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Skinny jeans are in my future
Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
DH and I just got a new Pug puppy. He is 6 months old and we are currently trying to crate him at night and during the day while we are at work. The problem is that he howls unbelievably and we are afraid that the neighbors will get angry. Also, please tell me that it is normal to crate train a puppy? I feel like it's so terrible to do to him. The plan is to allow him free rign of the house when he is house trained and still crate him at night. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Posted 10/30/06 3:12 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/06 77 total posts
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
We crated our puppy when we first got her, whenever we weren't home and at night. She was good when we weren't home, didn't cry or bark but a night she sometimes would. It stopped after a few days.
We have had her now for almost 3 years and she is only crated now when we aren't home. At night she sleeps with us. We stopped crating her at night probably after about a year.
She never has accidents and is totally house broken. I 10000% beleive that it is b/c of the crate.
Posted 10/30/06 3:30 PM |
Skinny jeans are in my future
Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
Unfortunately, our Pug will never be able to sleep with us in our bed because he snores so unbelievable loud we would never sleep! So we will just crate him when he sleeps hopefully!
Posted 10/30/06 4:07 PM |
Eva Luna
Be's hard!

Member since 8/05 4750 total posts
Name: God, bless & heal my DH, JenG's DH Rob & DebG
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
Dude, I came in here hoping someone had suggestions!! I feel your pain!!
My puppy is now 10 weeks old and although adorable, will pee and poop anywhere (even in the crate) if not walked every hour...which makes it hard at night.
He snores too, but so does our cat, so we just put him in the bed with us at night. That way I can sleep at least 5 hours straight.
I'd love to have him roam free when I'm not home...but I don't see it happening.
As it is we sometimes have to leash him at night *before I put him in bed* so that he doesn't eat all the cat's food...or his own poop.
Seriously, babies are hard!!
Posted 10/30/06 4:17 PM |
True love

Member since 6/05 12653 total posts
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
We left the puppies gated in the kitchen until they were fully toilet trained. Our kitchen is tile so clean up was no big deal. Holden was 15 weeks old when we got him and he was crate trained so we kept his crate in the kitchen with the door open. It took until they were 8-10 months old before we let them have more access to the house. They are fully toiled trained but to this day, when we are out, they are not allowed in the bedrooms or computer rooms so they do not chew anything bad or get crazy.
Posted 10/30/06 6:59 PM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
completely normal to crate train...I strongly recommend it.
He is probably having some separation anxiety. Is the crate in a centrally located area where he can see what's going on around him?
Have you helped him feel that it is a safe and relaxing place to be?
It's important they feel that is their "safe" spot. Put treats in there randomly when you are home for him to find it.
We let our Rottweilier out of her crate when were were not home at 2 1/2 years old. Our puggle still goes in when we leave the house because I honestly think he WANTS to be in there when we are not here. The few times we have left him out, he poops in the house because he is upset we left him.
Posted 10/30/06 7:35 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
We crate trained Abby for the first few days....she was 10 weeks.
Then we decided to but her in just the blocked off kitchen. We were gone too many hours during the day and she needed to be able to get to a wee wee pad outside the crate.
This worked well. We did that for about 6 weeks and now she has the living room and kitchen during the day and when we arent home, thats it.
She still sleeps in the crate with the door closed at night and shes great with it , after about 1 month of long nights trying to get her to she doesnt even make a sound.
Posted 10/30/06 8:28 PM |
I am Batman!

