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Do you go away without your DH?

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I'm a PANK!!!

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Professional Aunts No Kids

Do you go away without your DH?

I do a few times a year. I have a few scrapbooking weekends that I am away...sometimes in NJ and sometimes right on LI. I also go away once a year with my sorority sisters for a wine fest in Ocean city MD.

He has no problem with it, of course I am not going away to get laid, but to hang out with my friends. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 8:13 AM


Member since 10/07

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I don't know if we will be childless permanently, but we don't have any right now. Anyway, yes I have gone away and will in the future. I didn't get married until I was 39.5 so I did alot of traveling alone and with friends. I just went to see some friends OOS last week. I told DH that if doesn't want to go to Italy in the next few years, I will go without him.

Posted 3/10/09 8:31 AM

~We Did it~

Member since 7/06

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

Yes, at least once a year. I think its really healthy for the relationship.

Posted 3/10/09 8:35 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/08

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I have not and probably wont. Right now I want to experience new places and things with him but of course that may change.

Posted 3/10/09 9:34 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Do you go away without your DH?

oh yes...I've been quite a few places without him, while we were dating and since being married.

him too. sometimes you need a break Chat Icon

he is still my all time favorite travel partner though. Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 9:55 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I've traveled without him, and would again. Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 9:57 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/09

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I have gone to my parents condo in Flordia...I was off and he had work. Also weekend jaunts with college friends. I do not like to go to anywhere "new" without him though bc I like to experiene it with himChat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 10:14 AM

Totally in love

Member since 8/06

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

If I'm going to spend $$$, I want nookie when I get there, so DH comes with. Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 10:26 AM

love lockdown

Member since 11/07

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I haven't yet..but I definitely would consider it! Hopefully next year I can get away w/the girls Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 10:49 AM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

Posted by BJandDan

If I'm going to spend $$$, I want nookie when I get there, so DH comes with. Chat Icon

AHAHAHA! Chat Icon

its like you're in my head. Chat Icon

i'm not a fan of going away without DH...i like vacations with him. only a couple times i've done it, and i didn't have as much as without him. same for him.

Posted 3/10/09 10:54 AM

Happily Ever After

Member since 9/08

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I went to a family event without him outside the country and he has also gone away for a weekend. We prefer to go away together but if it's a situation out of our control then the person that has the obligation will go alone. I was miserable without him though when I went. Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 11:05 AM

Living a dream

Member since 1/08

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I travel for work and in the past have spent a few extra days wherever I am with friends. I haven't been anywhere exciting with my new company yet to do this. I plan to in October though!

Posted 3/10/09 11:09 AM

Now Zagat Rated!

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

Only for business. If we're going to spend money on a vaction of any sort, it has to be for both of us.

Posted 3/10/09 11:32 AM

BOOOO for fall!

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Meaning a NON ttcer!

Re: Do you go away without your DH?

Only for business so far...

But if the opportunity arose for a girls' weekend or something I'm sure I'd go! Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 11:32 AM


Member since 8/08

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I haven't since we got married (6 months ago) but I am actually going to Jamiaca with my mom, sister and aunt for a girls trip next month.

Posted 3/10/09 11:42 AM

Love my Furbaby

Member since 10/07

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I used to. I still would but the friend I would always go with and I aren't close anymore so I just need a new travel buddy !

Posted 3/10/09 12:56 PM


Member since 1/09

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

i do! Not all the time but I go away every so often.

Posted 3/10/09 1:36 PM

this is bliss.......

Member since 10/08

1234 total posts


Re: Do you go away without your DH?

Absolutely! I travel without him for work about 5-6 times yearly and also take an annual vacation with my two best friends and sometimes fly down to florida to visit family alone.

he doesnt mind at all and has gone away without me too

Posted 3/10/09 1:44 PM


Member since 8/08

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

Yes, for work sometimes and also with other friends. I might go solo this year. I get twice as much time as he does so I like to get away when I can and he's cool with it (I'm sure it's a vaca for him too!!) Chat Icon

Posted 3/10/09 1:52 PM

DD: July 11, 2011!!

Member since 6/08

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Gina Marie

Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I have only done it once when I went to Montauk with my friend. I will be again for my cousins bachelorette party when we go to Montauk for the weekend. We usually go with each other when we go away. It is rare when we do.

Posted 3/10/09 2:12 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/09

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I haven't yet but am totally willing to.

I've told DH that whenever he wants to go visit his friends in Chicago (that's where he is from) it's ok with me. I don't have to go each and every time.

Posted 3/10/09 2:20 PM

live laugh love

Member since 8/06

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I did once. Nearly 2 years ago I went to Europe for a week with my cousin, and DH actually just told me last night that he was offended by that. Chat Icon Way to let me know when it's too late to do anything about it! So I guess I won't be doing that anymore... I think he'd be fine with something less extravagant, like a weekend away though. We've already done overnights separately, and we've also gone to visit family separately when the other couldn't get off work.

Posted 3/10/09 3:04 PM

<3 I <3 my DD <3

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

It hasn't happened yet....but if I wanted to, he wouldn't be against it at puppy may be though LOL

Posted 3/10/09 5:37 PM


Member since 5/08

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

Nope. He wouldn't be opposed to it though. It just never happened.

I like to travel with other couples - and then me and the other chick will go off and do our own thing one day - shopping, drinking, spa-ing.

Posted 3/10/09 5:44 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

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Re: Do you go away without your DH?

I haven't done it often, but DH has gone away for several bachelor party trips.

Posted 3/10/09 8:50 PM
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