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Day Care moms - our first day is tomorrow what do I bring?

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Mom of 2 Princesses

Member since 9/07

2540 total posts


Day Care moms - our first day is tomorrow what do I bring?

DD is 3 months and starts Kiddie academy tomorrow.

I labeled all her clothes, sheets and bag of diapers, and bottles.

So I'm bringing

2 sheets
1 package of diapers
1 roll of paper towels - (we don't use wipes, just soapy water and center said that was OK- they have it)
Crib Mobile
3 bottles (she's there from 8 am to 1:00)
?how many change of clothes
Wubanub pacifier
Anything else?

should I send Gripe water?


Posted 6/29/08 11:25 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My Babies

Member since 5/05

2566 total posts


Re: Day Care moms - our first day is tomorrow what do I bring?

Sounds like u have everything covered. Is your DC bf or ff? If FF, Iwould bring extra formula. I always have 2 sets of extra clothes. I personally don't bring sheets because, they clean them there so we use theirs

Posted 6/29/08 11:52 AM

Changing everyday

Member since 1/08

2281 total posts


Re: Day Care moms - our first day is tomorrow what do I bring?

Posted by JChia

2 sheets
1 package of diapers
1 roll of paper towels - (we don't use wipes, just soapy water and center said that was OK- they have it)
Crib Mobile
3 bottles (she's there from 8 am to 1:00)
?how many change of clothes
Wubanub pacifier
Anything else?

should I send Gripe water?


2 changes of clothes...And that is everything! I forgot socks and poor DS got poopie on them Chat Icon

Bring a fav toy of your DC!!!

I bought another bouncy for daycare too. Since my DS loved it so much

Posted 6/29/08 11:55 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Day Care moms - our first day is tomorrow what do I bring?

from 8-1 I would think 2 sets of clothing and 3 onsies is enough incase it gets soiled.
otherwise I think you have everything.

Posted 6/29/08 11:56 AM


Member since 5/05

4898 total posts


Re: Day Care moms - our first day is tomorrow what do I bring?

burp cloths
pacifier holder / attacher with her name on it

I'd leave them with 2 changes of clothes and as they use one and send it home with you, bring another.

(DS starts Tuesday - we can commiserate this week Chat Icon )

Posted 6/29/08 12:10 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: Day Care moms - our first day is tomorrow what do I bring?

I buy some super cheap clothes for my son and leave about 4 different outfits at daycare, this way, even if I take one home and I forget to bring a spare clean one the next day, you can go for a few days without worrying.

Posted 6/29/08 12:12 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

13341 total posts


Re: Day Care moms - our first day is tomorrow what do I bring?

Ryan isn't starting til September but I called the daycare to find out what they want me to bring the other day. They just want to 80-ct wipe packages, diapers, bottles with milk and a couple of outfits - I expected them to give me a huge list.
Now I go back to work on Tuesday PT and he'll be with my mom - don't get me started on my list of crap for Grandma's house - my trunk was full!

Posted 6/29/08 1:01 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Day Care moms - our first day is tomorrow what do I bring?


I also typed up an "information" page and gave it to them. It just explained how she likes her bottles (cold), when she usually naps, that I didn't want her in the swing or bouncy too often (flat head), what soothes her the best, etc. etc.

Posted 6/29/08 2:10 PM

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