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Cramp question - a little TMI....

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My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Cramp question - a little TMI....

I am 24 weeks... I was driving today, and all of a sudden I had a cramp that literally made me scream - plus, I was driving in the fast lane, and decided for the rest of the drive to get into the slow lane so I ca be prepared next time it hits...

Its hard to describe this pain, but let me sum it up -

Like a hot poker up my @ss...

sort of like what I get sometimes right before my period, along with the feeling of having to go to the bathroom (#2) but not being able to get to a toilet for a while, so you hold it in, and you get that horrible cramp feeling up your butt... Chat Icon

Please tell me this is normal

But more important...

PLEASE, PLEASE tell me that this is NOT what labor feels like. Cuz if it is, I'm going to be a real big baby about this. I'm NOT kidding!!!

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Posted 12/12/06 3:59 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Cramp question - a little TMI....

Sounds like the baby leaned on a nerve or on your rectum/back area organs.

don't worry about labor pain, that's what epi's are forChat Icon

Posted 12/12/06 4:06 PM


Member since 5/06

3808 total posts


Re: Cramp question - a little TMI....

When i was around 22 weeks, i had bad cramps that lasted a day or two. I feel like a sharp pain in my side where when i tried to stand up it hurt so bad that i was crying. I also had like AF cramps and went to the doctor and they told me everything was fine. He did an internal and said that everything is closed up. No dialating.

The said it was stretching. It went away.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/12/06 4:07 PM

I'm a rolling machine.

Member since 9/06

2064 total posts


Re: Cramp question - a little TMI....

Sorry Liza, but labor kind of s ucks. It is painful and no matter what, you will bear down even when they say not to mainly because it helps alleviate the pressure/pain. You will cry more than likely. You'll be fine and if it hurts too much not only can you have an epidural, but they'll suggest it.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/12/06 5:41 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Cramp question - a little TMI....

Posted by snuggleupagus

Sorry Liza, but labor kind of s ucks. It is painful and no matter what, you will bear down even when they say not to mainly because it helps alleviate the pressure/pain. You will cry more than likely. You'll be fine and if it hurts too much not only can you have an epidural, but they'll suggest it.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Great... hope these Bradley classes help Chat Icon

Posted 12/12/06 9:11 PM

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