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Coverage through my insurance, DH's insurance...How does this work?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/09

828 total posts


Coverage through my insurance, DH's insurance...How does this work?

I'm going to go to an RE. I've been putting it off for a long time but it's time. As everyone else, I'm concerned about insurance coverage. My insurance only covers diagnostic tests but no treatments or medications. I'm not too sure about DH's insurance but I have it listed as my secondary.

Here are my questions...
-Do they go over this stuff with you BEFORE you have the tests, procedures, etc? I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into BEFORE. I don't want to deal with surprise bills.
-Do they bill my primary first, get a denial and then bill DH's insurance?
-Do you think they could give me info on my coverage before I make an appointment?

I am sooooooo nervous! Any advice would be helpful!

Posted 2/10/12 7:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Coverage through my insurance, DH's insurance...How does this work?

i am not sure since i only have coverage through my dh...but iwould call your RE and ask to speak to whoever handles the billing and go over everything with them

good luckChat Icon

Posted 2/10/12 11:47 PM


Member since 1/10

1060 total posts


Re: Coverage through my insurance, DH's insurance...How does this work?

In my experience with two RE offices...

I have made an appointment, they take all my insurance information, and when they call to confirm my appointment they tell me what is or isn't covered.

But it is always best to check with both carriers yourself. More than likely you will get different information than the doctors office. If that is the case, when the doctors office calls, explain to them what the insurance company has told you. I think most RE offices are use to duking it out with insurance companies and will sort things out for you.

Posted 2/11/12 6:25 AM

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