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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
Of course I have all of these symptoms (obviously just in my head) and now I'm thinking -- I didn't take either test (yesterday or today) with FMU.
Yesterday took it around mid-afternoon. Today took it about 20 mins after already going to the bathroom. Both tests resulted in a whole lot of NOTHING!
Do you think this could make a difference in the results? OR am I just totally reaching here - and if so, bring me back to reality girls!
Tomorrow is CD31 - and 15DPO. My cycles are anywhere from 30-34 days long. I have no idea how long my luteal phase normally is. UGH! I just feel so so so off that if I'm not pregnant I need to get a z-pac or something bc I feel like crap!!!
Thanks for listening to me whine
Message edited 11/4/2008 8:36:55 PM.
Posted 11/4/08 8:36 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
nicholas is one!!

Member since 9/07 6081 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
if youre 15 dpo and cd 31, i think that u should try testing tomorrow with fmu just to make sure
Posted 11/4/08 8:43 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
If you are doing the digital, you may not get a result like a regular POAS. There are no as acurate early on.
Some people get BFNs but are PG. So unless you have AF, there is a chance. And they get a BFP days later AF was due.
When I was PG with DS, I felt sick like I had a bad cold.
Test with a "regular" POAS and do it with FMU.
Message edited 11/4/2008 8:57:54 PM.
Posted 11/4/08 8:56 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
No...I dont think I ever tested with FMU and got BFP's as early as 9dpo with a mid afternoon pee.
After say 14dpo...any time would be fine.
Im sorry
Posted 11/4/08 9:33 PM |
Mommy of 2

Member since 5/05 6787 total posts
Name: Christy
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
I think it matters! I took an HPT with FMU and got a positive, then another one later in the day and got a negative. Your hormone levels are so low in the beginning. GOOD LUCK GIRL!!!!!!!!!
Posted 11/4/08 9:51 PM |
Team Pink!

Member since 12/06 5349 total posts
Name: Katie
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
i def think it matters that early on. some women take much longer to get a bfp on an hpt than others even when they are definitely pregnant!
Posted 11/5/08 12:22 AM |
So blessed!

Member since 11/06 10348 total posts
Name: Ivelysse
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
They say that FMU is best.
On that note I got a BFP on a dollar tree test at around 3 pm in the afternoon at 10 DPO. But I have a short LP so 10 days was the day AF was due for me.
Good luck!
Posted 11/5/08 5:47 AM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
I just tested this morning with FMU and still BFN.
Just a waiting game for AF to show now.
Posted 11/5/08 9:07 AM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
Posted by Diana1215
I just tested this morning with FMU and still BFN.
Just a waiting game for AF to show now.
Some people do not get a BFP right away. I have heard of 10 days after AF was due.
I keep for you.
Posted 11/5/08 9:10 AM |
Member since 4/08 15553 total posts
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
The reasoning makes sense....
read the box of the test itself - if you are testing PRIOR to a late period, you NEED FMU. The hormone will be MOST present then. The chances of an accurate reading are also LESSENED the earlier you are testing.
if AF is late - time of day does NOT matter.
For me - i was 2 days late and tested at 8:30 PM, after drinking a soda and got two positives. I got the positive on the digital at 10:00 PM.
Posted 11/5/08 9:45 AM |

Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
Di, I tested one late afternoon, 4 days before AF was due, BFN
Then i tested a day after AF was due with FMU and that is when i got my very very faint line-BFP.
hang in there,
Posted 11/5/08 12:57 PM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
i think if you are past 15DPO you should get an accurate result at any time.. FMU is best when testing early , before AF is due
Posted 11/5/08 1:12 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
Thanks everyone for responding! It's just a waiting game for AF to show up now!
Posted 11/5/08 1:28 PM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
Posted by Diana1215
Thanks everyone for responding! It's just a waiting game for AF to show up now!
i really hope this is it for you!! ill be waiting for your update!!
Posted 11/5/08 1:31 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Do you think FMU really matters when taking HPT?
Posted by Diana1215
I just tested this morning with FMU and still BFN.
Just a waiting game for AF to show now.
aw crap Diana I am so sorry.. I was hoping that you would get your BFP this month...
I know that it ain't over until AF shows but I know you want to be realistic too.. hang in there and I will still continue to send
Posted 11/5/08 3:19 PM |