduce your debt by applying most of your payments to principal rather than interest. Consider using credit cards that have very little or no balance transfer fees. I would only do this option if you have a decent credit score.

Posted 11/28/07 9:38 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

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Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

Why are you unhappy at your job? Is it because you feel that it is beneath your skills and degree or is it because you honestly do not like the company. I ask because would a raise and change of duty make you happy? Or is the unhappiness more to do with the situation- that is something to think about.

Yes, it stinks about the new VP coming it- but understand the market is a little uneasy right now with everything that is happening with the house & credit market. So it is understandable that they could possibly want to elimate positions and cut costs.

With that said, have you had your 1 year review? If not, I would suggest you speak with your boss to set up an appointment. Give yourself a week to prepare and write a list of everything you do- within your job duty and what is above and beyond. Then ask for a raise and name an amount(if you want to stay with this company). If they deny you a raise, then start looking- but do NOT quit before you find something else.

Regarding your 2nd job and cc debt- you are doing the right thing. I think paying off the12k slowly but surely will, in the long run, be great for your credit score. I don't know if declaring bankruptcy for a 12k debt it worth the reprecussions down the road. I know you must be stressed and working a 2nd job stinks- but you are doing what has to be done. You got into the debt and you have to pull yourself out by the bootstraps. Yes, that means a lot of long nights- but better to do it at 26 and single than 36 with children. And of course, once you are out of this debt you will never do it again. I, at one time, was in the hole for 20k and it took me 3 years to get out of it- but now I don't carry any CC debt- I taught myself a very important lesson!

I know how it feels- i've been in your boat before- underemployed and underpaid for my degree and experience. But I do think you should stick it out- give your employer a chance- I bet if talked to one-on-one they would give you some more money. To hire and train someone new costs a lot- and if they are pleased with you & your performance, they wouldn't let you go!

Good luck

Message edited 11/28/2007 9:45:40 AM.

Posted 11/28/07 9:44 AM


Member since 8/07

10682 total posts


Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

You should def start looking for a new job! Your not happy there anyway. Put your resume on monster. Also what about a goverment ob like the post office? Or even the LIRR - those job are extremely secure and pay well.

As far as the credit card debt - do NOT use any credit cards. If you dont have the cash to pay it, then dont buy it. Just pay your minimum payments so that you are not late, but whenver you have extra money , appl it to the credit cards to help pay them down.

Good luck

Posted 11/28/07 9:44 AM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

Thank you everyone, I really appreciate the advice and words of wisdom!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/28/07 9:47 AM

22 Months?!!!!

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And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle

Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

michi - have you considered seeking the services of a financial advisor

who can help you address the debt and maybe work out a way for you to quit the second job - and come up with a budget for you to start paying the debt, with one job, while looking for a second?

Posted 11/28/07 9:50 AM


Member since 9/06

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Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

Posted by DeniseMarie

Or even the LIRR - those job are extremely secure and pay well.

They're hiring too! They just passed out a flyer on the train this morning about positions available. And don't feel bad about the CC debt.. if you knew how much debt I was in, you'd puke and feel so much better about your debt. Chat Icon

Posted 11/28/07 9:52 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/06

486 total posts


Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

What do you currently do? What is your degree in? What area of LI do you live in?

We might know of a good job for you.

I would also suggest looking at the job ads on Craigslist.

Posted 11/28/07 9:53 AM


Member since 9/05

4947 total posts


Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

If they are disolving the other position and that is not an option and there is no other positions open in the horizon at your current company...go in and ask for a salary adjustment. Justify to them that what you do is worth more than you are currently making. Show them what you do now, your accomplishments and what you have to offer in the new year and tell them you need to be fairly compensated. See what happens, the worst they can say is no, and then you know you need to look elsewhere. I just advised my friend to do this and she just got an extra 15K. It took a few months of poking and proding but she got it!!

As far as the debt, the only advice i have is not to add to it right now. Try to put something towards it every month and as long as you are not adding to it you will eventually break even. It's so hard, I have been there but it will happen.

Good luck, I know how hard it is but you will break out of this one way or another! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/28/07 9:58 AM

My loves

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Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

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Posted 11/28/07 9:58 AM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

11122 total posts


Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

Hey girl keep your head up. Start looking for something else!! You will land something with more money!!

Posted 11/28/07 10:02 AM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

Thanks so much everyone, I am so glad i posted--I was verry aprehensive at first cause to be quite honest i am very embarrassed about my situation..

I have definitly considered speaking with a Finanical Counselor and definitly might seak out someone asap--maybe even a psychiatist also at this point lol..

My degree is in COmmunications and I have over 5 years of executive/administrative work.

I am going to see about moving my debt to one credit card at a very low interest rate and then give all my credit cards to my mom so i can not use them..

Posted 11/28/07 10:07 AM

mommy to 3 boys

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Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

Posted by robynfs

If they are disolving the other position and that is not an option and there is no other positions open in the horizon at your current company...go in and ask for a salary adjustment. Justify to them that what you do is worth more than you are currently making. Show them what you do now, your accomplishments and what you have to offer in the new year and tell them you need to be fairly compensated. See what happens, the worst they can say is no, and then you know you need to look elsewhere. I just advised my friend to do this and she just got an extra 15K. It took a few months of poking and proding but she got it!!

As far as the debt, the only advice i have is not to add to it right now. Try to put something towards it every month and as long as you are not adding to it you will eventually break even. It's so hard, I have been there but it will happen.

Good luck, I know how hard it is but you will break out of this one way or another! Chat Icon Chat Icon

I was going to post the same thing. It sounds like they made all these empty promises and now you deserve a raise. They owe it to you! Go and ask for it! If they don't budge, you'll know it's time to move on. Good luckChat Icon

Posted 11/28/07 10:13 AM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

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Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

Michi, I have a job opening, want to interview?

Posted 11/28/07 10:20 AM

My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

Posted by Blu-ize

Michi, I have a job opening, want to interview?

I will fm you Chat Icon

Posted 11/28/07 10:23 AM

only love...

Member since 5/05

2034 total posts


Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

Posted by Michi

My degree is in COmmunications and I have over 5 years of executive/administrative work.

I agree with the above posters about controlling your spending. You may want to borrow a book from the library about personal finance. Suze Orman has one targeted toward people in their 20s, but there are loads of them out there.

Can you talk to your boss about your disappointment (not rage) about the potential restructuring and see if there's a way to change your job as part of the changes? Was this an opportunity for you to break out of the exec/admin track? If that's what you're trying to do, it may be easier for you to do that with your current employer first, then make a lateral (or promotional) move to another company.

Posted 11/28/07 11:24 AM

Sooo happy

Member since 8/07

1235 total posts


Re: Could use some Advice On Various things..(long)

look for something else.. you woudl be an asset to another organization

Posted 11/28/07 11:25 AM

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