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LIF Zygote

Member since 5/14 22 total posts
Name: Holly Golightly
Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
Did anybody on here try for a long time, but chose not to see an RE and it eventually happened?
How long did you try? What made you still have faith it would happen naturally? I know people who tried for a year or two without help and it eventually happened.
How do you go on so long and still remain positive?
Posted 8/11/14 1:08 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
Me, but not as long as others. I had a mc at about 6 weeks the month I went off the pill, then 3 months later had a chemical, most women would have gone to an RE right after that. Instead, I changed doctors, started acupuncture, mixed up some of my supplements. Almost 1 year later (after my first loss), I was pregnant with this LO, I'm almost 24 weeks now, and he is kicking up a storm in there today!
I know it's ancient history, but I just posted this on the december board, and it's one of the reasons why I didn't go to an RE. My grandmother spent over 3 years TTC for her first with NOTHING. Then, bam, her body got the picture, and she had 4 children in 5 years. That's not to say that had there been IF treatment like there is now, that she wouldn't have gone, I really don't know... but it happens.
Posted 8/11/14 1:17 PM |
Dreams do come true

Member since 2/12 2259 total posts
Re: Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
I did see an RE. As a result, I have a 17 month old and am 37 weeks pregnant. I think that what you need to keep in mind is that with certain diagnoses, the only way to conceive is with the assistance of an RE. Without knowing what is causing the problem, you can't always think it will eventually happen. In our case, there was absolutely no way for me to get pregnant without an RE.
Posted 8/11/14 1:27 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
I saw an RE at 1 year and spent a year between finding the right one and having testing and IUIs.
At exactly the 2 year mark I was waiting to start and IVF cycle and got PG on my own.
For #2 we are still waiting. My DS is 2.5 and have basically been trying since and no luck yet. We are not going the RE route this time. We figure if it happens it happens if not we are truly blessed with my DS. Trying for the first one put a ton of stress on us and our relationship and I don't want to do it again,
Posted 8/11/14 1:35 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
Posted by alli3131
I saw an RE at 1 year and spent a year between finding the right one and having testing and IUIs.
At exactly the 2 year mark I was waiting to start and IVF cycle and got PG on my own.
For #2 we are still waiting. My DS is 2.5 and have basically been trying since and no luck yet. We are not going the RE route this time. We figure if it happens it happens if not we are truly blessed with my DS. Trying for the first one put a ton of stress on us and our relationship and I don't want to do it again,
Posted 8/11/14 2:00 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
I went to an RE 14 months in trying for our first and in the week between my first consultation and when we were supposed to start testing with them I got my BFP. I had several months in the middle of trying where I was battling back to back infections so I knew that was not helping our chances but after a year I decided it was worth checking things out to see if there was anything holding us back.
Posted 8/11/14 2:08 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
It's a very personal decision that only you and your SO/DH can make for yourselves. What is right for one couple may not be right for another. My DH was pretty much against the idea of going to a specialist, but I convinced him to say that if it didn't happen by this september (about 1 & 1/2 years) we would go. We were blessed before then. I was going to acupuncture, though, which was a HUGE help, I'm certain it is the reason why I am pregnant.
Posted 8/11/14 2:16 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/10 1110 total posts
Re: Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
I tried for exactly 12 months, temping, opk's, everything. I had the prescription for clomid in my car and decided to wiat it out one more momth & that was the month it happened. I did go through the sperm testing, HSG test & blood work and everything was normal. The month i did get my BFP i drank wine, champagne & basically was numb to the whole TTC idea. Just BD when we felt like it & it happened.
No one wants to hear believe me i know, I didnt either but it actually was the case for me.
Posted 8/11/14 2:22 PM |
My family is complete
Member since 1/12 2338 total posts
Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
For me, it wasn't worth it to not see an RE. I went after a year of trying and three months of clomid from my OBGYN. I'm now 34 weeks pregnant.
Posted 8/11/14 2:31 PM |
Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13 7238 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
Posted by TNT1005
I tried for exactly 12 months, temping, opk's, everything. I had the prescription for clomid in my car and decided to wiat it out one more momth & that was the month it happened. I did go through the sperm testing, HSG test & blood work and everything was normal. The month i did get my BFP i drank wine, champagne & basically was numb to the whole TTC idea. Just BD when we felt like it & it happened.
No one wants to hear believe me i know, I didnt either but it actually was the case for me.
I was a similar boat - DH was having a rough month with work and we said that we would put off TTC for a cycle or two since his mom was moving in with us. I went through so many bottles of wine and just dtd whenever...
Posted 8/11/14 2:34 PM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
Me. We tried on and off from January 2011 to June 2013. I temped, used CBEFM, Deanna's Plan, etc. Never had a BFP. DH and I decided that since it had been that long, it was time to see an RE in July 2013. Well on July 5, 2013, I got my BFP and now DD is 5 months old!
Posted 8/11/14 4:07 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
Posted by TNT1005
I tried for exactly 12 months, temping, opk's, everything. I had the prescription for clomid in my car and decided to wiat it out one more momth & that was the month it happened. I did go through the sperm testing, HSG test & blood work and everything was normal. The month i did get my BFP i drank wine, champagne & basically was numb to the whole TTC idea. Just BD when we felt like it & it happened.
No one wants to hear believe me i know, I didnt either but it actually was the case for me.
Me too. I drank like crazy and was so relaxed the month we got out BFP because I figured we were doing IVF soon so why not take a month off of the crazy.
Posted 8/11/14 5:34 PM |
My loves

Member since 2/11 2131 total posts
Name: A
Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
I tried for 16 months before seeing RE- I did 3 months of clomid from my obgyn. I got my BFP the week after I saw the RE from my last round of clomid with obgyn. For DS2, I took clomid with obgyn again - was gonna see an RE over the summer if it didn't happen (due to the amount of time needed for monitoring and the fact I don't have a flexible work schedule during the school year). I got pregnant on my 5th month of clomid the second time around.
Posted 8/11/14 6:34 PM |
Just call me Mommy.

Member since 1/11 5570 total posts
Name: S
Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
I think the decision to see an RE is very personal- I went to see one before I started TTC since I was taking medication for chronic migraine that I had to stop- I requested to have basic blood work done- hormone levels, etc. and as it turned out I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure-I was advised to started TTC ASAP- I used the clear blue advanced ovulation kit based on my RE's advice and I conceived my second cycle TTC and now have a five month old. In my case if I had waited it may have been too late for me my AMA levels were VERY, very low-- it can not hurt to set up a consult of you have been trying for a long time without success.
Posted 8/12/14 12:03 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/10 853 total posts
Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
I saw this post and had to respond- we ttc 9 months before seeing an RE bc I just had a feeling something wasn't right. It turned out we were dealing with male factor issues and it would be nearly impossible for us to conceive without IVF. I am so grateful I went with my instincts because it was a long and difficult road even with an RE and we wouldn't have my perfect DD if it wasn't for IVF. Point being it doesn't hurt to see an RE or get tested
Posted 8/15/14 12:07 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
With my first, we tried for a year. The month we stopped trying is when I got my BFP. Second time around I got pregnant unexpectedly and had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. We waited 2 months based on my docs advice and got a BFP on the first go, I'm now 11 weeks along
Posted 8/15/14 9:20 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 6/10 260 total posts
Name: Thinking positive thoughts!
Re: Crashing...if you tried for a long time , but did not see an RE...
It's all here:
My BFP Story
Message edited 8/15/2014 11:07:41 PM.
Posted 8/15/14 11:07 PM |