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I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22141 total posts
Do you have house plants?
I'm sure this will get moved because of the word 'house'. Anyway, I was thinking about what to give someone as a little gift and I realized that I never noticed plants in their home. Then I started thinking about other houses that I've been to and how they didn't have house plants either. I grew up with a mother and grandmother who had plants everywhere!!!
So, anyway, do you have plants in your home?
What kind do you have?
Do you think they make good gifts?
Message edited 3/21/2009 11:18:00 AM.
Posted 3/21/09 10:37 AM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: Do you have house plants?
We have an huge, obnoxious fake tree in our home. It doesn't fit at all, but its comical.
Posted 3/21/09 10:44 AM |

Member since 2/07 17374 total posts
Re: Do you have house plants?
i've never been very good with plans, but i keep trying.
right now i have four. i can not tell you what types, because i honestly don't know.
i'm praying i don' kill anything
Posted 3/21/09 10:55 AM |
Totally in love

Member since 8/06 12785 total posts
Name: Bonnie-Jean
Re: Do you have house plants?
I have African Violet, a pretty big filadendron, and about 5 other plants that I don't know the name of, just liked how they looked. I enjoy caring for them every couple of days. Some need more TLC than the others.
Here's a bunch that I don't know the names of... the one in the front grows like CRAZY without any care, just drown it every few days.
One that I got the other day that doesn't even need to stay in water or dirt, just drown it twice a week.
My fiadendron which I just repotted because the last pot was getting too small it would fall over
Forgot about my bamboo, another good one for non green thumbers.
Message edited 3/21/2009 11:22:15 AM.
Posted 3/21/09 10:58 AM |
So Dam* Lucky

Member since 10/08 6368 total posts
Re: Do you have house plants?
We have a large bamboo that we've had for a couple of years now. It was pretty small when we first got it but it now has to be about 2.5 feet tall. I'm pretty proud of it cause I usually kill plants in record times. lol
Posted 3/21/09 11:13 AM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: Do you have house plants?
Posted by BJandDan
the one in the front grows like CRAZY without any care, just drown it every few days.
Front left is Kalanchoe, front right looks like some kind of sedum. Both are in the succulent/cactus family which is why they don't require much water. They store water in their 'leaves'. 
Right now, all I have is a huge corn plant, a chinese evergreen which isn't a high-light plant but tends to get leggy over time, about 20 orchids, a christmas cactus and another spiny cactus.
In the past, I've grown coleus, african violets, spider plants, dracaena, ficus, kalanchoe, asparagus fern, all types of cactus, jade plant, and probably others I can't remember.
I used to get cuttings and 'extras' from other people that I worked with so I had a lot of things that I didn't necessarily know what they were and how to care for them. Until I learned to identify them and their needs, I killed a lot too.
Posted 3/21/09 11:31 AM |
Totally in love

Member since 8/06 12785 total posts
Name: Bonnie-Jean
Re: Do you have house plants?
Posted by greenfreak
Posted by BJandDan
the one in the front grows like CRAZY without any care, just drown it every few days.
Front left is Kalanchoe, front right looks like some kind of sedum. Both are in the succulent/cactus family which is why they don't require much water. They store water in their 'leaves'. 
I was hoping you would respond and knew you would know the name
The one on the front right was a project for DHs class last year. He was teaching them it would spiral around, growing toward the sun if they spun it everyday.
Posted 3/21/09 11:35 AM |

Member since 9/06 11483 total posts
Name: greenfreak
Re: Do you have house plants?
My pleasure! 
I'm pretty sure that you could snip a nice sized piece off, put it in water, it will grow roots, and you could stick it in the soil to fill up the pot too. Sedum likes a lot of light so they'll be more compact if they get a few hours of light from a southern exposure.
I make a potted plant each spring for my mother's patio table and I always put some kind of succulent in it, they're so easy and cute!
Posted 3/21/09 12:32 PM |
Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06 7390 total posts
Re: Do you have house plants?
my mom and grandma had plants everywhere... me i seem to neglect them a little too much...
Posted 3/21/09 12:45 PM |

Member since 1/09 5476 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Do you have house plants?
I have a spider plant and a few herbs (legal) and one fake tree. I would have more plants but the few windows that get sun are taken up with the above plants now. Easy care just water and clip off the dead.
When we get a house hopefully I can actually grow a damn garden outside and keep indoors for a few more plants.
Posted 3/21/09 2:36 PM |
My little lamb

Member since 8/05 12633 total posts
Name: aka momma2b
Re: Do you have house plants?
i'm a plant killer, so no! lol
Posted 3/21/09 3:19 PM |
Hey baby!
Member since 6/05 1855 total posts
Name: me
Re: Do you have house plants?
I have many orchids. They're really easy and highly addictive
Posted 3/21/09 3:30 PM |

Member since 5/05 13736 total posts
Re: Do you have house plants?
I had real plants in my own apt, none since I moved in with DH.
Posted 3/21/09 6:25 PM |
Life is Good!

Member since 7/07 7979 total posts
Re: Do you have house plants?
The only one I haven't killed yet is a bamboo plant my grandmother gave us as a housewarming present, and I had to get rid of one of the stalks about a month ago because it was starting to die. But it lasted 2+ years, which is more than I can say for any other plant that has been in my apartment!
Posted 3/21/09 9:02 PM |
Rocking the party

Member since 5/05 4937 total posts
Name: Vicki
Re: Do you have house plants?
I have an African Violet for over a year now - I'm excited I haven't killed it! I also have a cactus which needs to be repotted (I'll be bringing it to the nursery for that!), and something else, which I have no idea what it is. I water everything once a week.
Posted 3/21/09 9:28 PM |
look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07 7364 total posts
Name: aka marriedinportjeff
Re: Do you have house plants?
We have about 9 of them... including a GORGEOUS christmas cactus which is still blooming
Posted 3/21/09 9:57 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Do you have house plants?
I used to have two plants; a bamboo and a diffenbachia (sp?). The bamboo plant lived for 5 years but when we moved here 3 1/2 years ago it stopped growing. It finally died about 3 months ago. The diffenbachia is doing well. I water it every so often. It even flowered for me in July and still has the flower. This past week it started to sprout an offshoot. I am proud because I don't have a green thumb. My backyard needs work. Thankfully my homeowners assn takes care of the front so it looks nice.
Posted 3/21/09 10:00 PM |
Member since 5/05 30390 total posts
Name: really
Re: Do you have house plants?
nope, the smell of soil makes me sneeze.
Posted 3/21/09 11:26 PM |
Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05 20046 total posts
Name: Gerty ®
Re: Do you have house plants?
I have a spider plant, diffenbachia, peace lily, african violet and an oleander tree. The tree goes outside in the summer and comes back in every winter.
In response to the gifts question - I think it's based on the person you are giving it to. It would be a good gift for me, but for someone who has a brown thumb - not so good. Also, some plants are not good to have around animals. My animals don't really bother with the plants, but my mother's cats love to eat any plant that comes into the house. We actually got 2 peace lilies last year and I gave one away because I found out they were poisonous to animals. The one I kept is up high where the cat won't bother with it.
Message edited 3/22/2009 8:45:45 AM.
Posted 3/22/09 8:37 AM |
I hate ants and ugly people.

Member since 3/07 6437 total posts
Name: Chris
Re: Do you have house plants?
I have one orchid and I can't believe it's still alive...
Posted 3/22/09 8:38 AM |