DOE teacher Pay steps? help please?
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LIF Zygote
Member since 8/15 8 total posts
DOE teacher Pay steps? help please?
Hey! So i need help...Every time I look at the pay steps & differentials my brain turns to mush! So I currently have my BA & Masters (currently working on my +30) and I started teaching in the DOE September 2011. This past Sept would have been 5 years but I was on maternity leave this September 2016-November 30th, 2016. But I've been back to work now 3 months (as march 1st). I'm trying to figure out where I should be, because my check just doesn't seem right. I'd appreciate any help! Thanks!!
I tried to upload a pic of the scale but its not working... this is the link
DOE pay scale
Message edited 2/26/2017 12:28:49 PM.
Posted 2/26/17 12:21 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/16 2921 total posts
DOE teacher Pay steps? help please?
so you are probably on step 4B since you were on maternity leave, and should go to 5A in May or whenever they do the next step increase. If you are step 4B, you should be $60,293. If it's 5A, it's $60,959. I am looking at C2+ PD. You can log onto payroll portal and view what your salary is on there, and then look at the salary schedule and see what it matches up with
Posted 2/26/17 2:13 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 8/15 8 total posts
DOE teacher Pay steps? help please?
Makes sense! Thank you!
Posted 2/28/17 8:31 PM |
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