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Did anyone love being pregnant?

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Member since 8/05

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Did anyone love being pregnant?

My sister always tell me being pregnant was such a great time in her life and she loved being the point that I could see her being a surogate for the right person.

With all these threads on morning sickness, tiredness, back pain, etc...i was wondering is there anyone out there who really enjoyed their pregnancy?? Or should i assume my sister is not telling me the truth...LOL.

Posted 2/9/06 4:30 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I did, I honestly had the best pregnancy.
I never experienced ms or nothing like that.
i looked great, radiant, never looked tired.
I even worked until my seventh month.

I loved it.

Posted 2/9/06 4:34 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I haven't have the best pregnancy, but it hasn't been the worst either. I'm getting more and more uncomfortable as time goes by and especially now that I'm in my 3rd trimester.

But I can honestly say that I really enjoy being pregnant. Especially now that I can feel her movements and I can tell when she's sleeping. I love it.

I don't know if I could be a surrogate Mom though, I don't think I could get this attached to the baby and give her/him away.

Posted 2/9/06 4:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

With my first, I enjoyed being pregnant. It was a really easy pregnancy up until the last 2 weeks or so, but I wasn't one of those women who missed being pg.

This time I was a lot more sick in the first 3 months, but I feel fine now. It's a lot harder to focus on the pregnancy this time since I'm chasing Sarah around all day long. Sometimes when the baby moves it takes me a second to realize what it is. Crazy, right?

Posted 2/9/06 4:43 PM

Proud SAHM

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I LOVED being pregnant with my first.. never felt sick, had tons of energy..
Really looked foward to being pregnant again.

Second time was totally different.
Sick as a dog.. swollen, backpain..I wouldnt change it for anything of course Chat Icon

Posted 2/9/06 4:49 PM

so outrageous

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

when I had my first son I loved it I was in awwww....I also was alot younger and I think my body just handled it better!

Posted 2/9/06 5:02 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I think if I had a pregnancy with no problems I would of enjoyed it. I had pre eclampsia, and bed rest for 2 months. I also delivered my baby 7 weeks early and she was in the NICU for a while.
but i would do it all again....

Posted 2/9/06 6:22 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I was telling DH that I miss being pg. I had a really good pg, no morning sickness.

Posted 2/9/06 6:30 PM

I'm Gonna be a Big Brother

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I absolutely loved being PG. I really am going to miss it. It's almost sad to me in a way that I won't be able to protect him the way I have been for the last 9 months. I didn't have any complications, felt great and never really changed my daily activities. I am one of the lucky ones I guess!

Posted 2/9/06 7:40 PM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I was blessed with a great pregnancy thus far -no morning sickness - dizziness, few food aversions etc...

I've enjoyed wearing maternity clothes and shopping for the baby - its given me a rush and sense of well-being that has inspired me and given me a responsibility and love for this little person growing inside of me - now im at my last straw and can't wait to meet this baby. Now, my only worry is that motherhood will come natural to me.

Posted 2/9/06 7:41 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I have enjoyed the whole process. Strangely enough I love my maternity clothes and look forward to Dr visits. I'm 4 weeks away from birth and it's just starting to get to me but thus far it's been an absolute joy!

Posted 2/10/06 7:20 AM

Best Friends

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

LOVED IT!!!! Had a great pregnancy and I worked until 1 hour before deliveryChat Icon

Posted 2/10/06 8:12 AM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I loved it and I miss being pregnant. I was five days late and I swear I didn't mind and could have beem pregnant for another nine months. I felt wonderful and except for gestational diabetes I had a wonderful pregnancy.

Posted 2/10/06 8:44 AM

Mom of Three

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

This is my third pregnancy and despite the different ailments with each one, I love being pg. Im sad at times with this one b/c this is my last pregnancy, we are done. I want to enjoy every single minute, which is just not possible for many reasons including having 2 young kids already who have no concept on giving their preggo Mama a break LOL. But overall, I do love being preggo. Even with the m/s, back problems, lack of energy, swollen ankles, c/s recovery, etc. etc.

Posted 2/10/06 8:50 AM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

Posted by LnR6604

It's almost sad to me in a way that I won't be able to protect him the way I have been for the last 9 months.

Aw! How beautiful! I think any Mom or Mom-to-be can appreciate your words and feelings.

