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Debate Formula???

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/07

214 total posts


Debate Formula???

I plan on breastfeeding, but just realized I should probably have formula in the house just incase...

Brand suggestions and why do you feel one is better than the other?


Posted 12/2/08 2:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

4580 total posts


Re: Debate Formula???

I used Similac Organic with dd #1 once she stopped EBF (at 9 months) because we felt that organic formula was important to us and this was an easy one to find in the stores...I think its really about what works for your baby...I didn't buy any in advance for either baby since I didn't know if I would need it and could always send my DH to CVS to buy some if necessary.

Posted 12/2/08 2:57 PM

Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06

13519 total posts


Re: Debate Formula???

we are planning on using Walmart brand formula. Its the same as the similac, but half the price. Several friends and girls on here recommended it.

P.S. I would not buy it ahead of time though. You never know, you may need a certain type (ie soy, etc).

Posted 12/2/08 3:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

1179 total posts


Re: Debate Formula???

you will be sent home with samples from the hospital to start...

i EBF for 3 months with DD#1 and then tried similac and enfamil. we used the similac soy for a while and then switched to similac milk.

so far with DD#2 i am EBFing for now but have the samples as a backup if need be. you may have to experiment with a few brands before you figure out what works out best.

Posted 12/2/08 3:11 PM

im a big girl!

Member since 2/07

4536 total posts


Re: Debate Formula???

my neice has really bad acid reflux since birth shes about 4 months now. and shes on Enfamil Gentlease and its been a god send!

Posted 12/2/08 3:13 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Debate Formula???

I was BF'ing but not producing enough milk so at a week old we had to supplement with formula. By 6 weeks though she was exclusively on the formula.

We started with the Enfamil Lipil with Iron (yellow can) and she has never had a problem with it. She was never gassy or uncomfortable and except for a few little exorcist style spit-ups in the beginning she's been doing great with it. We have her on the ready to feed cans though because early on when we tried the powder her stomach didn't tolerate it well. At her 3 month visit we're going to see about trying her on the powder version again since the ready to feed is so much more expensive.

Posted 12/2/08 4:12 PM


Member since 4/07

22952 total posts


Re: Debate Formula???

I went into the hospital planning to breastfeed, however it just didn't work out for me. I used what the hospital gave me, and then they gave me a can to bring home. We then went out and bought more formula.

We have B on Similac Advance-it's a blue container-he does very well.

Message edited 12/10/2012 2:17:05 PM.

Posted 12/2/08 4:16 PM

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