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Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

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Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

Ok, I am not experiencing m/s but I have to go a lot. Just tinkle mostly but sometimes my tummy does a tumble and since I have IBS I know the difference in my body from gas to emergency exit.

So please, take your weekend conversations out of the bathroom. Our office doesn’t care about small talk so no need to stand at the mirror for 15mins talking about dinner plans for each of the next three days. Worse, stop the tag team conversations where you start including another walk-in into your topic and excuse yourself, so now its two different people conversing instead of tinkling.

FURTHER, do NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES bring your cell phone to the bathroom to continue your conversations “Ok, I had to get away from desk.. so anyway……” Seriously people what person want to hear your tinkle flow and a flush??? Same goes for texting while on the can. My god are we that attached to cell phones?

Trust me, this is for your own good, do your business, wash up and LEAVE. Some of us have my own business to attend to!

I hate nothing more than going to the bathroom and it’s such a long trip due to talkers that now that I made it back to my desk I have to go back and tinkle again. WHAT A WASTE!

*end rant*

Posted 1/18/08 9:52 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

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Re: Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I can SOOO relate!Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/08 10:14 AM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

I think i would seriously hurt someone if they did that in my office! The bathroom is for one thing and one thing only!!!! Chat Icon

I feel your pain...

Posted 1/18/08 10:31 AM

Our 3 angels

Member since 7/07

4824 total posts


Re: Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

I am very fortunate to have a private bathroom. We only have one toliet and sink, so you can lock the door and have the whole place to yourself!

But, I have experienced what you posted at previous jobs...

Posted 1/18/08 11:42 AM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Re: Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

It really bothers me lately since I feel I spend half my day going to and from the bathroom.


Does this ever end?

Posted 1/18/08 12:23 PM

My Life. My Everything.

Member since 10/07

9151 total posts


Re: Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

Posted by Xelindrya

It really bothers me lately since I feel I spend half my day going to and from the bathroom.


Does this ever end?

Noooooooooooo!!! Chat Icon

Hang in there. I totally can relate to your bathroom rant. ESPECIALLY since I get "stage fright" and can't pee with others around!!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/08 12:25 PM

momma's boy

Member since 10/07

1553 total posts


Re: Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

OMG that makes me nuts. Everyone who works in the warehouse that is right next to my dept shares the same ladies room w/ us and they all take turns talking on their cell in there or conversing in groups. I don't speak spanish and 1% of the conversations are in english, so I can't even evesdrop. Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/08 1:34 PM

momma's boy

Member since 10/07

1553 total posts


Re: Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

I say you wait until there is a decent size group, then walk into a stall and drop golf balls into the toilet in 3 second intervals so they all hear kerplunk....kerplunk...kerplunk and scatter. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 1/18/2008 1:36:24 PM.

Posted 1/18/08 1:36 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

8257 total posts

Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

Posted by CherylWoops

I say you wait until there is a decent size group, then walk into a stall and drop golf balls into the toilet in 3 second intervals so they all hear kerplunk....kerplunk...kerplunk and scatter. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

It would totally serve them right Cheryl!!!!!!!

Posted 1/19/08 4:50 PM

There's no place like home

Member since 8/07

4110 total posts


Re: Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

I am glad you posted this. I thought I was the only one getting fed up with the bathroom in my office.
We have a very small bathroom at my office which I must go to a hundred times a day now.
Due to recent very gross and annoying experiences with co-workers, I wrote the following and shared it wih a few of the ladies in my office for a giigle. These are all based on real life experiences....

Bathroom Etiquette

1. Close door to stall while using said stall
2. Flush toilet after use
3. Control any voluntary bathroom noise such as grunting to the best of your ability
4. Spaying Lysol and/or courtesy flushing are customary when doing # 2
5. The bathroom is not your own personal phone booth please refrain from loud conversations on your cell phone while in there.

Posted 1/19/08 5:00 PM

Alyssa's Mommy!!!

Member since 7/07

1138 total posts


Re: Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

I also have IBS and I totally hear where you are coming from. I hate it when people sit there and linger while they are talking, just go and leave so those that HAVE to linger may do so in somewhat of privacy

Posted 1/19/08 5:35 PM


Member since 2/06

5285 total posts


Re: Dear Co-Workers: Pregnancy Bathroom Etiquette (TMI)

pregnant or not-pregnant that always bothered me. And the worst is when they see you come in and they are just washing up and you are already in the stall and they want to hold a conversation with YOU. OMG. I HATE THAT!!!

Posted 1/19/08 6:57 PM

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