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Dad Says Lohan's Kicking OxyContin in Rehab
Officials Probe Whether Underage Lindsay Served Booze
CBS News
LOS ANGELES (May 30) - Michael Lohan says his daughter Lindsay is in a detox program to kick multiple addictions to alcohol and drugs including the prescription painkiller OxyContin.
"I spoke to the people treating Lindsay because I want to make sure she is getting the right care," Michael Lohan told E! Online's The Planet Gossip co-host Tina Dirmann. "And I'm satisfied they are doing the right thing for her, helping her detox from painkillers and things. That's a very important step."
Michael Lohan, who was released from New York's Collins Correctional Facility in March after serving nearly two years on attempted assault and other charges, has had his own battles with addiction.
He went to bible college while behind bars and became a minister with the Assemblies of God Ministry.
That's why he's pleased that there's a spiritual aspect to the recovery program his daughter will undergo.
"I learned they use the 12-step program, which includes a lot of lessons bases on God's teachings, so I was satisfied with that," he said. "First she needs to get clean, then she needs to let God in her life."
Meanwhile, authorities conducting undercover operations at trendy celebrity watering holes in recent weeks want to know if Lindsay Lohan , who's still underage, was served alcohol before a weekend car crash. California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control investigators also want to know if Lohan or others were served after hours, agency spokesman John Carr said.
Videos show Lohan leaving Hollywood's Les Deux club at 3:30 a.m. Alcohol cannot be served in California after 2 a.m.
The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control told the Beverly Hills Police Department it wants to review witness reports and other evidence to determine if a formal investigation is warranted, Carr said.
Les Deux spokeswoman Marissa Knies said Lohan had dinner and wasn't drinking.
"Because of the enormous paparazzi presence outside of Les Deux that night, we allowed her to stay late and wait for her friends," according to a statement released by Knies.
Lohan, who turns 21 on July 2, was behind the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz that was heavily damaged when it crashed into a curb and bushes on Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills early Saturday.
Lohan was arrested for investigation of driving under the influence. Her publicist announced the actress entered a rehabilitation facility on Monday.
"We have a duty to check on these things whenever there's a report of a minor involved in a crash," Carr said, noting "underage drinking is a huge problem in the state of California."
Some 1,574 people were killed in alcohol-related vehicle crashes last year and about 200 involved underage drinking.
There have been 10 recent enforcement operations involving Alcoholic Beverage Control and Los Angeles police officers checking Los Angeles-area clubs, Carr said. The agency has four investigators in Los Angeles.
Club Teddy's at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood paid a $3,000 fine on May 4 for accusations last year that it sold contaminated beverages and sold alcohol after hours, Carr said.
There's also a pending investigation now in the hearing process against Hollywood Boulevard's Club Mood, another popular nightspot for young Hollywood, Carr said.
There are no pending ABC enforcement actions against Les Deux.
"We do investigate any time we get complaints when someone underage is being served. Anyone under the age of 21 cannot be sold alcohol in California."
If they do, Carr said it can result in a fine, suspension of the club's ABC license to sell liquor or revocation of its liquor license.