Do/Did you have a delivery date scheduled (C or induction) that they wouldn't let you go past?
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Member since 12/06 1905 total posts
Do/Did you have a delivery date scheduled (C or induction) that they wouldn't let you go past?
Do/Did you have a delivery date scheduled (C or induction) that they wouldn't let you go past if you didn't naturally go into labor before then?
I'm 31w and I've been asking my dr if there's a cutoff date.....he says no.
But I'm getting nervous b/c my 38th week is the week of Columbus Day. Another twin mom-to-be at the same practice (w/the same due date!) has been scheduled for a C that week.
Already, one of the days (Wed) was completely booked at LIJ so they switched her to Tues. I'm assuming that one dr won't schedule two twin deliveries for the same day, so, let's say with that plus the holiday (Mon) that 3 of those 5 days of my 38th week are probably already not an option.
I'm concerned that if I don't get booked on LIJ's schedule soon that I'll get shut out and may be forced to deliver in my 37th wk.
I'm thinking he may not be scheduling me b/c he made some comments that he didn't expect me to make it that long. BUT I AM. I'm determined to make it to 38 wks, dammit!
I go in tomorrow for a growth sono but don't have a dr appt until 8/31. I'm thinking I shouldn't wait until then to address this.
I mean, of course, I prefer to go into labor naturally and have a vaginal, but Baby A has been breech the last few times, so I want to be prepared if vaginal is not an option.
Posted 8/21/12 3:40 PM |
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Member since 3/06 3428 total posts
Do/Did you have a delivery date scheduled (C or induction) that they wouldn't let you go past?
alot of hospitals do not allow doctors to schedule a c-section before 39 weeks unless there is a specific reason. The insurance sompanies have been pushing this because early inductions and c-sections cost them more in fees for failed inductions, nicu costs, and others. I never had a scheduled date. I deliverd my twins at 36 weeks and oth did not have to go tot he nicu
i would not worry about a doc doing more than one twin c-section in a day - doctors can do many c-sections in a day, and if you water breaks or something changes they will fit you in. Emergiencies always bump scheduled c-sections - that is why they don't over schedule c-sections
Posted 8/21/12 3:46 PM |
Member since 12/06 1905 total posts
Re: Do/Did you have a delivery date scheduled (C or induction) that they wouldn't let you go past?
Posted by snowprincess
alot of hospitals do not allow doctors to schedule a c-section before 39 weeks unless there is a specific reason. The insurance sompanies have been pushing this because early inductions and c-sections cost them more in fees for failed inductions, nicu costs, and others. I never had a scheduled date. I deliverd my twins at 36 weeks and oth did not have to go tot he nicu
i would not worry about a doc doing more than one twin c-section in a day - doctors can do many c-sections in a day, and if you water breaks or something changes they will fit you in. Emergiencies always bump scheduled c-sections - that is why they don't over schedule c-sections
Thank you, that's very helpful info!
Posted 8/21/12 3:50 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/11 1402 total posts
Re: Do/Did you have a delivery date scheduled (C or induction) that they wouldn't let you go past?
Posted by snowprincess
alot of hospitals do not allow doctors to schedule a c-section before 39 weeks unless there is a specific reason. The insurance sompanies have been pushing this because early inductions and c-sections cost them more in fees for failed inductions, nicu costs, and others. I never had a scheduled date. I deliverd my twins at 36 weeks and oth did not have to go tot he nicu
i would not worry about a doc doing more than one twin c-section in a day - doctors can do many c-sections in a day, and if you water breaks or something changes they will fit you in. Emergiencies always bump scheduled c-sections - that is why they don't over schedule c-sections
I agree with this totally. Just so you know, I called Dr H today to discuss my converns with.. you hould def call him if you feel like you want to adress it.. I dont think he's in tomorrow to speak to him.. Based on what you've been tellng me, I assumed they expected you to have a vag delivery and you had no reason to have a csection... maybe you have a better chance of baby A flipping than I do b/c of the room they have... Try not to go by anyone else's experience... its different for everyone. I hope baby A flips for you too!
Its, its like snowprincess said they wont schcedule more than x amount due to emergency/urgent c section for those who go into labor on their own..
The only thing I can offer is that 10/10 is a popular date-that's why it's booked. If you go into labor they can't tell you to go home, you can't have your baby... I realized this week that there's a 1 in 7 chance that Dr H will deliver us anyway.. so after that, it really doesnt matter who it is so the date's not impt anymore.
Message edited 8/21/2012 4:36:39 PM.
Posted 8/21/12 4:35 PM |
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