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Did anyones DC get a rash following the prevnar or polio vaccine?

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Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

7178 total posts


Did anyones DC get a rash following the prevnar or polio vaccine?

So DS had these two shots wed night (one in each thigh) and woke up this AM with a rash on the side he got the prevnar. I wasn't sure if it was anything, maybe something rubbed against him so i went to work and when i picked him up from my SIL she mentioned the rash too. So i called the doctor and went straight over. By the time i got there, he had a rash on both thighs, right by both shots, but the doctor and nurses try telling me its NOT related to the vaccinations, etc. in fact my doctor said its an "unexplained rash" that coincidentally is showing up, in that area the same time as the vaccinations . ********! they are just trying to cover their ***. So i start naming other things maybe it could be b/c just a rash in a 5 month old, isnt good enough, so i mention the cats at my SIL, and that we started cereal this week, everything i suggest is answered by no, it s just a rash. one of the nurses at first even suggested a spider/bug bite, which the doctor said no to also.
So he told me to use epson salt compresses on it and it will clear up in a couple days. Well i am not satisfied with that. If it is related to the vaccinations, i have a right to know AND need to know for next time, b/c you better beleive i wont be giving my DS either shot for a while.
this is why i split up my shots and make them give only 2 per visit and one in each leg, b/c if god forbid they have a reaction and this was the combined shot (some doctors combine like 4 or 5 shots in to one), i would not know which one it is.
So i am just wondering, if anyone else's DC got a rash following any vaccinations and should i be concerned? should i go to someone else for a 2nd opinion?

Message edited 11/30/2007 8:25:27 PM.

Posted 11/30/07 8:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 11/06

9543 total posts


Re: Did anyones DC get a rash following the prevnar or polio vaccine?

I was told by my Ped that there is no reaction to the Prevnar, well I say BULL$hit, my daughter had a wicked reaction. Rash, fever, and crying for 2 days. I don't care what he said, IT WAS THE SHOT!

Posted 11/30/07 10:17 PM


Member since 10/06

4563 total posts


Re: Did anyones DC get a rash following the prevnar or polio vaccine?

my friend just told me her DD had a fever reaction from the prevnar. i had never even heard of that shot-is that the pneumonia one? is it new? sorry to be so ignorant!
i hope your DS is feeling ok and the rash has cleared!

Message edited 11/30/2007 10:56:14 PM.

Posted 11/30/07 10:55 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

19197 total posts


Re: Did anyones DC get a rash following the prevnar or polio vaccine?

B - Do you still have Felicia's email address? As you know she's a pediatrician, she could probably help you out!

I'm going to fm you with it anyway.

Message edited 11/30/2007 10:59:20 PM.

Posted 11/30/07 10:58 PM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

7178 total posts


Re: Did anyones DC get a rash following the prevnar or polio vaccine?

thanks guys, i feel better knowing i am not the only one. Chat Icon

Posted 12/1/07 8:58 AM

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