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Does anyone else feel this way ?
So many women feel beautiful while pregnant and I feel the compete opposite. I feel like nothing looks right on me, I fel like my hair is always a mess and my make up look horrible... I have no desire to get dressed to go anywhere other than work.... I'm so uncomfortable and just feel downright ugly.... It is very depressing during what is also a very happy time....
Posted 9/21/14 7:20 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11 7624 total posts
Name: Momma <3
Does anyone else feel this way ?
How far along are you? I had a hard time with my appearance from like 20-23 weeks where I looked like I had put on 5 pounds, but I did not look pregnant. Once I had a real baby bump around 24-25 weeks, I felt more comfortable with my changing body.
Posted 9/22/14 5:46 AM |
Lil Prince is here

Member since 8/11 6338 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: Does anyone else feel this way ?
I started to notice changes around 8/9 weeks where I just looked bloated so that's when I bought maternity pants. Around 14 weeks I remember my stepmom saying I put on weight (was planning on announcing I was pregnant at 16 weeks to her and my dad but once she said that that idea went out the window). I didn't look pregnant to other people until 20 weeks or so. That's when people took notice and said" oh so she's not just getting fat"!
It's normal to feel the way you do.
Posted 9/22/14 7:43 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
Does anyone else feel this way ?
I do! I'm 14 weeks and haven't popped but I look like I've gained weight. I'm so bloated all the time and my boobs are uncomfortable and huge lololol. I feel like once I actually look pregnant I'll be ok. Thank goodness for yoga pants is all I can say.
Posted 9/22/14 8:58 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/12 541 total posts
Name: L
Re: Does anyone else feel this way ?
This is my second pregnancy and I feel the same. With my first (a boy) despite gaining 54lbs, i felt soooo beautiful. This time Around ( im having a girl and currently 23 weeks), I feel real blah. Im gaining less weight, yet look way bigger than I did DS. I definitely don't feel as beautiful. I try not to get so hung up over it though. In 17 weeks, it would be all worth it when we get to finally meet our little girl :). This feeling too shall pass .
Posted 9/22/14 9:22 AM |
Re: Does anyone else feel this way ?
I've always felt that way. I hate the way I look pregnant. I'm just not one of those people who rock pregnancy. I just don't feel pretty. But the outcome at the end is so worth it, so temporarily I'm fine with it.
Posted 9/22/14 10:46 AM |

Member since 9/06 4161 total posts
Name: R
Does anyone else feel this way ?
I felt that way my entire pregnancy and still cannot understand how anyone could love being pregnant LOL. I wish I did but I didn't and felt that way so you are not alone. I am not pregnant now but clearly remember who I felt. Hang in there and know it's only temporary.
Posted 9/22/14 2:29 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/10 814 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Does anyone else feel this way ?
I usually look ok pregnant but this time around I just look sick and tired. I keep breaking out and my hair is always tangled and straw like. I feel very yuck.
Posted 9/23/14 8:28 AM |
mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12 1952 total posts
Does anyone else feel this way ?
With my first, i HATED being pregnant. I hated the way I looked, the fact that I was getting so "fat" (yeah, I knew it was supposed to happen, but it still felt horrible), the way people would look at me, etc.
This time, I still don't love it (for the same reasons) but I find it a little easier to handle, for some reason. Maybe it's just that I don't have time or patience to think about it 
Don't worry - many people don't like being preggo - it doesn't mean anything and doesn't make anybody a bad person (or a bad parent)
Posted 9/23/14 9:56 AM |