Posted 2/10/06 8:52 AM


Member since 9/05

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

Posted by MrsJ

I haven't have the best pregnancy, but it hasn't been the worst either. I'm getting more and more uncomfortable as time goes by and especially now that I'm in my 3rd trimester.

But I can honestly say that I really enjoy being pregnant. Especially now that I can feel her movements and I can tell when she's sleeping. I love it.

I don't know if I could be a surrogate Mom though, I don't think I could get this attached to the baby and give her/him away.

I feel the same exact way.

Posted 2/10/06 9:01 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I don't know if I would say I "loved" being pregnant but my pg was easy physically and I did enjoy it. Mentally and emotionally I had a hard time with the fact that it was an unplanned PG. But physically - no m/s, no heartburn, no swelling, etc. I did get alot of the typical stuff...leg cramps, bleeding gums, uncomfortable in the last month, etc... but nothing too bad that I felt a need to complain.

My pg was a breeze so I did get to enjoy it.

Posted 2/10/06 9:08 AM

She's 7!!!

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I'm enjoying it. Except for heart burn, I haven't had many problems. I am still as active as ever, and I feel great- and I am 30 weeks.

Posted 2/10/06 9:14 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I loved to see how my body changed and the feeling of the kicking was amazing. I don't know if I miss being pregnant because all I said at the end (carring around all that weight) was....I can't wait until this baby is OUT!!!

But people are a lot nicer to you when you're pregnant...don't you notice???

Posted 2/10/06 10:12 AM

I ♥ my boys!

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I LOVE being pregnant, even though I had some complications early in this pregnancy.
Now I am getting pretty uncomfortable at almost 32 wks and starting to get that feeling that I want to have this baby already. But, I know I will miss being pregnant as I did when I had my first son. It's so wonderful to have this bond with this little person inside of you and only you get to enjoy for 9 mths. I LOVE being pregnant! Chat Icon

Message edited 2/10/2006 11:10:03 AM.

Posted 2/10/06 11:09 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I may be one of the only ones, but I did not enjoy being pregnant (on a whole).

I loved feeling her move and watching my belly grow, etc, but on a whole I felt crappy. I also had gestational diabetes.

Posted 2/10/06 11:27 AM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I have been blessed with a good pregnancy so far. Never had m/s. I'm still in the second trimester and haven't hit the Third but i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be as good as the 1st and 2nd.

I'm enjoying being pregnant. You get to get away with so much stuff because of your condition, I love it...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 2/10/2006 11:32:30 AM.

Posted 2/10/06 11:32 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

Things I liked about being pregnant:
No period for 10 months (and the 8 months pp).
My bodacious ta-tas that came along with pregnancy.
Feeling the baby move around like a shark under water

Things I didn't like:
Unauthorized touching by co-workers or worse, strangers
Weight gain
Swollen Ankles
Breast soreness
Stabbing crotch pains or pressure
Having my thighs look like treetrunks
Having to pee every 20 minutes
Having everything my husband does that annoy me be magnified 100x because now I have to be permanently tied to him.
Having strangers ask a million personal questions like:
Was this planned? Smart *** answer: I still don't know how I could have gotten pregnant, all we did was kiss.
How many centimeters are you dialated? Smart *** answer: Are you asking me how big my crotch is?

So other than the end result, pregnancy really s*cked for me.

Posted 2/10/06 2:46 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

Posted by nrthshgrl

Having my thighs look like treetrunks
Having to pee every 20 minutes

Having strangers ask a million personal questions like:
Was this planned? Smart *** answer: I still don't know how I could have gotten pregnant, all we did was kiss.
How many centimeters are you dialated? Smart *** answer: Are you asking me how big my crotch is?

LMAO!!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/06 2:49 PM

My boys

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Re: Did anyone love being pregnant?

I loved it and I never thought I would say that. I'm a whimpy person when it comes to needles and the thought of giving birth made me nuts! But I can honestly say I loved being pregnant. I was one of the lucky ones with no MS and I had a pretty easy pregnancy until 35 weeks when I ended up in the hospital for a week and had endless blood tests and lots of poking and prodingChat Icon .....BUT I loved it and look forward to doing it againChat Icon

Posted 2/10/06 2:59 PM
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