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Do you volunteer on a regular basis?

Forum Opinion Poll
Yes 9 34.62%
No 4 15.38%
I always have the intention to, but just don't 12 46.15%
other 1 3.85%

Do you Volunteer on a regular basis?

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Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Do you Volunteer on a regular basis?

(even if it's something you do only once a year,,, but always do that certain thing Every year).

Posted 2/5/06 1:18 PM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: Do you Volunteer on a regular basis?

in college, we did so many philanthropies, etc... and were so proactive about volunteering. from soup kitchens, to clothing drives, going to the childrens hospital every week to entertain the kids, etc.. and it was so awesome.

these days, i feel like all i do is donate blood and give money when theyre raising it for different causes, but its not hands on the way i used to be. I always *say* i want to start actively volunteering again, but i never follow up on my words Chat Icon

last year, i taught a religion class, but it wasn't the same (and i didnt really enjoy it... but that couldve been because i had 7th graders Chat Icon Chat Icon )

Posted 2/5/06 1:24 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: Do you Volunteer on a regular basis?

I was in a full time volunteer program for 2 years after I finished college. I used to volunteer on a more regular basis after leaving that program, but I went back to school to change careers and have had a tough time fitting it into my life, so I have just done a few things here and there.

I am hoping when I finish in May to start something else on a more regualr basis.

Posted 3/12/06 10:50 AM

Merry Christmas!

Member since 5/05

2875 total posts

It's not the's the journey!

Re: Do you Volunteer on a regular basis?

Over the last 3 years, I have volunteered each summer for either 1 or 2 days at a childrens bereavement camp set up in memory of my cousins husband. I also volunteer at the golf outing which raises the $ to support the camp each October.

The club I ride with....almost all the big rides we do are charity based. So at the sign up point there is a donation made to a certain charity that is being supported through that days ride.

So while I am not picking any specific charities to donate my time to on a regular basis....I am definately doing charitable deeds on a regular basisChat Icon

Posted 3/12/06 10:33 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 5/06

-9 total posts


Re: Do you Volunteer on a regular basis?

I started about five and a half years ago at RESPONSE of Suffolk County, a crisis hotline. People would always say to me, wow, that must be soo difficult... Actually it was amazing. Learning a new skill and talking to people who, for the most par,t really appreciate the time, is such a great feeling. I still help on the phones every once in a while, but the skills i learned i use everyday in my own life! There isnt a day that goes by that doesnt have a crisis in it for my kids!
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Posted 5/5/06 12:34 PM

Eva Luna
Be's hard!

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Re: Do you Volunteer on a regular basis?

Mine is #3. I always want to...but haven't! Chat Icon

Posted 5/22/06 12:28 AM

I might steal your diamonds

Member since 2/06

4680 total posts


Re: Do you Volunteer on a regular basis?

I haven't in a long time. I did a lot of it in high school and college; I've been meaning to but I never make the time. Chat Icon

Posted 5/22/06 1:16 PM

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