Member since 5/05 4093 total posts
Name: I'm Batman, I tell you!
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
We crated Gunner from the day he came home at 8 weeks both when we were out and at night, and was gated in the kitchen when he was out of the crate. He was fully potty trained by about 5 months. At about that time, we started letting him sleep out of the crate in the kitchen and he was doing really well. So we started letting him out in the kitchen while were gone. Big mistake. He chewed up all our cabinets, doorways and molding, ate cans, tin foil, 3 pens, mail, a hat, a tube of his ear ointment..... He's been back in the crate while we're gonce since and he's now 10 months. He will be in the crate while we're gone for a very long time, maybe even up to 2 years. But he really likes his crate and goes in there to sleep even when we're home and he's allowed out.
PS If you're having trouble with the howling, a trainer had suggested keeping the crate next to the bed. That way, he knows you're right there with him at night and your smell is in the room when your out so he won't feel alone.
Posted 10/31/06 8:06 AM |
Skinny jeans are in my future
Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
Posted by kra5hnburn
We crated Gunner from the day he came home at 8 weeks both when we were out and at night, and was gated in the kitchen when he was out of the crate. He was fully potty trained by about 5 months. At about that time, we started letting him sleep out of the crate in the kitchen and he was doing really well. So we started letting him out in the kitchen while were gone. Big mistake. He chewed up all our cabinets, doorways and molding, ate cans, tin foil, 3 pens, mail, a hat, a tube of his ear ointment..... He's been back in the crate while we're gonce since and he's now 10 months. He will be in the crate while we're gone for a very long time, maybe even up to 2 years. But he really likes his crate and goes in there to sleep even when we're home and he's allowed out.
PS If you're having trouble with the howling, a trainer had suggested keeping the crate next to the bed. That way, he knows you're right there with him at night and your smell is in the room when your out so he won't feel alone.
Thanks for the suggestions. I took off one of my t-shirt yesterday and put it in with him in his crate. He did not make a peep all night!!!
Posted 10/31/06 9:36 AM |
Eva Luna
Be's hard!

Member since 8/05 4750 total posts
Name: God, bless & heal my DH, JenG's DH Rob & DebG
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
I tried something new last night and it here it is:
I bought him a toy that you heat in the microwave...he absolutely loves this toy...I got it at PetSmart, pics below (I found them online)...I now tell him "go to sleep Brooklyn" and he goes on top of the toy and
I leave the crate open at night and bought him a bed last night; I placed the bed in front of the crate so that he could go back and forth. I put the heated toy in the bed with one of my t-shirt and a blanket...he slept through the night in the bed!! Didn't wake up once to pee or cry. I was so happy!!
I see light...staying in the crate may prove difficult, but at least he's sleeping now!!
Oh, and the crate and the bed are in my room at night. He goes nuts if he doesn't see me!
Posted 10/31/06 10:02 AM |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
I felt very guilty at first too, but in the end it is so worth it. Casey is 2 years old now and she no longer is crated because she is totally trained, but the crate worked wonders for housebreaking and also it gave me peace of mind knowing she was safe while I was at work. Don't worry, he will get used to it and it won't be forever!
Posted 10/31/06 10:24 AM |
My new 71 Super Beetle

Member since 5/05 13476 total posts
Name: Scott
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
Tiny was crate trained since he was born. The woman we adopted him from crate trained him, and now Tiny sleeps in his crate and also goes in there when we are home, just because he likes it I guess. When we leave the house, Tiny has to be in his crate. He still likes to eat the carpet on the stairs, and we also dont want him to go to the bathroom in the house.
Danielle wants for him to sleep in our bed at night, but I dont think he is ready for that yet. He is still eating things that are on the floor, and he is still chewing on the carpet on the stairs.
He sleeps next to Danielle when she falls asleep on the couch and doesnt wake up until like 4am, even though I try to wake her...This is why she thinks he will be ok.
Im not sure though...Who knows what he will be doing in the middle of the night....What if he goes to the bathroom in the bed?
I like that he is crate trained.....He has his own space, and we have ours.
Posted 10/31/06 11:23 AM |
Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05 1610 total posts
Name: Jaimie
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
I have a 9yo lhasa and he was crate trained when he was about 1 1/2 - 2yo I let him have run of the house no problems. So now, I have a 2 1/2yo labradoodle and she still gets put in the crate when neither one of us are home. She like to chew and stand on the couch still. I dont know if she will ever get out of the crate when we aren't home.
Posted 10/31/06 11:33 AM |

Member since 9/06 9532 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
One of the best ways to stop your dog from peeing or pooping in it's crate is to start feeding them in their crate... ya know how the old saying goes... "you don't sh!t where you eat..." applies to dogs too. As far as the sleeping goes... Im a big believer that dogs need to be included in a pack, therefore, the dog needs to sleep with the pack.. in it's own bed of course. A lot of people will tell you the same thing... to allow your dog to sleep in the same room as you but to make sure it has a bed of it's own. Cooper hates to be in his crate during the day, but as soon as we get home we put one of his beds in there and he hangs out in there for the rest of the night until its time for bed where he'll go to sleep in our room on his own bed. Best of luck!
Posted 10/31/06 12:56 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
My little girl stayed crated while we were at work until she was about 2 1/2 ....we have been letting her have free roam for about 3 months and she has been doing great, she NEVER goes in her crate anymore.
Posted 11/1/06 10:03 AM |
Member since 8/05 8377 total posts
Name: Team SEXY BACK
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
Jamie you guys got a little baby?????? You must post pics!!!
I really believe crate training is one of the best things you can do for your dog. Especially when they're curious little pups. You don't want them to get into mischief while you're not home and hurt themselves.
We had a problem with JJ starting to pee at night. We set up the crate in the bedroom (they like sleeping with their "pack") and gave him a treat everytime he went in. After his late night walk he'd run into the crate waiting for his treat. I think once they're in there you have to be careful not to baby him or let him out if he's making noises.
Good luck with the little guy!!
Posted 11/2/06 9:05 AM |
Skinny jeans are in my future
Member since 6/06 10258 total posts
Name: Baby Momma
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
Posted by azoodie
Jamie you guys got a little baby?????? You must post pics!!!
Here's my puppy! Welcome Marley!!!
Posted 11/4/06 8:07 AM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
at 10 weeks old the puppies do not totally know to go outside. Training on paper or wee wee pads FIRST and then doing outside as well would be better. This way they get the notion of they have to go in a certain area. Then once they get that....move it closer and closer to the door. You can also put their poo outside for them to sniff so they know to do it outside.
I believe there is a simple equation....I believe puppies can go without relieving themselves about half their a 10 week old puppy can really only go about 5 hours.
LOTS and LOTS of praise when they DO go outside is KEY. A specific treat just for doing thier business. A regular schedule too would be helpful, but I know most of us are not home all day to do so. Also, note their behavior BEFORE they go (on the wee wee pad, paper, or wherever it is they are going) and when you see them do that, have a key phrase that will mean going out to do their business.
As far as going IN the crate, animals will not go where they eat OR sleep, so either the crate is too big for him or he is dealing with some separation anxiety. Our puggle did this at 10 MONTHS old and his crate was perfectly sized. Turned out he just wanted to sleep with us. The minute we let him in the bed, he went 12 HOURS without needing to go out.
Also understand that being adopted is a traumatic thing for them. They are removed from their parents and homes and need some adjustment time...several weeks to simply adjust to the new home and family, let alone trying to learn to potty outside.
Good Luck Everyone!!!
Posted 11/4/06 9:01 AM |
My little loves!
Member since 1/06 8093 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
I have been through this sooooo many times. The amount of time to train really depends on the dog, some get it and some don't.
We used to crate train for about a year even 2 if needed.
They would be crated at night and while noone was home.
Be patient, it will work in time.
I know it seems mean, but the key is to put them in a crate that is big enough for them to comfortably lay in, but not big enough for them to walk around in. Dogs hate laying in their own mess. That is why it works.
Posted 11/6/06 3:54 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
My lil one was crated until she was about 2 1/2....she now has free roam of the house
Posted 11/6/06 4:12 PM |
I'm a mommy :)

Member since 1/06 7322 total posts
Name: ~Jess~
Re: Crate training a puppy...when does it end???
depends on the pu. We crate trained rocky for under a month We felt bad leaving him in the cage so he had access to the back of the house when no one was home for about 4-5 months. Since he was about 6-7 months he's had free access of the house
Posted 11/6/06 8:16 PM |